Pro Player MLBB RRQ Lemon
Who anyway who don't know RRQ Lemon? Yes! players who have made RRQ proud and strengthened from the beginning until now, along with RRQ Lemon's bio.
Full name: Muhammad Ikhsan
Place and date of birth : Banda Aceh, 30 December 1998
Social Media : Instagram '@ikhsan_lemon', YouTube Channel 'RRQ Lemon' and NIMO TV 'RRQ Lemon'
Achievements: 1st place in MPL ID S2, MPL ID S5, MPL ID S 6 and MPLI, 2nd place in MSC and in the M1 tournament.
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Lemon has not only won the national tournament but he has also won the international level Lol, and one heroes his favorite is Kagura.

Kagura's Latest Revamp
Moonton always does updates every 3 months, and on updates Most recently on September 24 2021, this MLBB game did revamp on some hero-one of them is Kagura. Kagura underwent a change starting from her appearance, previously Kagura was like this.
It was also reported that Kagura's voice actor changed, this has been confirmed by several pro player Kagura who plays the version revamp, where conveyed that sound from skill-it also sounds softer and from Kagura's own dialogue it becomes two languages, English and Japanese.
A number of pro player Kagura also said that Kagura looked more mature than before, then Kagura's walking style was also slightly different than before, Lol! Apart from the visual and sound aspects skills Kagura also experienced several changes such as.

skills Passive – Yin Yang Gathering
Kagura has skills passive named Yin Yang gathering. Where Seimei Umbrella and Kagura will become one so Kagura will get shields 280 pts damage also has an effect stun for 0.5 seconds and slow 60% for 2 seconds to the closest enemy. Effect stun and slow it can only be reused after cool down 4.5 seconds.
Skill 1 – Seimei Umbrella Open
Kagura moved Seimei Umbrellas in the specified direction, giving a number magic damage 330/385/440/495/550/605, scaling 150% total magic power to enemies along the way, and effects slow 60% for 1 second.
Skill 2 – Raisho Umbrella Flee
skills this can be done in two modes, one with the Seimei Umbrella artifact and one without.
With his umbrella, Kagura can remove the effect Crowd Control for him and moved in the designated direction, leaving Seimei Umbrella behind.
Without Seimei Umbrella, Kagura moved toward the umbrella and took it while giving it magic damage 300/320/340/360/380/400 to nearby enemies taken scaling 90% Total Magic Power.
Ultimate – Yin Yang Overturn
Together with skills Raisho Umbrella Flee, ultimate skills Kagura's can also be done with or without an umbrella.
With Seimei Umbrella, Kagura gives 260/330/400 magic damage, scaling 120% Total Magic Power and give effect Knockback and slow 65% for 1 second on nearby enemies.
Without Umbrella's seimei, Kagura will give 330/360/390 magic damage, 100% Total Magic Power and effects slow to the enemies around him. then i-reset cooldown from skill 1 Seimei Umbrella Open if it's already used.
If the enemy is still trapped in the umbrella after 3 seconds, it will accept damage addition of skills one with the number 450/550/650 magic damage and 180% Total Magic Power.
Pro Player Response Kagura RRQ Lemon
Some time ago pro player RRQ Lemon held livestream on his NIMO TV account, in livestream the Lemon tried to play Kagura who was already on revamp on this occasion Lemon gave some of his comments to Kagura revamp.
“Now Kagura has used flicker and not using execute again"
Lemon also expressed his dissatisfaction with the new Kagura by saying that game play Kagura got even worse. But Lemon looks like he can still play Kagura well so don't worry about other Kagura players.
Besides that, Lemon also said that Kagura became 'sad girl' because Kagura's dialogue always mentions Hayabusa's name. This is considered reasonable because backstory they do have continuity.
Don't miss watching MPL Season 8 which will be held from Friday, 27 August 2021 to Sunday, 3 October 2021, which can be watched at:
Youtube : MPL Indonesia,
Facebook: MPL Indonesia
Nimo TV: mpl-id
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