We will review the Pharsa 2022 emblem, battle spell and build in the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. We need this so we can use this hero properly while in the game.
Moreover, recently Pharsa was nerfed in the latest patch update. Of course we need to optimize the skills he has so he can further explore the potential of this hero.
Pharsa has skills which are of course very good. Of course, it must be supported by a suitable build for the hero.
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We need to understand Pharsa's skills before deciding which build we should buy in the game. Because, by understanding these skills, we can determine what the hero needs to compete in the game.
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Because we will know what is needed to optimize Pharsa's skills. Thus, the attacks he launches at the opposing hero will be more painful.
Apart from that, the builds, emblems and battle spells can also support Pharsa with the deficiencies she has.
Pharsha emblem
There are several emblems that you can choose to use while in the game. However, you certainly have to choose the most suitable emblem so that Pharsa's skills can be more optimal.
For Pharsa, the recommended emblem for you to choose is Mage.
Battle Spell Pharsa
The battle spell that is suitable for you to use in the game is Pharsa. This was due to make it easier for Pharsa to move from one place to another.
Apart from that, this is also needed so that Pharsa can escape or catch up with the enemy heroes around her.
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Painful Pharsa Build 2022

After selecting the Emblem and Battle Spell, you also need to choose the sickest Pharsa build. The following is a Pharsa build recommendation that you can use to face other heroes in the game.
You can use this build to support Pharsa as the attacks get worse. In addition, also so that the defense of this one hero is getting better.
So, what are the items needed to compile the Pharsa build so that it can optimize the abilities of this one hero.
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Arcane Boot

The Arcane Boots item is the first thing you need to buy to get the best Pharsa build. Because, this item can increase Pharsa's Movement Speed up to +40.
Apart from that, it will also add +10 Magical Penetration to the heroes you have.
Well, Pharsa is suitable when using this item. Because Pharsa's movement in the game will be faster.
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Clock of Destiny

The next item you need to buy is the Clock of Destiny. You also have to buy this item when using Pharsa to fight with the opposing team in the game.
This item also has a Unique-Time Passive. This unique passive can provide additional up to 25 HP and 4 Magic Attacks in 20 seconds. The addition is up to a maximum of 12 times.
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Lightning Truncheon

The next item is Lightning Truncheon. This item has a number of attributes for the Pharsa you use.
You need to buy the Lightning Truncheon item to arrange the Pharsa build that hurts while in the game.
This item also has a Unique Passive-Resonate. Later, the following skills from Pharsa will bounce every 6 seconds. and will deal at most 3 enemy heroes 200-1000 Magic Damage (scales with Max Mana Hero).
Every 6 seconds, the next Skill will bounce, dealing 20-1000 Magic Damage (scaled with the Hero's Max Mana) to up to 3 enemies.
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Holy Crystals

The next Pharsa build item that you need to buy when using this hero is the Holy Crystal. You need to buy this item so that the damage dealt by Pharsa can be greater.
Because this item will provide an additional +90 Magic Power to the MLBB Pharsa that you use while in the game.
In addition, this item also has a Unique-Mystery Passive. This unique passive will later make Pharsa's Magic Attack increase up to 21 % to 35 %. The increase is also in accordance with the level of the hero you use in the game.
This item has a function like Lightning Truncheon which is to ensure that the damage from the hero we use is relatively large.
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Ice Queen Wand

The next item that is recommended for you to buy is the Ice Queen Wand. You need to buy it to compile the sickest Pharsa build.
This hero has a Unique Passive-Ice Bound. So, every Pharsa MLBB uses skills that can deal damage to opposing heroes and also give slow effects.
The slow effect that is given when using this item is up to 15 percent. Furthermore, this effect also takes place within 3 seconds. Furthermore, it can be stacked up to 2 times.
By using the Ice Queen Wand, Pharsa's passive skill can run simultaneously with Feathered Air Strike.
So, it can make it difficult for your opponent's hero to escape when hit by Pharsa's ultimate skill. You will find it easier to eliminate the opposing heroes in the game.
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Blood Wings

The next item you need to have is Blood Wings. This item will provide 150 Magic Power and an additional +500 HP for Pharsa.
This item also has a Unique Passive – Guard. Later, Pharsa will get a Shield with a power equivalent to 200 percent Magic Power.
You need to buy Blood Wings when building the Pharsa build. The unique passive of this item will also make Pharsa get another 30 Shields when it is destroyed.