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Recommended 5 Hero Counter Clint Mobile Legends 2024

Having trouble fighting Clint? Calm! Because there are a number of Clint Mobile Legends 2024 hero counters that you must try!

There are a number of hero counters Clint Mobile Legends. You can use this hero when the opposing team chooses Clint to face you in the game.

Even though his damage is like a meteor and his mobility makes your head spin, this hero can be rendered immobile.

From Claude from the nimble swordsman to Beatrix the bullet queen, you are ready to make Clint step aside in fear. Come on, check out the list and strategy so that victory is yours!

Also read: 5 Advantages of Clint's Hero in Mobile Legends, Must Buy!

List of Hero Counter Clint Mobile Legend

If you want to fight Clint, you can use one of his 5 hero counters below.


Nick ML Anime
Claude. Source: Mobile Legends

Claude is a marksman hero who has high mobility. This hero also has enormous damage, especially in the late game.

Claude can use his 2nd skill to chase Clint and do a lot of damage.

To use Claude against him, you can use your 2nd skill to chase him and give him a lot of damage.

If he uses his 1st skill to escape, you can use your 1st skill to give him a slow effect.

Also read: Recommendations for the Best Counter Claude Hero 2023, Don't Move!


Brody. Source: VCGamers

Brody is also a marksman hero who has enormous damage. This hero also has skill 2 which can have a slow effect on Clint. This will make it difficult for Clint to escape Brody's attacks.

To use Brody against Clint, you can use your 2nd skill to give Clint a slow effect. After that, you can use your 1st skill to deal big damage to him.


Starlight Bruno
Bruno. Source: YouTube

Bruno is a marksman hero who has skill 1 which can stun Clint. This will make Clint unable to move and cause damage to Bruno.

To use Bruno against Clint, you can use your 1st skill to stun Clint. After that, you can use your 2nd skill to deal big damage to him.


Build Natan Tersakit, Update Patch Mobile Legends,
Nathan. Source: YouTube.

Nathan is a marksman hero who has skill 2 which can do a lot of damage to Clint. This hero also has skill 3 which can have a slow effect on Clint.

Nathan's Skill 1 can be used to deal great damage to him. This skill can also have a slow effect on him, so that it will slow down his movements.

Nathan's Skill 3 can be used to deal enormous damage to him. This skill can also have a stun effect, so it will make him unable to move and cause damage.

Also read: Heroes Nathan and Sun Have Doppelgangers, Who's Superior?


Skin M2
Beatrix Light Chasers. Source: Mobile Legends

Beatrix is a marksman hero who has skill 1 which can do a lot of damage to Clint. This hero also has skill 2 which can have a slow effect on him.

Beatrix's 1st skill, Burst Shot, can be used to deal great damage to her. This skill can also be used to provide a slow effect, making it difficult for him to escape.

By using Beatrix correctly, you can defeat her and win the match.

Also read: Build Beatrix Items a la Lovely ASH, Anti-Lose!

Clint is a very strong marksman hero, but he also has weaknesses. By using the right counter heroes, you can beat him and win the match.

Hopefully this article can help you fight Clint in Mobile Legends. Good luck!

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