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How to Find Minecraft Redstone in the Latest Update

Redstone Minecraft is a very important seed or seed in this game. You can find it at the location on this list.
Minecraft Skyblocks
lava. Source: VCGamers.

Redstone Minecraft is a very useful resource in Minecraft which allows the player to automate the machine.

Redstone Minecraft is by far one of the most useful ores in Minecraft. It is the main ingredient for various recipes and mechanics in the game, which automate certain processes so you don't have to work as hard. Plus, it gives a lot of EXP for you to level up faster.

After Minecraft 1.18 Caves and Cliffs update, Redstone gets a new generation mechanic and becomes more accessible. In this article, we will show you how to find Redstone Minecraft in update 1.19.

How to Get Redstone Minecraft

Cheapest MLBB Diamonds!

It can be found in all biomes at block height (y level) 0-15. Fortunately, Redstone ore drops 4-5 dust per block, which makes up for the fact that it's quite deep in the ground.

Minecraft Redstone ore also tends to appear around lava pools (seen above), so players are advised to carry a bucket of water with them when mining redstone.

Mine Redstone Ore/Find Redstone Dust

Redstone Minecraft

Players can find Redstone ore generated in the Overworld in the form of lumps. They can be found at levels -63 to 15, the lower the altitude the better. For guaranteed seeds:

  • 5 lengths of redstone dust can be found in a one of a kind prison cell room in the forest house.
  • 15 lengths of redstone dust are generated naturally as part of the traps in each forest pyramid.
  • Several pieces of redstone dust can be found integrated into circuits in the Ancient City.

When mining Redstone Ore, players can get 4 or 5 redstone dust (or more with Fortune, average 6 redstone dust with Fortune III). Blocks fall on their own when mined with Silk Touch.

Witch Farm

Redstone Minecraft

Witches have a chance to drop 0–2 redstone dust on death. This increases by 1 per Loot level, for a maximum of 0–5 redstone dust. Witch huts are one of the best places to farm witches, but they require a spawn platform and light level 7 or lower.

To farm witches, players need to build spawn platforms out of huts, then construct flushing structures to funnel spawn mobs into one small area.

After that, just hit for items and XP. Besides redstone Minecraft, players can also get glowstone, sugar, gunpowder, glass bottles, spider eyes and sticks. Stronghold is a great location in Minecraft to store some redstone.

The fort houses multiple treasure chests that have different opportunities depending on the area the player finds them in.

For Alter chests, there is a 12 percent chance of finding 4-9 redstone dust, and for Warehouse chests there is an 18.6 percent chance of finding 4-9 dust. Since there are usually multiple alters, players may find themselves with more than a pile of redstone dust by the time they go!

Chest Raiding

Redstone Minecraft

Players can find large amounts of redstone dust in the chests of the resulting structures. Villager crates have the highest spawn rate, at 44.8 percent. Dungeons can provide a decent amount of redstone, provided players can find it.

Dungeons have a 26.6 percent chance of holding 1-4 redstone dust. While this is smaller than a village shrine, players will have to specifically search the village, while dungeons can be found while also searching for Redstone Ore underground. While definitely not the most efficient, dungeons can definitely help!

Trade With Villagers

Redstone Minecraft

Players can exchange some dust Redstone Minecraft of the Cleric villagers. This trade is available at the beginner level. In the Bedrock Edition, entry-level cleric villagers sell four redstone dust for one emerald.

In the Java Edition, the beginner village ustadz sells two redstone dust for one emerald. Mineshafts are home to tons of treasure chests that have the chance to hold red rock dust.

Redstone Dust has a 16.9 percent chance to spawn 4-9 dust per crate. This is good news because mine shafts are massive structures that seem to go on forever. It's almost guaranteed that players will be left with a pile of red rock dust after a long expedition in the Mineshaft

If players are lucky, they may find a mineshaft between levels 0-15, which will allow them to find redstone ore in the walls of the mineshaft.

Also read: How to Counter Darkness Effect Minecraft In Update 1.19

Villager's Gift

Redstone Minecraft
Open Minecraft

In the Java Edition, when a player has the Village Hero status effect, a cleric may throw redstone dust at that player as a reward. Players can get a decent amount of Redstone if they run a raid farm.

Village Shrines, which are the cobblestone structures seen above, have a chance to spawn Redstone Dust in their chests.

There is a 25 percent chance of finding 1-4 redstone dust in this chest, making it a fairly inefficient method. However, if the player is hunting villages, they may find themselves with a good amount of red stones at the end of the journey.

Minecraft's extensive cave system has always proven to be the most efficient way to mine ore. With giant openings and tunnels, players have a high chance of seeing the red rock on the walls or ceiling of the cave.

Players must ensure that the cave system is located between levels 0-15 or they will not find any red stones.

Also read: Top 5 Features in Minecraft 1.20 Update

Players are strongly advised to carry Fortune's magic pickaxe, which when maxed can drop up to 10 redstone dust per block!

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