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Navia Build Recommendations: Artifacts, Weapons and Talents

To make Navia's gameplay interesting and unbeatable, you have to know the best build for Navia.
Build Navia
Build Navia (Source VCGamers)

Navia is a Sub DPS with a quick swap type Genshin Impact. This means that after using Navia, after launching an Elemental skill or Elemental burst and the combo is complete, you can switch to another character. To maximize its capabilities, you need to know a good Navia build.

That doesn't mean Navia can't be On Filed like other DPS. Navia's presence makes the gameplay interesting because she has nuke damage in her elemental skills and changes Geo reactions which were previously less useful to become very good for Navia.

Moreover, the emergence of a new artifact called "Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods" is very suitable for Navia.

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For those of you who want to use Navia, we recommend the best Navia build at the moment. You can also use this build as a reference

Listen to the explanation, okay?

Also read: Navia Kit Explanation: Talent, Passive, and Counseling

Weapon Recommendations

Navia Weapon Recommendations
Navia Weapon Recommendations (Source: VCGamers)

4 stars

For 4 Star weapons, there are 3 choices that we recommend for you, namely Serpent Spine, Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword, and Sacrificial Greatsword.

Serpent Spine

This weapon is a good weapon for Navia because it has main stats Crit rate of 27.6% at lvl 90. That way you can average Navia's Crit rate because Navia plays Nuke Damage which means she has to have a high Crit rate so that every time she performs an Elemental skill it will be easy. Crit.

This weapon is also a good passive because it can increase the user's damage based on the length of time it has been on file and can be stacked up to 5, one stack of which increases the damage by 10%. However, this weapon is not F2p Friendly.

Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword

This weapon is very suitable because it has a fairly large base ATK because it has a base ATK of 565 at lvl 90.

Apart from the large ATK base, you also get an additional Energy recharge bonus because Navia's Elemental Burst is also used to collect stacks on her Elemental Skills more quickly.

Plus the passive increase in ATK which can't be said to be small is 24 % ATK not to mention the passive of all the Melusines that you have helped in Merusea Village to increase ATK again.

Sacrificial Greatsword

Just like before, this weapon is very suitable because it has a fairly large base ATK and has a base ATK of 565 at lvl 90.

The additional Energy recharge in this weapon is very useful because Navia's Elemental Burst is also used to collect stacks on her Elemental Skills more quickly.

The passive can also change Navia's own gameplay because with this weapon Navia can perform Elemental skills 3 times.

5 stars

For 5 Star weapons, there are also 3 choices that we recommend for you, namely Redhorn Stonethresher, Verdict, and Beacon of the Reed Sea.

Redhorn Stonethresher

This weapon is a good weapon for Navia because this weapon has a large main Crit damage statistic, namely around 88.2%.

That way, it will be easy for you to manage the Crit Damage because if you use this weapon, the Crit Damage you have will be very large. This weapon can also increase normal damage and ATK charge based on DEF.


There is no need to ask if you have a Navia sign weapon because this weapon has main stats crit rate, at lvl 90 there is 22.1% and a base attack of 674.

Apart from that, the passive is also very good for Navia, because the passive is related to the Crystallize reaction. If this character triggers and consumes Crystallize it will increase the ATK of the user of this weapon.

Beacons of the Reed Sea

This weapon is very good for Navia because it has main Crit Rate statistics of 33.1% at lvl 90, so you can manage Navia's Crit easily because the Crit rate provided by this weapon is very large.

Apart from that, passive is also based on ATK, that is, after a character's Elemental Skill hits an opponent, their ATK will be increased by 20 % for 8 seconds. After a character receives DMG, his ATK will be increased by 20 % for 8 seconds.

Also read: Ascension materials guide for Navia the Spina Di Rosula Leader


Artifact Recommendations
Navia Artifact Recommendations (Source: VCGamers)

If you haven't found a good 4 piece Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods, you can use the 2 piece combination. Here we share 2 explanations of the best artifact recommendations from 4 pieces or 2 pieces.

4 pieces

The best artifact at the moment is the 4 piece Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods which uses Elemental skills and will get a Geo DMG 20% Bonus for 10 seconds.

When using the shield granted by the Crystallize reaction, the effect will increase by 150%, and this additional increase will disappear 1 second after the shield disappears.

2 piece Combination

You can combine 2 pieces of Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods and 2 pieces of Golden Troupe so you will get 18% ATK increase and 20% Elemental Skill increase.

These two artifacts are good for those of you who don't have the 4 piece Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods.

Also read: Build Navia Genshin Impact: Skills, Artifacts, Weapons and Party

Main Stats and Artifact Substats

Main stats

  • Sands: ATK
  • Goblet: Geo Damage Bonus
  • Circlet: Crit rate/Crit damage


You can look for priority crit rate and crit damage, after that ATK%/Flat ATK, and Energy Recharge, keep in mind that even though Navia plays Geo reaction it doesn't mean Navia needs EM.

Also read: Charlotte Build Recommendations: Artifacts, Weapons and Talents

Talent Priority

Navia Talent Priority
Navia Talent Priorities (Source: VCGamers)

Following are Navia's talent priorities:

  • You can increase your elemental skills first because elemental skills are Navia's main damage.
  • You can increase Basic ATK because Navia will be On filed in a few seconds and perform basic ATK to trigger the Crystallize reaction.
  • Elemental Burst must also be increased but does not need to be maxed.
Also read: Furina Build Recommendations: Artifacts, Weapons and Talents

That's our discussion this time regarding Build Navia. Hopefully this article can help you to build Navia.

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