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Best Genshin Impact DPS Character Recommendations for 2023

One of the best Genshin Impact DPS (Damage Per Second) characters in 2023 is Raiden Shogun with his elemental skills.
Genshin Impact DPS characters
Genshin Impact DPS characters. Source: Youtube/Kamarkos.

Has character Genshin Impact DPS (Damage Per Second) will help the team kill opponents faster, because the skills are really good.

Genshin Impact has many characters with different abilities and perform different roles in the party. Various character roles can be played in this game. 

Damage dealers or DPS characters with abilities can increase their damage. This makes it possible to damage the opponent the most. Text DPS is the main damage factor in the team.

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Genshin Impact has released many characters so far DPS from various sources. This article will discuss the best Genshin Impact DPS characters currently available.

Also read: Build Baizhu Genshin Impact: Skills, Artifacts, Weapons, and Team Comps

Genshin Impact DPS 2023 Character List

If you want to use the Genshin Impact character with the best DPS in 2023, please refer to the explanation below.

Hu Tao

burgeon genshin impact hu tao
Hu Tao Genshin. Source: VCGamers

Feature Hu Tao the most recognizable of which are her pig hat adorned with a red plum branch with a large wooden talisman in the center and her bright red eyes with flower-shaped pupils. 

Hu Tao is one of the most popular DPS in the game because of his strategy and personality. He is a famous Pyro polearm operator with his alleged attacks. 

Her elemental and shard skills have some of the highest damage output at high talent levels. Hu Tao shines in Team Vaporize, where he has the support of Sub-DPS Hydrop characters like Xingqiu.


xiao is a viridescent veneer genshin impact user
Xiao Genshin. Source: VCGamers.

xiao is one of the first Genshin Impact DPS characters introduced in the original Genshin Impact.

This character has the highest Anemo DPS in the game. The selfish Vigilant Yaksha relies on his Elemental Burst to deal maximum damage to the enemy.

However, he was unable to use elemental burst skills. So that the opponent he faces can counter easily.

Nevertheless, take it easy. This can be done because he needs a team that can help him.

Xiao was unable to generate enough debris for himself, reducing the damage he could deal if Xiao's explosion wasn't ready and needed.

Because of this, you need to find other Anemo workers in your party to provide them with sufficient supplies.

Xiao is also an Anemo polearm user. He is able to provide high Anemo damage with the skills and explosions he has.

Arataki Itto

arataki beetle brawl genshin impact duel opponent
Arataki Itto Genshin. Source: VCGamers.

Arataki Itto becomes a character with Geo Claymore which is the newest weapon in the Genshin Impact game.

With a fun personality and brilliant fight scenes, Itto has secured his spot by creating a new meta. 

Her elemental skill is a taunt which also activates a buff to increase her overall DPS and her elemental explosion turns all of her attacks into geographic damage. 

Arataki Itto belongs to the Geo element. The three-star weapon called The Debate Club is Itto's signature weapon. It should be noted that Arataki Itto is a tall and strong character in Genshin Impact. 

Also read: The 5 Best Xiao Teams in Genshin Impact 2022

Raiden Shogun 

raiden shogun archon genshin impact battery
Raiden Shogun Genshin. Source: Youtube/Gaming PC.

Raiden Shogun or Ei is the deadliest DPS character and is indeed a mainstay for players in Genshin Impact. Her unique elemental burst damage can deal tons of damage and restore energy for others with elemental explosions to look for. 

His skills are indeed very capable and quite flexible under any circumstances and can destroy opponents easily. In fact, this character has been a mainstay of players until now in terms of DPS.


best waifu genshin impact 2022 ganyu
Ganyu Genshin. Source: VCGamers.

Even though he was released at the start of Genshin Impact, Ganyu is still arguably one of the best Genshin Impact DPS characters on the roster.

Unlike the other DPS characters, Ganyu relies on his normal attacks as his main source of damage.

While his elemental skills act as a taunt, allowing him to focus on attacks, his elemental bursts are one of the biggest AoEs on the field lasting 15 seconds. Besides that, when Ganyu is in his elemental burst, he also takes Cryo damage.

Also read: Updates! New Artifacts for the Strongest Xiao Genshin Impact Build!

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