
Recommended Assassin Dagger Ragnarok Origin Build Skills

Published by
Fikri Basrizal

Even though it was just released on April 6, 2023, Ragnarok Origin has succeeded in becoming a very popular game today. One of the popular characters in this game is Assassin. And for those of you who want to use this character, you need to know about the Assassin skill build recommendations.

In this article, we will discuss the recommendations for the Assassin Dagger Build Ragnarok Origin guide. 

Dagger Build for Assassin itself is an effective way to deal great damage to enemies while remaining hidden. 

This Assassin skill build recommendation is highly dependent on critical attacks, which allows the Assassin to deal great damage in a short time.

So, for those of you who want to know the recommendations for this Assassin build skill, let's look at the following review!

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Assassin Dagger Build Skill Recommendations

Assassin Dagger Build Skill Recommendations. Source: YouTube/Danang Wahyu

The first thing you have to do in making an Assassin Dagger build is to allocate skill points to the right skills. For those of you who don't know how to use skill points, here are the recommendations:

  • Enchant Poison: This skill will add poison damage to your attacks, significantly increasing the damage you inflict
  • Katar Mastery: This skill will increase your attack power when using Katar, which is the weapon of choice for this build
  • Sonic Blow: This skill is like the bread and butter of this build. That is a powerful attack that produces a lot of damage to one target. It requires a Katar to be equipped
  • Grimtooth: This skill allows you to attack multiple enemies at once, making it an excellent skill for farming and clearing monsters
  • Double Attack: This skill gives you the chance to strike twice with each attack, increasing your overall damage output
  • Poison React: This skill allows you to withstand poison status effects, making it essential in PVP battles
  • Cloaking: This skill allows you to become invisible for a short time, thus allowing you to sneak up on enemies and land critical hits
  • Enchant Deadly Poison: This skill is an improvement over Enchant Poison, increasing poison damage even further
  • Venom Splasher: This skill is an AOE attack that deals poison damage to enemies within a certain radius
Also read: Ragnarok Origin Guide for Beginners, Watch This!

Ragnarok Origin Equipment Builds

Ragnarok Origin Equipment Builds. Source: YouTube/Danang Wahyu

After knowing the build for the Assassin Dagger, then you have to equip the Assassin with the right equipment. The following are equipment recommendations for the Assassin Dagger build:

  • Katar: The weapon of choice for this build is the Katar. This is a multi-bladed weapon that can deal great damage if used correctly. The best katar for this build is Jur which can be obtained by completing quests in Payon Forest.
  • Armor: The best armor for this build is Thief Clothes, which increase attack power and critical strike rate
  • Garment: The best garment for this build is the Undershirt, which increases attack power and dodges attacks
  • Footgear: The best footgear for this build is Boots, which increase your attack power and movement speed
  • Accessories: The best accessory for this build is the Ring, which increases attack power and critical hit rate
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Ragnarok Origin Assassin Dagger Build Stats

Ragnarok Origin Assassin Dagger Build Stats. Source: YouTube/Danang Wahyu

The last step that you have to do with the Assassin is to allocate statistics in the right area. Following are the recommended stat builds for Dagger Build Assassin:

  • Strength: Allocate points in Strength to increase your attack power
  • Agility: Allocate points in Agility to increase attack speed and avoid attacks
  • Dexterity: Allocate points in Dexterity to increase critical hit rate
  • Luck: Allocate points in Luck to increase critical hit rate and chance to land a hit

The Build Dagger for Assassins in Ragnarok Origin is a versatile and effective way to deal high damage to enemies while staying hidden. 

This build requires a Katar as the main weapon and relies heavily on critical attacks.

To build a good Assassin Build Dagger, you must allocate skill points in the right skills, and equip your Assassin with the right equipment.

Also read: Ragnarok Origin: The Best Job Suitable for Beginners

Thus our discussion this time regarding the Assassin skill build recommendations. Hopefully this article is useful for you in playing with Assassins in Ragnarok Origin.

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Fikri Basrizal