Genshin Impact is one of games An RPG that is unique to gameplay-his.
damage can result from 2 things, namely physical attacks (physical damage) and from elemental reactions.
Genshin Impact's elemental reaction is a combination of the resulting combination of elements damage more.
Elements in Genshin Impact

Elements are important in Genshin Impact. This has something to do with vision.
Vision is the power given to the chosen ones in Teyvat, the setting where Genshin Impact is.
It is said that vision will give everyone an additional element. What basic elements are given to each person and who actually gives them vision not yet known because in one quests The Archon explained that it was not the Archon himself who gave it vision.
Vision is what makes the character you play (except traveler) can use elements. Each character currently can only use 1 element.
There are 7 elements that can be used by characters, namely Pyro, Cryo, Electro, Hydro, Geo, Anemo, and Dendro.
These 7 elements represent the 7 regional countries and the Archons in Genshin Impact, for example Liyue and Morax represent the elements geo.
The following is a list of elements in Genshin Impact:
- Anemone: air (wind)
- Hydro: water
- Pyros: fire
- Electro : electricity
- geo: land
- Cryo: ice
- Dendro: wood
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Complete Explanation of Genshin Impact Elemental Reactions

Genshin Impact's elemental reactions are triggered by applying a certain combination of elemental effects to the target which can be enemies, fellow players, or objects.
When an element is applied to the target, that element will give status/aura. To see it, you just have to look at the enemy animation or the small symbol on it bar HP object.
For example, when you attack with pyro there will be a small fire symbol at the end of the enemy's HP bar. Animation is sometimes also equipped and you can see the enemy on fire.
The applied element will usually last for 9-12 seconds (sometimes longer) depending on the skill used. The status will disappear when the small sign disappears from bar enemies, or missing animations.
Genshin Impact's elemental reactions occur when applying multiple elements to a target. When you apply another element to an enemy that has been hit by the previous element, an elemental reaction will occur.
Occasionally, the reaction would remove the elemental aura from the target. For example when you use the character claymore like Chongyun, can happen shatter which removes elemental reactions and statuses cryo.
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Genshin Impact's elemental reactions do not have cooldown, but that good skill elemental skills and elemental burst have time cooldown.
If you are the type who plays with Genshin Impact's elemental reactions, you have to take into account the application time of each of your characters.
All damage produced from Genshin Impact elemental reactions can be increased if elemental mastery stat sufficient.
The higher it is elemental mastery character then damage Genshin Impact's elemental reaction will be even higher.
The sequence of applying an element and other elements before Genshin Impact's elemental reaction occurs is very influential. This is because each sequence will result in a total damage different.
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Genshin Impact Elemental Reaction Type

There are a total of 9 Genshin Impact elemental reactions, namely: overloaded, melt, frozen, superconduct, Electro-charged, vaporize, swirl, crystallize, and burning.
Now for the reaction burning you can only see it from enemies like Metachurl who use shields and wooden items.
This Genshin Impact elemental reaction took place between Dendro and Pyro and until now the Genshin Impact characters use elements Dendro not yet released.

Crystallize is a Genshin Impact elemental reaction that is triggered by inflicting Geo on a target that has been hit by Pyro, Electro, Hydro, or Cryo.
Unlike other elemental reactions, you cannot get Crystallize if the enemy target has been hit by Geo then you give it another element.
Unlike most other elemental reactions, Crystallize does not give damage. But this reaction gives elemental shards which you can use as shields .
Elemental Shards match that can be taken to get the elemental shield of the corresponding element.
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Swirl is a Genshin Impact elemental reaction that is triggered by giving Anemo to a target that has been hit by Pyro, Electro, Hydro, or Cryo. Swirl can also be triggered in other directions by imparting other elements to targets that have been hit by Anemo,
Unlike other elemental reactions, Swirl can scatter elements (in particular, non-Anemo elements involved in reactions) to the nearest target, usually in the direction of Swirl's reaction.
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Melt is a Genshin Impact elemental reaction that is triggered by giving Pyro to a target that has been hit by Cryo or vice versa.
Unlike most other elemental reactions, it increases the damage of the Pyro or Cryo attack that triggered the reaction.
Also, changing the order in which elements are applied produces slightly different effects.
If you give the enemy Pyro first then Cryo, damage the resulting magnitude will be 2x elemental mastery character. If it's the other way around, that is Cryo then Pyro will deliver damage of 1.5x elemental mastery.
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Overloaded is a Genshin Impact elemental reaction that is triggered by inflicting Electro on a target that has been hit by Pyro or vice versa.
This reaction causes an explosion damage An AoE that deals Pyro DMG. Well damage performed on the reaction target and the AoE damage effect has a large damage the same one.
Unlike Swirl, Overloaded cannot trigger further elemental reactions as it does not apply Pyro to the target it hits. So that will remove the status.
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Frozen is a Genshin Impact elemental reaction that is triggered by giving Cryo to a target that has been hit by Hydro or vice versa.
Unlike most other elemental reactions, Frozen by itself does not give damage. Instead, this reaction makes enemies stun so that the enemy can not move.
This elemental reaction also allows follow-up reactions, Shatters, done with heavy damage from Claymores, Plunging Attacks, Explosions, or Geo DMG. Shatter applied like an elemental reaction but delivered physical DMG.

Vaporize is a Genshin Impact elemental reaction that is triggered by causing Hydro to a target that has been hit by Pyro or vice versa.
Unlike most of Genshin Impact's other elemental reactions, this reaction increases the damage of the Hydro or Pyro attack that triggered the reaction.
Also, changing the order in which elements are applied produces slightly different effects, just like melted.
If you give the enemy Pyro first then Hydro, damage the resulting magnitude will be 1.5x elemental mastery character. If it's the other way around, that is Hydro then Pyro will deliver damage by 2x elemental mastery.

Superconductors are Genshin Impact elemental reactions that are triggered by applying Electro to targets that have been affected by Cryo or vice versa.
This reaction deals AoE Cryo DMG and reduces physical resistance (physical RES) all enemies in AoE.
Superconduct can also occur in the environment when Electro encounters water previously frozen by Cryo, shortening the duration frozen and causes the water underneath to become Electro-Charged.
However, nothing damage The AoE given, and the defense (RES) of the enemies around are not reduced.
Superconduct will not occur when handling Cryo to Electro-Charged water. For example, you fight an enemy near river water. Once you've given the water an Electro attack, you can't trigger the Superconduct.
Unlike Swirl, Superconduct cannot trigger further elemental reactions as it does not apply Cryo to the target it hits and the Cryo state is lost from enemies.
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Electro-Charged is a Genshin Impact elemental reaction that is triggered by inflicting Electro on a target that has been hit by Hydro or vice versa.
This reaction deals Electro DMG over time to the target if all enemies are wet you give Electro damage continuously. This reaction is often used for taser team.
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Unlike most other elemental reactions, Electro-Charged targets will have Hydro and Electro states simultaneously, allowing multiple reactions to be triggered on the target if a third element is applied.
If an Electro attack hits a body of water such as a river or lake, the water will become Electro-Charged for a short time and any targets that enter it will receive Electro DMG.
Electro-Charged Water can cause Overload and Superconduct when attacked with Pyro and Cryo.