It doesn't taste that Genshin Impact will soon open a new area that is Sumeru.
Along with Sumeru being introduced, Dendro elements are also presented so you can play as a character.
As Vicigers knows, in Genshin Impact there is 7 elements namely: Anemo, Geo, Cryo, Pyro, Hydro, Electro, and Dendro.
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Dendro will finally be released and has Elemental Reactions or elemental reactions that are different from other elements.
What are the elemental reactions of Dendro's elements in Genshin Impact? Come on, read the next article, Vicigers!
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Elemental Reaction from Dendro Genshin Impact Elements
Until the release of Inazuma and patches 2.8 when this article was written, the Dendro element itself has not been officially released to be used or owned by the character you play.
The new Dendro elemental reaction is only owned by enemies such as Dendro Slime, Dendro Samacurl, and Wooden Shieldwall Mitachurl.
The only reaction you can get is Burning, which you will get if you apply Pyro to Dendro.
However, with the release of Sumeru which is a nation led by Dendro Archon, you will soon be able to play Dendro elements in Genshin Impact.
Recently, Genshin Impact released a video containing sneak peak regarding Sumeru.
The video entitled Sumeru Preview Teaser 01: The Fascinating Dendro Element displays the Elemental Reaction that will be presented for the Dendro element.
The concept of the Dendro element itself is Catalyze, Wisdom, and Life. This will later affect the essence of Sumeru's story and how Dendro's elements will react.
Maybe the concept of elements is a little less familiar to some players. However, you can guess from skills the characters.
For example, Hydro has a Recovery (healing) element theme, therefore the character Hydro has the most roles as healer.
Regarding elemental reactions from Dendro, a total of 2 new Dendro elemental reactions were announced, namely Bloom and Catalyze.
This means that later there will be 3 Dendro elemental reactions that you can utilize for the Dendro elemental reactions.
Another interesting thing is the results of leaks from leakers, the Dendro element will later have an elemental reaction from 3 different elements.
Until the time this article was written, it was not known exactly which combination of elements with Dendro would produce an elemental reaction.
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burning is an Elemental Reaction that is triggered by giving Pyro to an enemy target that has been hit by Dendro or vice versa.
For example, when you meet a Dendro Slime, this enemy will usually hide underground.
You need to apply the Pyro element to the enemy to burn, get out of the ground, and make it easier for you to fight the enemy.
This reaction deals Pyro DMG every 0.25 seconds in a small AoE and applies 2 Gauge Units Pyro to the target hit.
The target affected by this Burning elemental reaction will have a burning animation.
In addition, the enemy or target will also have both Pyro and Dendro auras simultaneously and requires both auras to provide damage.
If a unit is hit by Pyro and takes Dendro DMG but the damage source doesn't use Dendro's aura, a Burning reaction will occur.
However, this reaction will have no effect or give damage because there is no Dendro aura.
Examples of Burning that does not give damage you can see when you burn objects such as leaves, grass, straw, and wooden barrels or boxes.
Enemies like Dendro Slime that give off Dendro's aura can make a Burning reaction give damage.
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This Dendro elemental reaction was originally leaked out by para leakers Genshin Impact with the name Overgrown.
Bloom is rumored to be inspired by flowers that are about to bloom (bloom) when given water and following the elemental concept in Genshin Impact.
The concept is to take the Catalyze theme from Dendro and Recovery from Hydro.
In addition to its unique concept, this reaction will be able to use 3 elements at once to produce an elemental reaction.
This elemental Bloom reaction will occur if you give Hydro aura to enemies or objects that have or are affected by Dendro aura.
The results of this reaction will produce an object shaped like a seed (Seed) or also called Dendro cores.
You can later catalyze these seeds with Pyro and Electro elements to produce damage.
The seed that you wear the Pyro aura element will explode and give AoE Damage to nearby enemies which is called reaction Burgeon.
If you reacted to the Seed earlier with the Electro element, the elemental reaction you get from the Dendro element is that it will create a Projectile that can attack enemies with AoE Dendro DMG. This reaction is called Hyperbloom.
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Just like Bloom's elemental reactions, before Catalyze was known as Intensified. Catalyze is an elemental reaction consisting of 3 reactions, namely: Quicken, Aggravate, and Spreads.
Quickens is an elemental reaction that is triggered when you attack an enemy who has been hit or has an Electro element aura. This can also happen the other way around, namely dendro enemies who are attacked with Electro will cause a Quicken reaction.
The difference is that Quicken is triggered by the Electro element, the duration of this Quicken will be shorter. Meanwhile, Quicken triggered by Dendro will last longer, namely 8 to 10 seconds without reducing time.
The Quicken reaction will disappear when reacted with Hydro and Pyro. Hydro will become Bloom and Pyro will become Burning.
This reaction does not give damage on the enemy. However, giving Quicken's elemental aura is marked by the presence of yellow electricity between the enemy's body. This Quicken that can trigger elemental reactions Spreads and aggregate.
Spreads the reaction will appear if Quicken is attacked again with Dendro. Whereas aggregate will appear if you add Electro to Quicken earlier.
damage resulting from The spread is much bigger than Aggravate. Both reactions will get damage from basedamage character and flat damage (will not change the amount).
How to change flatdamage of the reaction to be bigger is to lower the Elemental RES of the enemy's Electro and Dendro. Lowering the enemy's Elemental RES can be done in 2 ways.
The first way is to use support Anemo that uses artifacts fullset Viridescent Venerer who will give a bonus in the form of lowering Electro RES if a reaction occurs swirl. You can use this method if you want to trigger Aggravate
The second way is to downgrade Dendro RES. Dendro won't react with Anemo so there's another method you have to use. First, you can use support Dendro who uses artifacts Deepwood Memories or use shields zhongli.
Apart from lowering the Elemental RES earlier, increasing flatdamage This can be done by increasing the Elemental Mastery of the existing Electro and Dendro characters party as well as increasing the character level to improve base attacks character.