Ever heard rate on and rate off Genshin Impact? rate on and rate off Genshin Impact is sometimes overlooked by players, especially new Genshin Impact players.
Genshin Impact famous for the many characters that always appear every time game updates which is released once a month.
Banners character that will be present on updates This upcoming 2.5 is Yae Miko's new 5 star and Kagura's Verity's new weapon which will suit Yae Miko.
The majority of players are very eyeing the character who acts as the head priest of the Grand Narukami temple.
However, you have to pay attention to a number of things that guarantee you for 100% to get Yae Miko or other characters that are your target. Status rate on and rate off Your Genshin Impact on banners you must know.
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What are Genshin Impact Rate On and Rate Off?

miHoYo does not explain explicitly and in detail about the system rate on and rate off This Genshin Impact.
So, many players don't understand or don't even understand the status at all rate on and rate off This Genshin Impact is anything but.
Genshin Impact as games with the Gacha system to get good characters or weapons, it's actually quite kind to give players a system pity which guarantees players a higher chance of getting characters.
System pity This comes with the absolute condition that you will get a 5 star character at the Character Event Wish Banner on pull 90th and Weapon Event Wish Banner on pull to 80.
Explanation of the system pity explained in the details on Wish. You can read it by clicking the button next to the history button (history).
Up to here actually not explained about rate on and rate off Genshin Impact. You should pay attention to the sentence "Players will get a 5 star character in each pull 90th in banners" because rate on and rate off Your Genshin Impact is determined from here.
The meaning of this sentence is that you will indeed get a character or 5 stars on banners, but it's not certain that the 5 stars you get are the characters you want.
In addition to the 5 star character or weapon which is indeed the 'main star' of the banner or term rate up, there are other 5 star characters included in banners.

5 star characters such as Diluc, Jean, Qiqi, Keqing, and Mona are standard characters that will always be in the Character Event Wish Banner which will often make you fail to get a character limited. Rate on and rate off Genshin Impact changes depending on whether you get the character above or not.
You could hit spook or get another 5 star character and of course make you disappointed.
Therefore, you must know whether you are currently in status rate on or rate off Genshin Impact to find out the certainty of character acquisition.
This needs to be taken into account so that you can target Primogems, Intertwined Fates, and savings pity so that you succeed in getting the 5-star character that you really want and need.
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How to find out Genshin Impact's Rate On and Rate Off Status?
Simply, rate off and rate on You can say Genshin Impact as how big your chance is to get a character.
No one knows for sure when you can actually get it rate on and rate off Genshin Impact because there is no calculation. Chances are you got hit spook or getting another 5 star character will depend on your luck at that time.
Opportunity rate on and rate off Your Genshin Impact is only divided into 2, namely: you must get the right character banners currently rate up (rate on) and it's not certain that you will get a character or even get another 5-star character (rate off).
Rate on alone means you you will have a 100% chance of getting a medium 5 star character rate up in banners or means your target character. You can get it for sure at pity or pull 90th, and if you're lucky you might get one at your start pull.
Rate off is a condition where you as a player and pull at Gacha banners in a state of uncertainty get character.
You will have a 50:50 odds ratio. Chances are 50% you will get the 5 star character you want, but you need to be aware of 50% the other 5 star characters you will get don't match your expectations.
How to find out rate on and rate off Your Genshin Impact can be seen from the history of the characters you get.

You can check the status rate on and rate off Is your Genshin Impact at the moment event banners character then you managed to get the character limited it or not.
For example on banners ganyu in updates 2.4 yesterday, you intended to get Ganyu. Ganyu status as character banners is rate up, means 50% maybe you can get Ganyu in the Character Event Banner.
After you pull several times and in pull the 50th time you actually get Diluc. Means for 90 pull then you 100% will definitely get Ganyu and now your status will change to rate on and not rate off.
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Status rate on and rate off Genshin Impact also applies to banners next. Banners on updates The upcoming 2.5 is Yae Miko, although you didn't get Ganyu yesterday, on banners Next Yae Miko you will definitely get Yae Miko with a chance of 100%.
In different circumstances, when you manage to get Ganyu, your status becomes rate off. This means that you will not necessarily get Yae Miko and your chances of becoming 50%.