Player Mobile legends surely you know that Mobile Legends has various game modes. One of the game modes available in the Mobile Legends game is ranked mode. In this ranked mode, players will be given a rank according to their abilities and number of wins in ranked mode. The name and level of each rank in Mobile Legends are of course different and players can achieve enough wins.
There are eight different ranks, starting from Warrior rank to Glorious Mythic. Like other games, players must meet several criteria in order to play ranked mode. Players must reach level 8 and have at least 5 heroes to be able to play in ranked mode.
The first rank that players will get after fulfilling these criteria is the Warrior rank. Starting from that rank, players can get the next rank by winning matches and collecting enough stars.
This article will discuss every rank in Mobile Legends. Let's look at the information below, there are also tips for rising in each rank!
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Rank Mobile Legends 2022

Warrior is the first rank that players will get after fulfilling the criteria to play ranked mode. For players who are experienced in playing MOBA games, players will easily win matches in this rank. In fact, players will meet players who have the same rank.
Rank Warrior has three levels so that players can open the next rank. There are Warriors III to Warrior I and players must have three stars in order to advance to the next tier. Every time you win a match, the player will get one star and every time you lose, you will lose one star.
However, Warrior players don't need to worry, because if they lose, the stars earned will not be lost. So, Warrior rank is very easy to move up to the next rank.
The tip for playing in this rank is to get to know the Mobile Legends meta. By using a sick hero in the current meta, it will be easier to win the game. Keep practicing this hero and don't have to worry about losing because players won't lose stars if they accept defeat.

Rank Elite is similar to Warrior, because there are three levels, namely Elite I, II, and III. However, players must collect four stars in order to advance to the next level. If the player accepts defeat, the star will disappear. So, players must be careful when playing games in this Elite rank.
The tips for this rank are quite the same, using one hero. If players focus on playing one hero, players will know the weaknesses and strengths of that hero. Players will master how to play and how to contribute to teamfights so leveling up in this rank will be easier.

Rank Master will test the playing skills of a Mobile Legends player. Players will meet real players, no longer against bots that often appear in previous ranks. There are four levels namely Master IV to Master I and each level has 4 stars.
Players must already understand the role and hero they want to play, because playing games at this rank risks losing stars. In addition, players must adjust the hero to the team because many players are selfish about using heroes.
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After the Master rank, players will enter into the Grandmaster rank. This rank is a rank that is quite difficult for beginners, because the enemy will be more difficult to beat. Many players in this rank already have a mainstay hero, so Vicigers have to be careful.
For this rank, use a hero who can control the game, such as a hyper hero. However, players must adjust the selection of heroes to the composition of the team. Still in all-pick mode, so players must be wary of other players who are selfish about choosing roles.

Epic Rank has 5 levels, namely Epic V to Epic I, requiring 5 stars for each level. This rank no longer uses the all-pick mode, but the draft pick mode. Each team determines 2 hero tires and each player has a turn to choose a hero.
Tips for this rank are contained in the draft mode, because counter picks often occur. So, players must understand counter pick so that they can more easily win a match.
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Legend rank has the same level as Epic rank. There are many players who are very reliable in specific hero games so this rank will be more difficult to win.
The tip for this rank is to try to communicate in a team. Communication is of course very important in MOBA games, especially ranked mode. It's better to play with a party or friends, for better communication so you can win teamfights.
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Mythic and Glorious Mythic

Mythic Rank is the highest rank that players can achieve in the Mobile Legends game. Of course, this rank contains players who are professional and highly experienced in Mobile Legends.
No longer collecting stars, players will collect Mythic Points when they win a game and of course will lose Mythic Points if they lose. However, Mythic also underwent changes during Season 14. Now, there are five levels, namely Mythic V to Mythic I.
After Mythic, there is an additional rank, namely Glorious Mythic if the player collects more than 600 Mythic Points. For this rank, players must memorize meta and must master many heroes so they can counter pick enemies.
Thus the discussion of rankings and tips for each Mobile Legends rank. For diamond top up needs, come on VC Market by VCGamers! Lots of cashback promos and of course lower prices!