You Dota 2 players are probably being stuck in Rank Dota 2 and the difficulty to go up to the next level. It may happen because skills you are still not in accordance with the Rank you are living.
As games popular and competitive Dota 2 has a Rank system that must be achieved by the players. This rank can also describe how good a player is at playing games the.
For this reason, it is very important for players to understand the Dota 2 Rank order so they can also find out how gameplay and skills each level.
Dota 2 ranking order
Same as most games Another competitive MOBA, rank Dota 2 also has tier or level, namely with 8 levels. Each level has 5 stars that players must achieve to be able to proceed to the next level.
Rank Dota 2 uses the MMR point system which can also describe the playing ability of each player. The Gameplay you start with teamwork, rat, warding, teamfights, and several other things affect your MMR value.
So, the higher the MMR value you get, the better you are skills you are the ones who finally make your Rank also go up.
For more details, in the following we explain the order of Rank Dota 2 that you need to know.
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The first Dota 2 rank that you will encounter when you just start playing is Herald. In other words, the Herald is the lowest or lowest Rank level.
It's only natural that at this level the contents are new players with minimal experience who are still learning. Usually they will learn some basic things like trying heroes that fits, understand mini map, and so forth.
Because this is the first time playing in Ranked mode, new players will start with an MMR value of 0. To be able to continue to the next Rank, they must obtain up to 616 MMR in Herald 5.

After reaching Herald 5, you will then enter Rank Dota 2 called Guardian with a minimum MMR value of 770. To pass this level, players must collect MMR from 770 to 1386.
Not much different from the previous level, Guardian also still contains a number of novice players, it's just that they have started to show progress. One example, they may have started to understand mini map although sometimes it still hits ganking enemy.
Therefore, players in Rank Guardian still need to learn a lot to sharpen their skills. Their focus should also be more specific, for example studying skill heroes, buy items, and so forth.
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The next Dota 2 rank after passing the Guardian is a Crusader with a minimum MMR value of 1540. To reach a 5-star Crusader, players must collect 2156 MMR.
At this level, the player's abilities have also developed, one of which is being able to do Last Hit Creep well.
Even so, they still needed to deepen their understanding folder or studying skills heroes counters. This is because at the Crusader level the ability of the opponent is also more difficult.

After progressing from Crusader, next you will enter mid-rank Dota 2, namely Archon. Players must have a minimum MMR value of 2310 to 2926 MMR to be in Archon 5.
At this level, players have started to understand the hero mechanically and understand gameplay from games made by Valve Corporation. Even so, they are still lacking, especially in terms of teamwork.
That's what ultimately makes most players stuck at this level and will have difficulty moving up to the next Rank.
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This Dota 2 rank starts to provide quite high difficulties so players have to be more patient. Players who are at this Legend level have at least a value of 3080 MMR to 3696 MMR to reach Legend 5.
Same with the previous Rank, at this level the players must begin to be able to do good teamwork. In addition, players with roles support those who are in Rank Legend are already good at installing warding well.

After passing Legend, you will begin to enter the Dota 2 Rank which is quite high, namely Ancient. Players who are in Ancient need to have at least 3850 MMR and 4486 to reach Ancient 5.
The abilities of the players are already better than players who were in the previous Rank. It can be seen from their game, how positioning they are currently doing rotations, and they also often do teamfights.
Because the abilities of players and their enemies tend to get better, one of the important things to do is to activate voice chat.

The next Dota 2 rank that is included in the highest level is Divine with players who have 4620 MMR to 5420 MMR.
At the Divine Rank, the players' mechanical abilities were already so good in one way or another gameplay or game features. Team coordination is also quite good such as team rotation, item selection, pick counter, and so forth.
In addition, players who were at this Divine level were usually old players from games Dota / Warcraft.
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The last Dota 2 rank as well as the highest level is Immortal with players who already have an MMR value of 6000+.
Not much different from before, Immortal is also filled with skilled players with excellent mechanics. They also have the potential to become one pro player because not infrequently you will also meet him if you are at the Immortal level.
Generally, those with the potential to be pro player whether in a Top Region, Top 1000, Top 100, or Top 10. So, understanding and mastering the mechanics of games there is no doubt about this.