Ubisoft as a party developers officially announced the presence of Rainbox Six Mobile which is an adaptation of the PC and console versions, Rainbow Six Siege.
Market games cellular or mobile In recent times, it has experienced rapid development.
Of course, this also follows developments smartphones which more and more years the specifications are growing with framerate high and stable.
In addition, the competitive esports scene is also an opportunity for a mobile games to be able to gain success.
No wonder there are so many now games which were originally popular on PCs or consoles are starting to spread to the market games mobile.
A number of games which might be similar to this Rainbow Six Mobile is Call of Duty Mobile which also first appeared on PC devices. There are also Apex Legends the official one comes in version mobile.
Besides, one games MOBA which is quite popular namely LoL Wild Rift version mobile is also an adaptation of the PC version.
Now, Ubisoft also doesn't want to be left behind developers others to also enter the device mobile by launching Rainbow Six Mobile.
For more details, we will provide a review of games made by Ubisoft through this article.
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Overview of Rainbow Six Mobile

Games coming to mobile devices it is an adaptation of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. This predecessor game was first available on PC and console devices.
Not much different from the previous version, Rainbow Six Mobile is also games full of action genres First-person Shooter (FPS).
With such modifications, the developer expects device users mobile can feel the same playing experience as console users.
Its predecessor, Rainbow Six Siege, was first released in December 2015 and then in platforms PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Meanwhile for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles, this shooting game was released in December 2020.
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Rainbow Six Mobile Gameplay

Rainbow Six Mobile will be released with gameplay which is not much different from its predecessor and games with genres Another FPS.
Version mobile this will still come with 5v5 battle of two squads and both squads will play as attacker and defender.
In addition, all characters or operators from Rainbow Six Siege will also be back in this version mobileits 10 operators.
For squad attacker, operators that will be present include Ash, Sledge, Twitch, Thermite, and Hibana. As for the squad defender there are names like Caveira, Bandit, Smoke, Valkyrie, and Mute.
Although the character or essence of gameplay Rainbow Six Mobile is the same as the Siege version, there will be certain modifications.
A number of modifications that will be present such as shorter battles, folder smaller ones, and adjustments in the HUD for the device mobile.
Apart from parts folder which is smaller, there are only 2 in number, namely Bank and Border with 1 folder which is planned to be released soon as well.
This is a significant difference considering the console version folder which is quite a lot. However, it is possible that over time there will be more map updates in the future.
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Bank folder

The first map in Rainbow Six Mobile is a Bank which is located in the middle of a densely populated city. Banks in this location will have quite tight guard attackers it would be difficult to infiltrate the place.
Besides that, attackers It will also be difficult to find an objective because the building consists of several small and medium sized rooms with guards defenders.
Map Border

The second map that is present in Rainbow Six Mobile is Border. Folder Borders this is in a deadly outpost on the border of two countries. Players will feel isolated because they are in a lonely mountainous area with old and new buildings.
In this map, players must have accurate calculations when making moves because Border is the most open map.
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When will Rainbow Six Mobile be released?

Follow market trends mobile games Lately, Ubisoft also seems to be trying their luck with their plan to present Rainbow Six Mobile.
They will release it games This FPS is free to play for device mobile both Android and iOS, so that users can have fun playing games this for free.
However, it is not impossible that in the future there will be features as development progresses in-game purchases to buy skin exclusive items or Battle Pass (BP).
For its release, Ubisoft as developers still has not provided further information regarding the exact release date even though it is predicted to be released in 2022.
Even so, for those of you who are curious about Rainbow Six Mobile, Ubisoft will soon enter the testing phase closed alpha.
For that, parties developers is currently opening registration for those of you who want to try it out to take part in the Alpha trial which is being carried out in secret.
Well, you can visit the page Ubisoft to be able to register first to take part in the trial closed alpha.