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Raiden Shogun Ascension Materials Guide

You need to know the materials that will be needed to upgrade the ascension level and talent level of the Raiden Shogun character.
Raiden Shogun's Ascension
Raiden Shogun's Ascension. Source: VCGamers

Raiden Shogun is a character who comes from the country of Inazuma in Genshin Impact, it was first released in update 2.1 Genshin Impact. Before it is released again, you should know about Raiden Shogun's ascension in this article.

Based on a reliable leak, Raiden Shogun will be presented again or return to the limited character request banner in the upcoming 4.3 update.

If you plan to get the Raiden Shogun character in the upcoming banner, then you need to know the ingredients or materials that will be needed to upgrade the Raiden Shogun character's ascension level and talent level.

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Below is the complete discussion!

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Getting to know Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun character
Raiden Shogun character. Source: Wallpaper Engine/Kirrisie

Raiden Shogun is a self-conscious artificial puppet, created by Ei to tightly control Inazuma, by acting as the leader of the entire Inazuma Country. Ei (Beelzebul) is the successor to the last Electro Archon named Baal (Makoto), his twin brother.

A year before the traveler visited him in the Genshin Impact story, Ei was tricked by Fatui and implemented the Vision and Sakoku Hunting Decree. Ei closed off his country from all of Teyvat and Ei has ordered the Raiden Shogun to collect all the Visions in Inazuma, who were put into the Omnipresent God Statue.

As the successor to Archon Electro, Ei programmed the doll with a limited set of reactions and decisions. Ei has an ideological belief in immortality, and he tries to ensure that Inazuma never changes to fulfill that ideology.

After delegating Inazuma's powers, Ei retreats to the Euthymia Realm to meditate on immortality. Euthymia is a plane created by Ei's own consciousness, and its appearance changes to reflect her state of mind.

Even though it has a dark storyline, Raiden Shogun (Ei) is a playable character in the world of Genshin Impact and is one of the strongest Electro characters currently.

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Ascension Materials and Talents

Raiden Ascension and Talents
Raiden Ascension and Talents. Source: VCGamers

As a playable character, Raiden Shogun requires materials to increase the character's ascension level from 1-90 and to increase his talent level from 1-10.

Here are the materials for increasing Raiden Shogun's ascension level and talent level that we have summarized:

Materials for Increasing Ascension Level:

  • Vajrada Amethyst Silver x1
  • Vajrada Amethyst Fragments x9
  • Vajrada Amethyst Chunks x9
  • Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone x6
  • Amakumo Fruit x168
  • Storm Beads x46
  • Old Hanguard x18
  • Kageuchi Hanguard x30
  • Famed Hanguard x36
  • Hero's Wit x421
  • Mora x2,512,400

Materials for Increasing Talent Level:

  • Teachings of Light x9
  • Guide to Light x63
  • Philosophies of Light x114
  • Old Hanguard x18
  • Kageuchi Hanguard x66
  • Famed Hanguard x93
  • Molten Moment x18
  • Crown of Insight x3
  • Mora x4,950,000
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Raiden Shogun Material Farming Tips

Vajrada Amethyst Crystal

You can get these crystals by defeating Electro type bosses such as Thundering Manifestation, Electro Hypotasis, Electro Regisvine and Millennial Pearl Seahorse with boss levels above 60+

Handguard Material

You can collect Hanguard materials by defeating Nobushi: Jintouban, Nobushi: Hitsukeban, Nobushi: Kikouban, Kairagi: Fiery Might, and Kairagi: Dancing Thunder which can only be found in the island area of Inazuma Country. Apart from that, you can also get it by exchanging stardust which is reset every month.

Light Books

Can be accessed from Domain of Mastery: Old Town Ruins I to IV and can be obtained from exchanging crafting benches. Domain of Mastery: Old Town Ruins is open on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays only

Amakumo Fruit

Amakumo Fruit is a special local item to increase Raiden Shogun's ascension level, which you can find in the wild on the island of Seirai Inazuma. Usually located near the foothills that surround the center of Seirai Inazuma island.

Storm Beads

Storm Beads are obtained by defeating the level 70+ Thunder Manifestation boss located at Amakumo Peak, Seirai Island, Inazuma.

Molten Moments

You can obtain this ingredient by defeating La Signora in Trounce's Domain, a weekly boss encounter. (level 70+).

Crown of Insights

You can get this crown-shaped material by completing all the major events currently taking place in Genshin Impact. Usually every Genshin Impact patch has 1 big event with a Crown of Insight prize.

Hero's Wit

You can get Hero's Wit by exploring, opening treasure chests and defeating enemies, then running and completing ongoing events, increasing the battle pass level, then you can also use the blue ley line to get Hero's Wit by exchanging 20 resin. exchange realm currency in tea pot.


You can get Mora in various ways such as exploring, opening treasure chests and defeating enemies, increasing the battle pass level, utilizing gold ley lines, completing various missions, exchanging sigils, exchanging realm currency in tea pots, carrying out reputation bounties and resident missions to get Additional Mora, and others.

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Raiden Shogun Priority Talent Order

Mussou Hitotachi Raiden
Mussou Hitotachi Raiden. Source: Wallpaper Engine/Vamsi

In increasing the talents of Genshin Impact characters, of course each character has a priority order for which talents are better leveled up first than others, whether the Elemental Skill, Elemental Burst, or Normal Attack which are raised first have different priorities for each Genshin Impact character.

For Raiden Shogun, he has priority talents that you can increase first starting from his Elemental Burst talent, then the second order is increasing his Elemental Skill, and the final order is increasing his Normal Attack.

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That's the complete discussion regarding the Raiden Shogun ascension material guide that we have created, hopefully it can help you increase your Raiden Shogun ascension level and talent.

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