Rafael's character is character Free Fire with the ability to disappear in the minimap when activated. Here are simple tips to make the character Rafael become Agent 47 in the game.
Rafael's character is one of the characters in Free Fire whose special ability allows him to be invisible on the minimap when shooting for 8 seconds. Of course, the character Rafael and his skills are very useful for those of you who often use Silencers.
The character of Rafael is ideal for a lonely assassin who often arranges ambushes and wants to hide himself all the time. Rafael's character is a highly trained assassin who has mastered his skill, which is called “Dead Silent”.
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Once activated, he can fire his weapon without fear of being marked on the opponent's minimap, which can keep his location relatively hidden as long as the ability is active.
This ability has a cooldown of 90 seconds, which means you shouldn't activate it too freely, especially in hotspots with lots of enemies. He should only use his ability when he found himself with the perfect opportunity to ambush an opponent, and there was no need to wait for the skill to cool down.
Rafael's character ability is an interesting one that you understand when used in Free Fire. But, do you know how to maximize the effectiveness of Rafael's character? Here are some simple tips that can make assassins as deadly as Agent 47 on the battlefield.
How to Use the Character Rafael to Become an Assassin
Take advantage of Moco's Skills

Moco has the ability to tag enemies for a few seconds. You can use one of Rafael's character skill slots by placing Moco's character abilities there.
After you shoot using Rafael's character skill, the enemy's presence will be on the map if combined with Moco's skill.
To become a silent killer, the first thing you have to do is use him as your character in Free Fire. Although you can use other characters for more skills, he is the most suitable for this role.
His ability is to silence every weapon he holds. This way, the enemy won't hear when you fire your weapon. They also couldn't see the shooting location from the minimap either.
Make use of Laura's Skills

Almost the same as Moco's character, Laura is very suitable when combined with Rafael's character. Because her unique skills are more suitable for long-range weapons such as AR weapons, you can place Laura's character skills in one of the assassin's skill slots to increase accuracy when using Scope.
When you use this assassin as your character in Free Fire, try combining her skills with Laura's character. As you know, Laura's character increases aiming accuracy if you aim with a scope. This will be very useful if you are trying to kill enemies from a distance.
With Laura's skills, you will become a very dangerous silent killer with increased accuracy. Especially if you combine Laura's skills with Rafael.
We assure you that you will be the best assassin in the match, if you use this character in the right way.
Bring Silencers and Muzzles in Every Free Fire Match

You have to bring both of these equipments because the assassin's skill has a cooldown. While your “Dead Silent” skill cools down, you can maintain some stealth by changing the muzzle attachment to Silencer.
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Use Ranged and Melee Weapons

Combine these two types of weapons, to become the best silent killer. Long-range weapons are usually snipers or ARs. For melee weapons, you can bring a shotgun or SMG. Choose weapons wisely, based on your play style.
One of the styles of playing in Free Fire that is quite popular right now is playing as a silent killer. This way you can kill unexposed enemies.
However, being a silent killer is not easy. If you want to aim covertly, make sure the enemy doesn't know that you're nearby and are ready to kill them.
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Those are some quick tips that you should try if you often use the character Rafael. For more game news, updates and articles, check out our website at News.VCGamers.com.