Hola Vicigers! For those of you who are focusing on fixing rank on games Free Fire in seasons the latest is season 22, it would be better for you to come here so that you can optimize your choices, especially regarding what kind of best combination can accelerate push rank you guys to rank highest.
Previously you can also read in advance the three best reasons why do you have to push rank at the beginning Free Fire Season 22 starts as it is today. Here is a combination that you should use while practicing grabbing rank which are desired. Let's check this out!
Pet Combination
There are three combinations of Pet with skills the best you can use if you want to Buddy Vicigers push rank on FF season 22. Let's look at the following list!

The first FF hero pet combination is Falco. Simply, skills This Skyline Spree from Falco which will increase the glide speed up to 45%.
Not to mention that after the parachute is opened, Falco's speed will also increase up to 50% where this effect also applies to all team members. you know. This is able to shorten the time when the players get off the plane, which means they can arrive at their destination more quickly so that they can precede other players to control the location.
It is also very important if you arrive first, because if you land faster it means you can look for loot and secure the surrounding area before other players. So that it will provide distinct advantages for our team later.
Why is that? When the enemy heads to the place we have secured, he will discourage him from taking your place. This will be an advantage to be able to avoid early fights games full of risks.

Then there is the second pet combination, namely Beaston with his skill called Helping Hand. This Beaston skill increases the throwing distance for various types of grenades up to 30%, starting from gloo walls, flashbangs, and smoke.
This will certainly be quite useful, especially when used for medium or long range combat. That way, we will have the advantage of this Beaston skill with a farther range of grenades.
Combination Guns
MAG-7 and Parafal

The weakest shotgun in terms of the damage it does, MAG-7, is the most accurate shotgun in Free Fire. para gamers can quickly finish off opponents with one or two MAG-7 shots in close combat.
This short-range weapon can be combined with Parafal to increase its fighting advantage at longer ranges. Players can easily deal with enemies with Parafal at medium range, which have levels damage reached 69.
M249 and MP40

M249 is the best Free Fire Light Machine Gun (LMG) which is effective for long distances damage The damage caused is 57. Meanwhile the M249 is an excellent weapon for medium and long range combat and this weapon is not effective enough in close range combat.
The M249 can be paired with the fast and stable Sub Machine Gun (SMG) and the MP40 as a lethal weapon at closer ranges. The two weapons complement each other and build the ultimate weapon combination for each gamers Free Fire.
Skill Combination
Kelly – Andrew – Wukong – Maxim

The first skill combination that is most suitable for Vicigers friends to use as the spearhead of the team are these four characters. Not only powerful attack, skills Andrew can fulfill as rushers which requires solid defense. Movement speed from skills Kelly will certainly be of great help.
The presence of the Maxim skill in the skill set does not need to take a lot of time to do healing. Final, skills Wukong who can disguise and camouflage can be one of the mainstay monitors who can attack enemies suddenly.
Joseph – Chrono – Moco – Kelly

skills Chrono is mechanized as a reduction effort damage which is useful for staying in battle for a longer duration. Paired with Moco, then automatically skills Moco will aim at the enemy he wants to shoot, so his teammates can see the opponent's position strategically.
Vicigers friends also get upgrades movement speed from Kelly's skills. Final, skills Joseph's Nutty Movement can make Joseph run fast even if he is hit by a productive attack damage. That is, even though he was injured, instead of falling, Joseph was still able to run very fast.