Here are some myths PUBG Mobile what you need to know. Let's examine the facts to see how many PUBG Mobile myths are being discussed so far. Are you one of those who have experienced it?
Not only in the real world there are myths. There are also myths that are believed by most players/gamers in the game. Likewise in PUBG Mobile, we have summarized at least 5 myths that are widely circulating in the PUBG Mobile game.
5 PUBG Mobile Myths You Need to Know!
School Apartment Wall Teleportation

The first PUBG Mobile myth is that if you open the school apartment roof door and run there, you will teleport through the wall that is the door. Many PUBG Mobile players believe in this.
Even though this is just a problem of network damage that is often experienced by the players themselves and not something that is certain to happen. Therefore, this PUBG Mobile myth is untrue and just a lie.
He said, you can also experience it not only at the rooftop of the School Apartment. This also happens in many other doors in the Erangel map. Later, many users were trapped inside the walls and couldn't escape.
That's why sometimes you hear their footsteps or the sound of weapons next to you but you can't see them. It did happen because there was a buff or network system disturbance.
Window Glass Can Reduce Damage

In the latest PUBG Mobile update, the game developer added mirrors to many windows in the PUBG Mobile game map. Apparently, many believe that the glass in the window can reduce damage. You can test it in a custom match by doing a headshot.
Then, leave the match and check the statistics of the last matches. After testing, the results show us that the window glass does not absorb any damage. Therefore, this myth is not true.
Suppressor Reduces Bullet Velocity

Another myth says that the suppressor, or many players call it a silencer, and is believed to reduce the speed of shooting weapons. Many players think that this muzzle attachment reduces the rate of fire.
However, all muzzle attachments in the PUBG Mobile game do not affect or change the firing speed and velocity of the gun bullets. This is just a mere PUBG Mobile myth that some players often believe.
The suppressor only changes the barrel recoil and gun sound. This is also what makes many people feel that the gun shoots slower. But in reality, the velocity of the bullet remains the same. Therefore, one of the PUBG Mobile myths is not true.
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The Tesla Car Autopilot Myth

The PUBG Mobile myth says that the Tesla Car's autopilot system will crash when a vehicle gets in its way. This myth is untrue because the Testa's car will crash into an obstructing car but the wheels keep turning.
If the brakes don't stop it, the Tesla car will keep going. The autopilot system on the Tesla Car is not true. If you don't drive manually, you will still crash.
The Anti-Gravity Myth

The myth says that if you take an anti-gravity bike in Mission Ignition mode into the tunnels in the Shelter, you can see everything above you.
You can try and experience it yourself. This PUBG Mobile myth is untrue and wrong. You can still see everything on the ground, including enemies.
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So, those are 5 PUBG Mobile myths that you need to know and are often believed by some players. This myth is actually more of a buff that occurs when playing games on PUBG Mobile.
Not only in this game, in several other games buffs or errors often occur due to system disturbances and unstable networks. Therefore, for those of you who still believe in the myths above and want to try it. It's better to play normally and don't do things that don't make sense!