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Cheapest ML Jockey Prices for Those of You Who Want Mythic Fast!

Everything you want to know about ML pro player jockeys to increase rank, win rate & other needs for your favorite MLBB account.
ML Jockey
ML Jockey. Source: VCGamers

Currently, many players are looking for ML jockey services Mobile Legends. Usually the purpose of using jockeys is to increase rank, win rate, or for other reasons.

Generally, those who become MLBB jockeys are someone who is already a pro at playing Mobile Legends.

So that when he carries out his job as a Mobile Legends jockey, he easily completes the targets given by service tenants.

Cheapest MLBB Diamonds!

For those of you who are currently looking for Mobile Legend jockey services, of course you want to get a pro in the Mobile Legend field and offer low prices. 

So, to get all of that, you need to listen to the following reviews about MLBB jockey services.

Also read: 5 Sharp Tips to Push Rank in Mobile Legends

What are ML Jockey Services?

ML Jockey
What is MLBB Jockey Services? Source: Deviant Art

Mobile Legend Jockeys are MLBB players who are pro or good at playing the game and will help you to reach a certain rank in the game released by Moonton.

Their presence is a solution for MLBB players who want to quickly rank up. Because, they can help other players.

Of course this is not done for free, because MLBB jockey service users will pay a certain amount of money to the pro player. Usually they will provide a price rate for their services depending on the package taken.

Like the price for MLBB jockeys per rank, and there is also a price per star, and the prices for the ranks played will also vary.

The average price for MLBB jockeys per star on the internet varies widely, starting from around Rp. 5,000 for rank master, Rp. 8,000 for GM, Rp. 10,000 for Epic, Rp. 15,000 for Legend, and Rp. 23,000 for Mythic.

Prices will vary from place to place, but the average price offered is the price we mentioned above.

Also read: 5 Best Roam ML Heroes to Push Rank in 2023

Buy ML Jockey Services at VCGamers

ML Jockey
The lowest price for Jockey Mobile Legend is at VCGamers. Source: Deviant Art

Are you interested in trying this Mobile Legend jockey service? If so, then you can get his services at VCGamers Marketplace.

Here you will get an attractive offer, because the price offered is a price below the average current market price, but it is still done by a reliable jockey!

You can buy MLBB jockey services per star starting from IDR 4,000 for Master, IDR 4,500 for GM, IDR 6,000 for Epic, IDR 7,500 for Legend, and IDR 12,000 for Mythic.

Prices can change at any time, so don't be late buying jock services!

Besides offering the cheapest price, you will also get other benefits!

Like the money you pay will not go straight into the service provider's account, which will risk your money being taken away by irresponsible persons.

At VCGamers your money will be safe, until your jockey period is over, because VCGamers uses a joint account.

The new money will be received by the seller/jockey service provider after the buyer confirms it, so that all your transactions will be safe and avoid fraud.

For the payment method itself, at VCGamer there are many choices, such as Bank BCA, Bank Mandiri, Bank Permata, Bank BRI, Bank BRI Syariah, Bank BTPN/Jenius, Bank CIMB Niaga, Bank Neo Commerce, Bank Digibank/DBS, Bank Muamalat, OVO , GoPay, ShopeePay, & DANA

So, for those of you who are curious about how to buy jockey services at VCGamers, here's how to trade:

  • Select the product you want to buy (rank/win rate/MCL/etc);
  • ATTENTION! Before proceeding, make sure you have change your account password to a dummy password (Example: jokiVCGamers123) and turn off the 2-step security feature (Secondary Verification and Second Verification for new devices);
  • Enter account login details and a note for the seller through the available order notes column so that the seller can log in and process it. We suggest giving account login via Moonton, not FB/Google/VK/Apple ID/Game Center account;
  • Make payment for orders;
  • Contact the seller only through the VCGamers chat feature to find out the estimated jockey processing time. Avoid contacting sellers via other platforms, such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, and others;
  • We provide an automatic order completion deadline within 10×24 hours starting from the time the seller confirms the order has been sent. Make sure the order is correct before the order completes automatically;
  • If it is approaching the time for the order to be completed automatically and it turns out that the seller/jockey process has not yet received news/completion, then the buyer must press knob Complaint available on the transaction details to hold the balance forwarded to the seller. If you don't press Complain button until the specified time limit, the order is considered complete with the balance transferred to the seller;
  • If the seller has informed you that the jockey process is complete, immediately check your MLBB account to make sure the order is correct;
  • If you feel it is appropriate, log out all devices on your Mobile Legends account, then change the password again and activate your account's 2-step security feature so that the seller/jockey cannot log in again;
  • Please click the button Order Received available in the order details if you think the order is appropriate, and don't forget to give a rating to the Seller.
Also read: Listen! These are Tips for Push Rank Using Joy Mobile Legends

Selling ML jockey services at VCGamers

ML Jockey
ILLUSTRATION Source: Deviant Art

Besides being able to buy his services, you can also sell his services as a jockey at VCGamers.

For those of you who are interested in selling services at VCGamers, here's how:

  • Create a VCGamers account first;
  • After creating an account, you can log in using that account;
  • Then open the store by clicking MyShop in the row of icons on the right. At VCGamers, you can open a shop for free;
  • After that click “Shop Activation” and don't forget to verify your email as one of the conditions for opening a store on VCGamers Marketplace;
  • Enter your Bank Account or E-Wallet number;
  • Complete your shop profile, starting from the name, logo, cover, slogan, address, shop status and cellphone number;
  • If you have completed all the required information, click "Send", and congratulations, your shop at VCGamers Marketplace has been completed.

Apart from that, by selling Mobile Legend jockey services on VCGamers, you will get several benefits, namely:

  • Merchant fees charged are cheaper compared to other places. Where you will only be charged 3% for the merchant fee;
  • Transactions at VCGamers are guaranteed to be safe and you will not experience anything under the guise of fraud;
  • The process of selling jockey services at VCGamers is very easy and simple, so you don't have to bother taking care of the many jockey transactions/requests that you receive;
  • Withdrawing store balances that are easy and varied, starting from Bank BCA, Bank Mandiri, Bank Permata, Bank BRI, Bank BRI Syariah, Bank BTPN/Jenius, Bank CIMB Niaga, Bank Neo Commerce, Bank Digibank/DBS, Bank Muamalat, OVO, GoPay , ShopeePay, DANA.
Also read: How to Master Maps Mobile Legends a la Pro Player

That's our discussion this time regarding MLBB jockeys. Hope this article can help you!

Don't forget to top up Diamond Mobile Legends in an easy, fast, safe, and cheapest way only at VCGamers Marketplace!

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