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Price Prediction for GTA 6 to be Released in 2025

Currently, there is a lot of speculation about the price of GTA 6 when it is officially released by the game developer, Rockstar.
GTA 6 price
GTA 6 Price. Source: Official Cite

By now you may have guessed or made a price prediction for GTA 6. Even though the game isn't here yet, many gamers are already looking forward to it.

Rockstar is popular for presenting quality games that make you feel at home and exciting because there is no need to doubt the missions in it. So, it's natural that many game players are looking forward to the games they release.

Public enthusiasm for GTA VI is very high. This can be seen from the GTA VI trailer video which was released three months ago.

To date, the 1 minute and 30 second trailer uploaded directly to the Rockstar YouTube channel has been viewed 184 million times. This seems to be enough proof of the series' popularity GTA in the hearts of gamers.

Well, in the trailer it is stated that this game will be released in 2025, aka next year. Now we just need to be patient to be able to play the game.

However, perhaps there are already several parties who are already speculating about the price of this game on the day of its release. For more details, let's look at the predictions.

Also read: GTA 6 Release Date, Don't Miss It!

GTA 6 and Industrial Challenges

GTA 6 Made by Rockstar
GTA 6 Made by Rockstar. Source: Official Cite

Seeing the hype in the news regarding the franchise's newest lineup Grand Theft Auto (GTA) coming, it's not surprising that many gaming enthusiasts are speculating wildly about various things in this game. One of them is addressing the price of this game when it is released later.

Of course, matters regarding official fees are Rockstar's prerogative as the franchise owner. However, this will become even more serious considering the existence of several factors covering GTA 6 in the future.

GTA 6 as the most awaited game

The first is of course the high level of public interest. It is very likely that this game will bag one of the prestigious Game of the Year (GOTY) titles as the most anticipated game for 2024.

This has become a selling point for Rockstar to open prices as freely as they can! On the other hand, this is also a challenge for the developer to provide a cool lineup that does not disappoint the industry's high standard expectations.

GTA 6 Becomes the Most Expensive Game

And this is related to the second factor: the level of seriousness in the development of GTA 6. It is an "open secret" that this game is the most complex and most expensive lineup of the GTA franchise.

Not half-hearted, Rockstar also dares to apply the leading technology in the current gaming industry to equip GTA 6. This is what will make the GTA 6 game worthy of carrying exorbitant prices.

GTA 6 Promised in 2025
GTA 6 Promised in 2025. Source: Official Cite

NFT Based Economic System

Seeing the huge trend of GTA Roleplay which is currently being played as GTA 5 mods, Rockstar certainly does not ignore this potential.

As if listening to the wishes of their fanbase, GTA 6 will reportedly be officially available as a metaverse game with features sandbox.

Not only that, the economic system (in-game commerce) is also said to be NFT-based. If true, this means that GTA 6 will have digital currency that is directly proportional to real currency.

Also read: Bully 2 Will Be Released After GTA 6? Check the Answer Here!

Price Prediction for GTA 6 When Released

GTA 6 protagonist
GTA 6 Protagonist. Source: Official Cite

So, now we come to the main topic, namely the price tag for GTA 6. Considering the various aspects above, it is not surprising that the release price for this game will be considered fantastic.

Many speculate that Rockstar will not hesitate to force gamers to dig deep into their pockets. This is of course balanced with the various advantages embedded in the newest lineup of the legendary franchise.

Reporting from the Gamerant page, the estimate they provide will not be below the nominal value of USD 150! If calculated at the current exchange rate, the price is equivalent to IDR 2.4 million.

Imagine, this price is only for one game unit, you know. When compared with the initial release price of the Xbox Series console alone, this figure even reaches half.

And again, this is a preliminary estimate. It's possible that Rockstar could provide a price tag that is far above that. What's sad is that this figure will balloon further if it enters the Indonesian market.

Not only will the official version receive large taxes, it will also become increasingly inflated by exchange rate movements and inflation which will definitely increase every year.

So don't be surprised if later you need to provide safe funds of up to IDR 3.5 million. Hmm, almost the same as the price of buying one console huh.

However, we still have to wait for official information from the game developer and not rely on speculation circulating in cyberspace.

The developer will of course carry out comprehensive research before determining the selling price of this game.

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