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What Is Post in Dota 2? Definition, Distribution, Duties, and Heroes

Dota 2 players are no stranger to the term Post. But do you know the true meaning, the division of lanes, tasks, and also the heroes?
Post Dota 2
Post Sharing in Dota 2. Source: VCGamers.

For Dota 2 players, of course they are familiar with the term Post. But, do you know about the true meaning, the distribution of lanes, tasks, and also the heroes?

This time the author wants to explain in full what Post is in Dota 2. Do you want to know this term? Check it out below!

Also Read: What are Roles in Dota 2? Definition, Distribution, Duties, and Heroes

What Is Post in Dota 2?

Post Dota 2
Post Sharing in Dota 2. Source: VCGamers.

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Before giving a thorough explanation, the author will provide a basic definition of what Post is. After that, the author will explain in detail the differences from the existing posts.

This explanation the author summarizes from various sources, such as dota2.com, dota2. fandom, and playing experience. If there is an error, please write in the comments column to help each other.

Post is a designation that indicates a player's lane position to play. As a real-time strategy type game, of course there must be a grouping of playing positions so that they don't clash with each other.

The function of this post is to focus players so they don't choose the wrong hero or choose the lane. The reason is, every hero in Dota 2 is unique and has a different role.

Number of Posts in Dota 2

For the division, there are five posts that you should know as a Dota 2 player. To make it easier, the author has exemplified the positions of the two teams like the photo above.

In fact, the term Post in Dota 2 is somewhat different from Role. The Hero of each Post can change. While the Role of each Hero is certain, directly from Valve.

The five posts are carry, Midlaner, Offlaners, Soft-Support, and Hard-Support.

Heading 1 – Carry / Hard Carry / Core

Safelane Post 1 Troll Warlord Antimage.

Heading 1 is the post intended for the Hard Carry. You can call it Carry, Hard Carry, Core, it's the same. In essence, they are the heroes who do the most farming in the jungle.

Their positions on both team maps are reversed. If you are on the Radiant team, Post 1 is in the bottom lane. Meanwhile, on the Dire team, Post 1 is on the top lane. Easily, it has the longest lane characteristics and is horizontal in shape.

The reason they have long lanes is because the area between the safe lane and the mid lane contains Jungle. Jungle is where the neutral creeps are present. They can provide Exp, Gold, and Neutral Items.

The goal of a Carry is to "bring" the whole team to victory. To be able to achieve victory, he needs a lot of Exp and Gold.

There are two ways to get it. The first is to do a Last Hit on Lane Creeps. The second way is by farming in the Jungle.

Usually the heroes in this post tend to be weak and have poor durability in the early game. Therefore, they need hero support to take care of them, but not prevent them from getting Gold and Exp.

If you take the example of heroes, they are Troll Warlord, Anti-Mage Shadow Fiends, Naga Siren, Drow Ranger, and Phantom Lancer.

Also Read: 5 Best Carry Heroes in DOTA 2 Patch 7.23c

Heading 2 – Midlaner

Midlaner Pos 2 OD, Lina, Ember Spirit.

Heading 2 is a position for heroes with good durability and skills. With their position in the middle of the map (diagonally), they are able to help their friends who are having trouble in the bottom lane or top lane.

As Midlaner, he gets Exp faster than other heroes, but must be able to balance Gold with Last Hit. Midlaners don't need to share Exp, but don't have a Gold source other than creep lane.

The source of Gold besides the creep lane is ganking a teammate who needs it. By killing or getting assists, you can get additional gold.

In terms of skill, they can deal considerable damage, are able to get Last Hit, and run away quickly. With Last Hit, a Midlaner can offset the Gold of teammates and can buy items.

Examples of popular midlaner heroes are Pangolier, Invoker, Lina, Silencer, Void Spirit, Storm Spirit, and Ember Spirit.

Also Read: 5 Most GG Dota 2 Mid Lane Heroes, Not Easy to Lose!

Heading 3 in Dota 2 – Offlaner

Outpost 3 Offlaner Bristleback Underlord.

If you like playing as a tanker or are able to distract enemies, Heading 3 might be for you. However, Offlaner's task is quite tough, as they must be able to disrupt and survive against Safe Lane.

From the map position, Offlaners Radiant's team is in the top lane. As for the Dire team, Offlaners are in the bottom lane. Easily, they have the shortest and most vertical lanes.

Apart from being strong, an Offlaner must be agile in disrupting the enemy's Safe Lane. As the writer mentioned above, Safe Laner (Carry) is very eyeing Gold and Exp.

There are two things you can do to disrupt the enemy's Safe Lane. The first is Denied creeps from your team when their HP is low. That way, it will be difficult for the enemy to get Gold.

The second is sneaking into the Jungle. You can farm from the enemy jungle to kill the enemy Carry who is farming.

But you also have to be vigilant, don't let it be you who have to die. The Exp and Gold that is obtained from the death of a hero is very large.

Just like Post 1, you will be side by side with a support who can guarantee you can survive on that lane.

Offlaner heroes often chosen are Slardar, Monkey King, Lone Druid, Underlord, Dark Seer, Tidehunter, and Bristleback.

Also Read: Tips for Becoming a Dota 2 Offlaner When Ranked

Heading 4 – Soft Support

Post Dota 2
Post 4 Soft Support Earthshaker and Enchantress.

This support will accompany the Offlaner to restrain, disturb, protect the Offlaner until his goods and skills are formed.

Soft Support has the ability to Crowd Control, heal, and injure the enemy little by little.

If you pay attention, all Support heroes usually have considerable damage in the early game. However, during experience and research results, the skills of these supports have only grown a little.

They have three. The first is to buy wards to monitor enemy movements. The second is to make sure the Offlaner is not hit by a gank from the enemy.

Finally, you can help Offlaners by pulling creep lanes or stacking neutral creeps. Not just any creeps, the closest neutral creeps are Ancient Creeps. So Offlaners can offset Exp and Gold from enemy Carry.

The term soft support also refers to light duty support. You can still do last hit and attack the enemy. The most important thing is that you have the main task of a support.

Examples of heroes from Soft Support are Earthshaker, Enchantress, Snapfire, Mirana, Skywrath Mage, and Vengeful Spirit.

Also Read: 5 Best Dota 2 Support Heroes in Patch 7.32!

 Post 5 in Dota 2 – Hard Support

Post Dota 2
Post 5 Support Ogre Magi IO.

This is the role that according to the author is the most difficult. As a Hard Support, he has to give up the Exp and Gold he should have to the Carry.

Speaking of positions, Hard Support will accompany the Hard Carry, starting from buying wards, mana and health regeneration, and other important items.

In terms of position, the area that needs to be monitored by Hard Support is very large, namely the Jungle. It could be that in the dark Jungle, there are groups of enemies who are ready to gank Carry or even take farming land.

Inside the Jungle, in Patch 7.32, there are at least six neutral creeps and one bounty rune. So you have to be able to set the rhythm, when to pull creeps, when to stack, to take bounty runes every 3 minutes.

Lastly, a Hard Support must be sensitive to Creep Equilibrium or meeting points between creeps. At first, lane creeps will meet in the middle of the river. You can

You can adjust the Creep Equilibrium by pulling neutral creeps (small camp) towards the creep wave when the time is 17 or 47 seconds.

That way, your creep wave will be stopped by Neutral Creeps. Meanwhile, your enemy's creep wave will go straight to your tower.

Heroes often associated with Hard Support are IO, Shadow Shaman, Phoenix, Witch Doctor, Jakiro, and Ogre Magi.

Also Read: 5 Hard Support Heroes DOTA 2

That is the understanding, duties, and also the heroes in each post. Hopefully with this article, you can understand more about the Post in Dota 2.

So, which post did you like?

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