
Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 Guide

Published by
Fikri Basrizal

Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 Guide

Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 Guide is very useful for those of you who want to escape from Huggy Wuggy.

Poppy Playtime is a game that utilizes a popular theme, namely about cute character and child-friendly turns into a killer monster, turning a childhood dream toy factory into one of nightmares.

Because this game is so scary, we provide a guide to overcome the challenges in it. Poppy Playtime Chapter 1.

If you feel like you really need a Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 guide, let's take a look at the following discussion!

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What is Poppy Playtime Chapter 1?

The Most Complete Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 Guide. Source: Play Store

Poppy Playtime is a survival horror game with puzzle-based gameplay, developed and published by MOB Games. 

In this game you will play as a former employee of Playtime Co, a once popular toy company that closed down after some horrific events occurred ten years ago. 

Today, the factory lies abandoned, but an ominous letter invites you to return to uncover the mystery of what happened to the missing staff.

With first-person gameplay, you'll explore hallways and make your way through factories, solving puzzles along the way with the help of your trusty GrabPack. 

However, there are some toys that consider this factory their home, and they do not welcome your unexpected presence at all.

Later you will face Poppy Playtime Huggy Wuggy who is thirsty for hugs and leads you to find Poppy Playtime herself.

Panduan Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 – A Tight Squeeze

A Tight Squeeze. Source: Play Store

As previously mentioned, Poppy Playtime chapter 1 is titled A Tight Squeeze and tasks you with exploring an abandoned toy factory while avoiding the deadly embrace of the long-legged, long-armed, and terrifying hugger that is Huggy Wuggy. 

To survive the night, you have to solve various puzzles, collect a number of items, and not die.

Chapter 1's runtime is around one to three hours, but with this guide, you can get through it much quicker, taking around 45 minutes to complete the whole thing. Also, note that there are five VHS tapes to collect in Chapter 1. 

These are actually optional, but they contain important story clues, so it's worth collecting them all. Even if you die after collecting them, they still count.

To start adventure baru yang mengerikan, cukup tekan start di menu utama dan pilih ‘game baru’. You will be told that you are a former employee of Playtime Co. who returned to the factory years after everyone inside disappeared. 

Then you will be told about the monster Huggy Wuggy, who will chase you throughout the chapter. After you watch the opening video, you will gain control of the character. Next, you need to walk up to the front desk and pick up a green tape, which you can watch on the VCR player to the right of the door.

Belok kanan dan berjalanlah melewati poster ‘eat healthy like Bron’ untuk sampai ke toko suvenir. Here, you can see colorful trains running along red tracks hanging from the ceiling, this is important to note as the colors offer the solution to the next puzzle.

Then leave the souvenir shop and head to the door with the colored keypad next to it. This is where the train colors come in, as you have to press the color that corresponds to the train color on the keypad. 

Luckily, you don't have to go back and forth trying to remember the pattern because we can tell you the combination:

  • Green
  • Pink
  • Yellow
  • Red

Pressing the colored squares in this order will open the door and allow you to access the security office. Enter the security office and grab the blue tape on the desk. Insert it into the nearest VCR player and watch the video, which will introduce you to the GrabPack upgrade you'll soon receive. 

After videos Once completed, the container in front of you will open and reveal a blue hand. Interact with it to complete it. So you have got the blue hand. This is very useful because when you go back to the reception area, you need it to get to the lobby. 

Jump through the turnstile near the reception desk and high-five the blue hand sign above the door nearby. When you enter the playtime lobby, you will see a large version of Huggy Wuggy with his arms raised. 

There are seven doors in the lobby that lead to different parts of the factory, but before you can go through them, you need the yellow electrical room key. 

To get the key, press the blue hand sign above the door on the left. The door will not open because it has no power, but it will push the yellow power room key to fall into Huggy Wuggy's raised hand. Raihlah untuk mengambilnya, lalu pergilah ke pintu ‘power’ di sudut sebelah kiri pintu biru.

Go to the end of the room to find a covered socket. Use your hand to open the cover, then stick your hand into the newly opened socket, so you can conduct electricity through your muscular arm.

Leave your hand plugged into the socket, then walk across the room, connecting the two conductive poles. This will turn on the electricity.

Setelah daya menyala, kembalilah ke lobi waktu bermain. Tidak lama – ini menandai awal dari hubungan yang sangat menakutkan. 

Go to the blue door on the left that you tried to open before getting the key, and go through it. 

Head down the hall and enter through the door on the left, following the dimly lit corridor to your next destination.

In this new room, walk past the yellow VCR player and up the stairs to the catwalk. Follow the catwalk until you reach a control panel with a blue fuse next to it. Take the fuse and interact with the fuse box to place it in place, then drop down to the lower level through the gap in the fence.

From here, you need to find three additional fuses. Once you have found all three, pull the door to the right of the conveyor belt and open the control panel, then climb back up the ladder to return to the control panel and install the fuses. 

This will trigger the crane to drop a red hand onto the conveyor belt below. Climb down and interact with the red hand to complete it.

While this is completely optional, if you're hoping to get all of the VHS tapes, you can find them in the factory room. 

It's on the second shelf that's slanted from the door, and you just need to go behind the first shelf to get it. Walk back to the yellow VCR player you passed on your way in to play it.

Now that you have a new hand and the next VHS tape, you must escape the factory room. 

Kamu tidak bisa kembali ke jalan yang sudah ditempuh sebelumnya – sebagai gantinya, kamu harus naik ke ban berjalan tempat kamu mendapatkan tangan merah, membuka pintu di ujungnya, berjongkok untuk melewatinya, lalu meluncur ke area di bawahnya.

When you get to the bottom of the conveyor belt, you'll find yourself in a bit of trouble, as you're stuck. If you want to go any further, you'll need to solve a circuit puzzle.

Start by heading to the immediate right of the conveyor belt you just came down. 

Follow the belt, around the corner, and up the ramp. On the right, there is a socket. Press with one of your hands and hold it. 

Across from this socket, there is a one-way ramp with a conduction pole. Slide down and wrap your arms around it, then return to the entrance and walk towards the door. 

Turn to the left and throw your other hand into the socket there to complete the circuit. Then sit back and enjoy the terrifying conveyor belt ride.

At the end of the conveyor belt, you'll find yourself in the friend room, but you'll need to solve another circuit puzzle to turn the power back on. 

Climb the stairs to the right of where you first entered to reach the catwalk. You will need to use one of your hands to pull the catwalk towards you to cover the gap.

If you want to collect all the tapes, walk along the catwalk until you reach the socket. 

Before you interact with it, look to the right to find a pink ribbon on a blue box. Insert it into the pink VCR player at the top of the stairs to watch it.

Walk to the middle of the catwalk and look to the right to find another part of the catwalk. Pull towards you to create a shortcut between the different poles. Now comes the hard part.

Hold the axle at the top of the catwalk with one hand, then cross the bridge you created by pulling on the catwalk pieces. 

Turn right, then walk forward towards the second fuse box and use your other hand to pull the catwalk to the other side.

Turn around and wrap your arms around both poles, and you'll have enough arm length to walk across the new bridge you created and press the button on the other side. 

Setelah listrik menyala, pergilah ke lantai bawah dan berinteraksi dengan tombol konsol ‘Make A Friend’ di tengah ruangan (kamu tidak bisa menekan tombol ini dengan tangan – jangan sampai ketahuan seperti yang sering terjadi pada kebanyakan orang!) 

Tarik tiga tuas di sebelah kiri konsol dan tunggu sampai mainan selesai dirakit. Ambil mainan yang sudah selesai dirakit dan letakkan di atas timbangan di sebelah pintu yang bertuliskan ‘nobody leaves without making a toy’ untuk membukanya.

Walking through the door and down the hallway will trigger the Huggy Wuggy chase sequence, which is terrifying the first time it happens. 

Once he's in sight, turn around and run to the end of the conveyor belt where you got the Make a Friend toy and head towards the open door. 

From here, you must run through the vents, avoiding the pursuing Huggy Wuggy. Whenever you see one, immediately turn around and run in the opposite direction, following the new path that opens up for you.

Setelah kamu lolos dari ventilasi dan mendarat di platform baja, berbaliklah dan lihatlah ke atas, kamu bisa melihat peti kuning dengan cetakan tangan di atasnya – tariklah ke bawah untuk mengakhiri cobaan.

From here, walk along the catwalk to the door with flowers around it. You can see a gray ribbon on the floor as you walk. Take it, then turn right to reach a gray VCR player at the end of the catwalk.

To complete Poppy Playtime Chapter 1, simply enter through the poppy door and follow the hallway until you find a doll in a glass case. Use your hand to open the case, freeing Poppy from her prison.

And there you have it, the guide to completing Poppy Playtime Chapter 1. We hope this guide is useful for you.

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Fikri Basrizal