Pokemon Rock. Source: Tom Salazar/Youtube
Same as other types. Pokémon Rock also has a weakness against certain types of Pokemon such as Grass and Ground.
Until Pokemon Generation IX, there were 76 Pokemon with the Rock type or the equivalent of 7,45% of the total number of Pokemon.
With fewer numbers than some other types, Rock type Pokemon are type 7th rarest after Steel and before Ground.
This article will discuss the characteristics and weaknesses of Pokemon Rock that you should know to increase your chances of winning the battle.
What types of Pokemon can be the best counters for Pokemon Rock? Read more in the article below!
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Before knowing the counter recommendations for Pokemon Rock, it's a good idea to know what its attack and defense characteristics are first.
Like Grass Pokemon, Rock types have the most weaknesses compared to other Pokemon types. There are two weaknesses in Rock-type Pokemon which are very easy to find.
Since Generation IV, Rock-type Pokemon have received an increase in Special Defense statistics of 50% during a sandstorm and become immune to the damage dealt by it.
On average, Rock Pokemon have the slowest speed of all Pokemon, including when they are in perfect evolution.
Even though it is slower, this Pokemon usually has the highest Defense statistics with above average Special Defense.
Another advantage of this Pokemon is its resistance to four types of Pokemon which are included in the easy to find category.
For defensive characteristics, Pokemon Rock is especially compatible when paired with the Ground type.
Most Rock types can learn the move Earthquake. But unfortunately, the biggest weakness of the Rock type is that it has a move accuracy of less than 100%.
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Pokemon Rock is very effective against Bug, Fire, Flying and Ice types. On the other hand, they are weak when faced with Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel and Water types.
Pokemon with the Fighting type have the highest level of Physical Attack compared to other types.
Apart from being very effective against Rock types, Fighting types can also be a good choice for defeating Ice, Normal and Dark types.
You can include Sirfetch'd, Pangoro, Toxicroak and Hawluca in the list of Pokemon that will compete on the battlefield.
Just like the Rock type, Grass type Pokemon have the most weaknesses among the other Pokemon types.
Since Generation I, Grass-type Pokemon have had the special advantage of being the only type that is immune to Leech Seed.
In Generation VI, Grass types have immunity to attacks from various types of attacks powder and spores such as Sleep Powder and Stun Spore.
Apart from being effective against Rock type Pokemon, Grass type is also very effective against Ground and Water types. You can use Grass Pokemon such as Celebi and Sceptile.
Ground type Pokemon are one option that you can use against Rock types. This type is also very effective against Electric, Fire, Poison, and Steel types.
Ground Pokemon will not take damage from sandstorms and they also have good resistance to attacks from Electric types.
They can be an option in the match line-up because they can provide good protection when combined with other types of attacks.
During a sandstorm, Ground-type attacks combined with Sand Force will increase their strength by 30%. Examples of Ground type Pokemon are Groudon and Steelix.
Steel-type Pokemon were first introduced since Generation II. This Pokemon is a strong defensive type, where there are 10 types of Pokemon that are not effective against Steel types.
Since the Pokemon X/Y game, the resistance to Dark and Ghost type Pokemon has been removed. However, the Steel type remains the Pokemon with the highest average Defense. An example of Pokemon Steel is Scizor.
The last option that is very effective to use against Rock type Pokemon is the Water type. The Water type has good defense and is only weak against two types, namely Electric and Grass.
Weather can have an influence on the moves used by Water-type Pokemon. Rain can help increase the strength of this Pokemon.
Sunlight that is too bright can reduce the strength of Water-type Pokemon and even make their attacks fail if the sunlight is too extreme.
Almost all Water types can learn Rin Dande to improve their attacks and add bonuses to the same attack type.
To fight Rock-type Pokemon, you can choose Greninja, Toxapex, and Primal Kyogre in your match line-up.
Also read: Toxapex, a Pokemon with High Defense!
So, that's the article about the weaknesses and best counters for Rock-type Pokemon. Do you already have one of the Pokemon of the types mentioned above?
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