Pokémon has a total of 18 different types with their respective strengths and weaknesses. One of them is the Pokemon Ghost type.
Pokemon type refers to properties element different ones that have to do with the abilities that Pokémon use in battle.
This article will cover everything you need to know about Pokemon Ghost types. Curious? Come on, see more in the article below!
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Ghost Pokemon type

The Ghost type is famous for Pokémon who has low HP. However, this type of Pokemon is very useful in battle because it is the only type that has two immunities, namely the Normal and Fighting types.
This Pokemon is usually associated with fear, darkness, and the afterlife. They usually live in abandoned houses, cemeteries, burial places, and dark, uninhabited places like caves.

The Ghost type tends to have a very naughty nature, they make fun of humans just to see their faces and reactions.
The more afraid a human is, the stronger this Pokemon's power is to bully them.
Some Ghost types may have deadly traits, for example Jellicent which devours ships and crew and Litwick which evolves from the life energy of stragglers.
Attack, Defense and Ghost Type Effects

Each type of Pokemon has different Attack, Defense, and Effects. What are the effects and advantages and disadvantages of Pokemon Ghost's Attack and Defense? Read more below:
Strengths and Weaknesses Attack
- Ghost types are very effective against fellow Ghost types and Psychic types;
- Ghost types are not very effective against Dark types;
- The Ghost type does not have any effect on the Normal type.
Defense Strengths and Weaknesses
- Normal and Fighting types have no effect on Ghost types;
- Poison and Bug types are not very effective against Ghost types;
- Ghost and Dark types are very effective against Ghost types.
Ghost Type Effect
- This Pokemon type cannot be prevented from switching out via Mean Look and Shadow Tag or running from the battlefield;
- The Foresight and Odor Sleuth abilities as well as the Scrappy ability can make Normal and Fighting type Pokemon deal damage to Ghost types;
- The Curse ability can work differently for Ghost types, where the user's HP will be reduced by half and a curse can make the target's HP decrease by as much as 117/24/20174 their every turn;
- The Rattled ability can increase a Pokemon's speed by one level when they are hit by a Ghost-type attack;
- A Pokemon with the Purifying Salt ability gets a 50% damage reduction when they are hit by an attack from a Ghost type;
- Spook Plate and Spell Tag items can increase Ghost-type attack power by 20% when they use them;
- Ghost Gem can increase Ghost-type attack by 30% when used and consumed;
- Kasib Berry will neutralize attacks from Ghost types super effectively when used.
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Items Related to Pokemon Ghost

There are 8 items related to Ghost Type Pokemon. Here is a list of items and their uses:
- Decidium-Z – A Z-Crystal that can change Ghost-type abilities to Ghost-type Z-Moves
- Ghostium-Z – A Z-Crystal that can transform Decidueve Spirit Shackle into Ghost type Z-Moves
- Dusk Stone – An Evolution Stone used to evolve Ghost-type Pokemon
- Ghost Gems – Increases the strength of 30% from Ghost-type attacks once
- Spell Tag – Increases 20% the strength of Ghost-type attacks by one time
- Kasib Berry – A berry that can reduce damage dealt by super-effective attacks of the Ghost type
- Spooky Plate – A stone that can increase the power of Ghost-type attacks by 20% and change Arceus and Judgment to Ghost-type
- Ghost Memories – Acts as a counter for Spooky Plate and changes Silvally and Multi-Attack to become Ghost type
In-game items can be obtained in several ways. You can get it from other characters in the game, buy it at Poké Marts, or find them scattered throughout the Pokemon world.
Well, that's an article about everything you should know about the Pokemon Ghost type. How about you, what is your favorite type of Pokémon?
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