Complete List of Pokemon Fire Red Cheats and How to Use Them
As we know, playing games using cheats will make the gameplay easier, and this also applies to Pokemon Fire Red.
This game is the latest version of Pokemon Red which was first released in 2004 and became the opening door for the popularity of Pokemon games throughout the world.
Here you will explore the Kanto region and catch 151 types of adorable Pokemon.
And for those of you looking for a way to get as many Rare Candies as possible, increase your character's stats to the max, or perhaps find a way to catch a rare Mew, you can use cheat codes.
In the following explanation we will share the Pokemon Fire Red cheat code and how to use it.
Also read:
How to Use Pokemon Fire Red Cheats

If you play using Game Boy Advance and using Gameshark or Action Replay, then all you have to do is type in the code to activate the cheat.
However, these devices usually require a master code to be used first. Here are the master codes for Pokemon Fire Red:
- 8E883EFF 92E9660D
Just type in the master code using Gameshark or Action Replay and you're good to go with the Pokemon Fire Red cheat.
However, if you are using an emulator like Visual Boy Advance for Windows, you will need to follow a few more steps to use Pokemon Fire Red cheats:
- Open emulators VBA
- Then select File, then Open and now select Pokémon FireRed ROM
- Select Cheats and then Cheat List from the VBA menu.
- Select Gameshark
- Enter the cheat code of your choice
- Select OK twice and you will be back in the game
Complete List of Pokemon Fire Red Cheat Codes

Below is a complete list of Pokemon Fire Red cheat codes that you can use.
Tips before using cheats, save your game before using any cheats, and try to use a maximum of three cheats at a time or you will experience problems in the game.
Walk through walls
- 509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4
Instant 999,999 Money
- 29C78059 96542194
No random battles
- D41DD0CA 33A629E5
- 8E883EFF 92E9660D
Have all the Pokéballs
- 420259D80001 0001000C0004
- 420259DA5212 0000000C0004
Have all master balls
- 82025840 0001
TM & HM Modifiers
This method is a little different, first you have to go to 82025840 and then add the code for the TM you choose, as listed below.
Then go to the Pokemart and buy the first item on the list and the TM will appear in your bag.
TM Code:
- 0121 = TM01 Focus Punch
- 0122 = TM02 Dragon Claw
- 0123 = TM03 Water Pulse
- 0124 = TM04 Calm Mind
- 0125 = TM05 Roar
- 0126 = TM06 Toxic
- 0127 = TM07 Hail
- 0128 = TM08 Bulk Up
- 0129 = TM09 Bullet Seed
- 012A = TM10 Hidden Power
- 012B = TM11 Sunny Day
- 012C = TM12 Taunt
- 012D = TM13 Ice Beam
- 012E = TM14 Blizzard
- 012F = TM15 Hyper Beam
- 0130 = TM16 Light Screen
- 0131 = TM17 Protect
- 0132 = TM18 Rain Dance
- 0133 = TM19 Giga Drain
- 0134 = TM20 Safeguard
- 0135 = TM21 Frustration
- 0136 = TM22 Solar Beam
- 0137 = TM23 Iron Tail
- 0138 = TM24 Thunderbolt
- 0139 = TM25 Thunder
- 013A = TM26 Earthquake
- 013B = TM27 Return
- 013C = TM28 Dig
- 013D = TM29 Psychic
- 013E = TM30 Shadow Ball
- 013F = TM31 Brick Break
- 0140 = TM32 Double Team
- 0141 = TM33 Reflect
- 0142 = TM34 Shock Wave
- 0143 = TM35 Flamethrower
- 0144 = TM36 Sludge Bomb
- 0145 = TM37 Sandstorm
- 0146 = TM38 Fire Blast
- 0147 = TM39 Rock Tomb
- 0148 = TM40 Aerial Ace
- 0149 = TM41 Torment
- 014A = TM42 Facade
- 014B = TM43 Secret Power
- 014C = TM44 Rest
- 014D = TM45 Attract
- 014E = TM46 Thief
- 014F = TM47 Steel Wing
- 0150 = TM48 Skill Swap
- 0151 = TM49 Snatch
- 0152 = TM50 Overheat
- 0153 = HM01 Cut
- 0154 = HM02 Fly
- 0155 = HM03 Surf
- 0156 = HM04 Strength
- 0157 = HM05 Flash
- 0158 = HM06 Rock Smash
- 0159 = HM07 Waterfall
- 015A = HM08 Dive
Never seen a wild Pokemon
- D41DD0CA 33A629E5
- 8E883EFF 92E9660D
Complete the Pokedex
- 4202462CFFFF
- 0000003C0002
- 42025BA0FF
- 0000001A0002
- 42028FC0FFFF
- 0000001A0002
Max Out All Pokemon Stats
This code depends on the position of the Pokemon you choose in your party:
Pokémon 1:
- 420242DA03E7
- 000000070002
Pokémon 2:
- 4202433E03E7
- 000000070002
Pokémon 3:
- 420243A203E7
- 000000070002
Pokémon 4:
- 4202440603E7
- 000000070002
Pokémon 5:
- 4202446A03E7
- 000000070002
Pokémon 6:
- 420244CE03E7
- 000000070002
Nature Changer Code
For this, use the code AA3BB0ED 41CD5D95 and then add it to the code below for the trait you want.
- D0E34D66 5796A7D3 = Hardy
- D73BC50A 5F47AA0E = Lonely
- E485844D 2F24038C = Brave
- 5EB8DEEE 692ED298 = Adamant
- 83286B46 6479AA98 = Naughty
- 35EB915F 08F33974 = Bold
- A58F6F1B BFB13FEF = Docile
- 34027F23 7E7E1599 = Relaxed
- CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 = Impish
- D593BF29 E18AAAE5 = Lax
- 1BC372C9 06B4D17F = Timid
- D4950A99 D729D80A = Hasty
- 93F04759 F95753D9 = Serious
- E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7 = Jolly
- 56F744B0 37E16732 = Naive
- E1EB2109 4480C28D = Moderate
- A2461E51 304137B6 = Mild
- 0456554B 66D3AAF9 = Quiet
- B05B4CCD A0A1505B = Bashful
- 909149AB 2DE8726A = Rash
- 31F62F82 D9A0C100 = Calm
- 9A41D845 41B93FE6 = Gentle
- D47DA721 6C3B9FFC = Sassy
- 1A15BF1E E72650E4 = Careful
- 5A7B2626 21ECD183 = Quirky
Pokémon FireRed Item Codes
Use the code 82025840 and then add one of the item codes below.
Item code:
- 000D = Potion
- 000E = Antidote
- 000F = Burn Heal
- 00B3 = Bright Powder
- 00B4 = White Herb
- 00B5 = Macho Brace
- 00B6 = Exp Share
- 00B7 = Quick C law
- 00B8 = Soothing Bell
- 00B9 = Mental Herb
- 00BA = Choice Band
- 00BB = King's Rock
- 00BC = Silver Powder
- 00BD = Amulet Coin
- 00BE = Cleansing Tag
- 00BF = Soul Dew
- 00C 0 = Deep Sea Tooth
- 00C 1 = Deep Sea Scale
- 00C 2 = Smoke Ball
- 00C 3 = Everstone
- 00C 4 = Focus Band
- 00C 5 = Lucky Egg
- 00C 6 = Scope Lens
- 00C 7 = Metal Coat
- 00C 8 = Leftovers
- 00C 9 = Dragon Scale
- 00C A = Light Ball
- 00C B = Soft Sand
- 00C C = Hard Stone
- 00C D = Miracle Seed
- 00C E = Black Glasses
- 00C F = Black Belt
- 00D0 = Magnet 00D1 = Mystic Water
- 00D2 = Sharp Beak
- 00D3 = Poison Barb
- 00D4 = Never Melt Ice
- 00D5 = Spell Tag
- 00D6 = Twisted Spoon
- 00D7 = Charcoal
- 00D8 = Dragon Fang
- 00D9 = Silk Scarf
- 00DA = Upgrade
- 00DB = Shell Bell
- 00DC = Sea Incense
- 00DD = Lax Incense
- 00DE = Lucky Punch
- 00DF = Metal Powder
- 00E0 = Thick Club
- 00E1 = Stick
- 00FE = Red Scarf
- 00FF = Blue Scarf
- 0100 = Pink Scarf
- 0101 = Green Scarf
- 0102 = Yellow Scarf
- 0103 = Mach Bike
- 0104 = Coin Case
- 0105 = ItemFinder
- 0106 = Old Rod
- 0107 = Good Rod
- 0108 = Super Rod
- 0109 = SS Ticket
- 010A = Contest Pass
- 010C = Wailmer Pail
- 010D = Devon's Goods
- 010E = Soot Sack
- 010F = Basement Key
- 0110 = Acro Bike
- 0111 = PokeBlock Case
- 0112 = Letter
- 0113 = Eon Ticket
- 0114 = Red Orb
- 0115 = Blue Orb
- 0116 = Scanner
- 0117 = Go Goggles
- 0118 = Meteorite
- 0119 = Rm.1 Key
- 011A = Rm.2 Key
- 011B = Rm.4 Key
- 011C = Rm.6 Key
- 011D = Storage Key
- 011E = Root Fossil
- 011F = C law Fossil
- 0120 = Devon Scope
- 001A = Fresh Water
- 001B = Soda Pop
- 001C = Lemonade
- 001D = MooMoo Milk
- 001E = Energy Powder
- 001F = Energy Root
- 0010 = Ice Heal
- 0011 = Awakening
- 0012 = Parlyz Heal
- 0013 = Full Restore
- 0014 = Max Potion
- 0015 = Hyper Potion
- 0016 = Super Potion
- 0017 = Full Heal
- 0018 = Revive
- 0019 = Max Revive
- 0020 = Healing Powder
- 0021 = Revival Herb
- 0022 = Ether
- 0023 = Max Ether
- 0024 = Elixir
- 0025 = Max Elixir
- 0026 = Lava Cookie
- 0027 = Blue Flute
- 0028 = Yellow Flute
- 0029 = Red Flute
- 002A = Black Flute
- 002B = White Flute
- 002C = Berry Juice
- 002D = Sacred Ash
- 002E = Shoal Salt
- 002F = Shoal Shell
- 0030 = Red Shard
- 0031 = Blue Shard
- 0032 = Yellow Shard
- 0033 = Green Shard
- 003F = HP Up
- 0040 = Protein
- 0041 = Iron
- 0042 = Carbide
- 0043 = Calcium
- 0044 = Rare Candy
- 0045 = PP Up
- 0046 = Zinc
- 0047 = PP Max
- 0049 = Guard Spec
- 004A = Dire Hit
- 004B = X Attack
- 004C = X Defend
- 004D = X Speed
- 004E = X Accuracy
- 004F = X Special
- 0050 = Poke Doll
- 0051 = Fluffy Tail
- 0053 = Super Repel
- 0054 = Max Repel
- 0055 = Escape Rope
- 0056 = Repel
- 005D = Sun Stone
- 005E = Moonstone
- 005F = Fire Stone
- 0060 = Thunder Stone
- 0061 = Water Stone
- 0062 = Leaf Stone
- 0067 = Tiny Mushroom
- 0068 = Big Mushroom
- 006A = Pearl
- 006B = Big Pearl
- 006C = Stardust
- 006D = Star Piece
- 006E = Nuggets
- 006F = Heart Scale
- 0079 = Orange Mail
- 007A = Harbor Mail
- 007B = Glitter Mail
- 007C = Mech Mail
- 007D = Wood Mail
- 007E = Wave Mail
- 007F = Bead Mail
- 0080 = Shadow Mail
- 0081 = Tropic Mail
- 0082 = Dream Mail
- 0083 = Fab Mail
- 0084 = Retro Mail
- 0085 = Cherry Berry
- 0086 = Chestnut Berry
- 0087 = Pecha Berry
- 0088 = Raw Berry
- 0089 = Asparagus Berry
- 008A = Leppa Berry
- 008B = Orange Berry
- 008C = Persimmon Berry
- 008D = Lum Berry
- 008E = Citrus Berry
- 008F = Figy Berry
- 0090 = Wiki Berry
- 0091 = Magno Berry
- 0092 = Aguav Berry
- 0093 = Iapapa Berry
- 0094 = Razz Berry
- 0095 = Blueberry
- 0096 = Pineapple Berry
- 0097 = Weeping Berry
- 0098 = Pineapple Berry
- 0099 = Pomegranate Berry
- 009A = Kelpsy Berry
- 009B = Qualot Berry
- 009C = Honeydew Berry
- 009D = Grepa Berry
- 009E = Tamato Berry
- 009F = Corn Berry
- 00A0 = Maggot Berry
- 00A1 = Red Berry
- 00A2 = Berry Nomel
- 00A3 = Spelon Berry
- 00A4 = Pamtre Berry
- 00A5 = Watermelon Berry
- 00A6 = Durian Berry
- 00A7 = White Berry
- 00A8 = Lime Berry
- 00A9 = Ganlon Berry
- 00AA = Salak Berry
- 00AB = Berry Petai
- 00AC = Apicot Berry
- 00AD = Berry Land
- 00AE = Star Berry
- 00AF = Enigma Berry
Warp Code
You have to add the code 82031DBC followed by the code ID of your desired location.
ID Location:
- 0000- Battle Link Center
- 0100- Trade Link Center
- 0200- 4-Way Data Swap Center
- 0300- 4-Way Battle Center
- 0001- Viridian Forest
- 0101- Mt. Moon (1)
- 0201- Mt. Moon (2)
- 0301- Mt. Moon (3)
- 0401- SS Anne Entrance
- 0501- SS Anne (1)
- 0601- SS Anne (2)
- 0701- SS Anne (3)
- 0801- SS Anne (4)
- 0901- SS Anne (5)
- 0A01- SS Anne (6)
- 0B01- SS Anne (7)
- 0C01- SS Anne (8)
- 0D01- SS Anne Rooms (1)
- 0E01- SS Anne Rooms (2)
- 0F01- SS Anne Rooms (3)
- 1001- SS Anne Rooms (4)
- 1101- SS Anne Rooms (5)
- 1201- SS Anne Rooms (6)
- 1301- SS Anne Rooms (7)
- 1401- SS Anne Rooms (8)
- 1501- SS Anne Rooms (9)
- 1601- SS Anne Rooms (10)
- 1701- SS Anne Rooms (11)
- 1801- SS Anne Rooms (12)
- 1901- SS Anne Rooms (13)
- 1A01-SS Anne Rooms (14)
- 1B01-SS Anne Rooms (15)
- 1C01-SS Anne Rooms (16)
- 1D01-SS Anne Rooms (17)
- 1E01- Underground Path Entrance (Route 5)
- 1F01- Underground Path (Cerulean-Vermilion)
- 2001- Underground Path Entrance (Route 6)
- 2102- Underground Path Entrance (Route 7)
- 2202- Underground Path (Celedon-Lavender)
- 2302- Underground Path Entrance (Route 8)
- 2402- Digletts Cave (Route 2)
- 2502- Digletts Cave
- 2602- Digletts Cave (Route 11)
- 2702- Victory Road (1)
- 2802- Victory Road (2)
- 2902- Victory Road (3)
- 2A02- Team Rocket Hideout (1)
- 2B02- Team Rocket Hideout (2)
- 2C02- Team Rocket Hideout (3)
- 2D02- Team Rocket Hideout (4)
- 2E02- Team Rocket Hideout Elevator
- 2F02- Silph Co (1)
- 3002- Silph Co (2)
- 3102- Silph Co (3)
- 3202- Silph Co (4)
- 3302- Silph Co (5)
- 3402- Silph Co (6)
- 3502- Silph Co (7)
- 3602- Silph Co (8)
- 3702- Silph Co (9)
- 3802- Silph Co (10)
- 3902- Silph Co (11)
- 3A02- Silph Co (Elevator)
- 0002- Mystery Island 8
- 0102- Battle Tower
- 0202- Battle Tower
- 0302- Battle Tower
- 0402- Battle Tower
- 0502- Battle Tower
- 0602- Battle Tower
- 0702- Cerulean City Pokécenter
- 0802- Battle Tower
- 0902- Battle Tower
- 0A02- Battle Tower
- 0B02- Battle Tower
- 0C02- Island 8 Cave (1)
- 0D02- Island 8 Cave (2)
- 0E02- Island 8 Cave (3)
- 0F02- Island 8 Cave (4)
- 1002- Island 8 Cave (5)
- 1102- Island 8 Cave (6)
- 1202- Island 8 Cave (7)
- 1302- Island 8 Cave (8)
- 1402- Island 8 Cave (9)
- 1502- Island 8 Cave (10)
- 1602- Island 8 Cave (11)
- 1702- Island 8 Cave (12)
- 1802- Island 8 Cave (13)
- 1902- Island 8 Cave (14)
- 1A02- Island 8 Cave (15)
- 1B02- Island 8 Cave (16)
- 1C02- Island 8 Tombs (1)
- 1D02- Weepth Chamber
- 1E02- Dilford Chamber
- 1F02 – Scufib Chamber
- 2002- Rixy Chamber
- 2102- Viapois Chamber
- 2302- Tanoby Key
- 3A02- Island 9
- 0003- Pallet Town
- 0103 – Viridian City
- 0203 – Pewter City
- 0303 – Cerulean City
- 0403 – Lavender Town
- 0503 – Vermilion City
- 0603 – Celedon City
- 0703 – Fuchsia City
- 0803 – Cinnabar Island
- 0903 – Indigo Plateau
- 0A03 – Saffron City
- 0B03 – Neo Saffron City
- 0C03 – Island 1
- 0D03 – Island 2
- 0E03 – Island 3
- 0F03 – Island 4
- 1003 – Island 5
- 1103 – Island 6
- 1203 – Island 7
- 1303 – Route 1
- 1403 – Route 2
- 1503 – Route 3
- 1603- Route 4
- 1703- Route 5
- 1803- Route 6
- 1903- Route 7
- 1a03- Route 8
- 1b03- Route 9
- 1c03- Route 10
- 1d03- Route 11
- 1e03- Route 12
- 1f03- Route 13
- 2003- Route 14
- 2103- Route 15
- 2203- Route 16
- 2303- Route 17
- 2403- Route 18
- 2503- Route 19
- 2603- Route 20
- 2703- Route 21
- 2803- Neo Route 21
- 2903- Route 22
- 2A03- Route 23
- 2B03- Route 24
- 2C03- Route 25
- 2D03- Island Route (1)
- 3703- Island Route (5)
- 3D03- Island Route (6)
- 3E03- Trainer Tower
- 3F03- Canyon Entrance
- 4003- Sevault Canyon
- 4103- Island Route (7)
- 4203- Your House (F1)
- 4403- Rivals House
- 0004- Your House (F1)
- 0104- Your House (F2)
- 0204- Rivals House
- 0304- Prof Oak's Lab
- 0005- Viridian House
- 0105- Viridian GYM
- 0205- Schoolhouse
- 0305- Viridian Mart
- 0405- Viridian Pokécenter
- 0505- Viridian CC
- 0006- Museum (F1)
- 0106- Museum (F2)
- 0206- Pewter Gym
- 0306- Pewter Mart
- 0406- Pewter House (1)
- 0506- Pewter Pokécenter
- 0606- Pewter CC
- 0706- Pewter House (2)
- 0007- Cerulean House (1)
- 0107- Robbed House
- 0207- Cerulean House (2)
- 0307- Cerulean Pokecenter
- 0407- Cerulean CC
- 0507- Cerulean Gym
- 0607- Bike Shop
- 0707- Cerulean Mart
- 0807- Cerulean House (3)
- 0907- Cerulean House (4)
- 0008 – Lavender Poke Center
- 0108 – Lavender CC
- 0208 – Lavender House (1)
- 0308 – Lavender House (2)
- 0408 – Name Rater
- 0508 – Lavender Mart
- 0009 – Vermilion House (1)
- 0109 – Vermilion Pokécenter
- 0209 – Vermilion CC
- 0309 – Pokémon Fan Club
- 0409 – Vermilion House (2)
- 0509 – Vermilion Mart
- 0609 – Vermilion Gym
- 0709 – Vermilion House (3)
- 000A – Celedon Shop (F1)
- 010A – Celedon Shop (F2)
- 020A – Celedon Shop (F3)
- 030A – Celedon Shop (F4)
- 040A – Celedon Shop (F5)
- 050A – Celedon Shop (F6)
- 060A – Celedon Shop (Elevator)
- 070A – Game Freak HQ (1)
- 080A – Game Freak HQ (2)
- 090A – Game Freak HQ (3)
- 0A0A- Game Freak HQ (4)
- 0B0A – Game Freak HQ (5)
- 0C0A – Celedon Pokecenter
- 0D0A – Celedon CC
- 0E0A – Celedon Game Corner
- 0F0A – Celedon Prize
- 100A – Celedon GYM
- 110A – Celedon Diner
- 120A – Celedon House
- 000B – Safari Zone Gate
- 010B – Fuchsia Mart
- 020B – Safari Meeting Room
- 030B – Fuchsia GYM
- 040B – Fuchsia House
- 050B – Fuchsia Pokécenter
- 060B – Fuchsia CC
- 070B – Wardens Home
- 080B – Fuchsia House (2)
- 090B – Fuchsia House (3)
- 000C – Cinnibar GYM
- 010C – Cinniber Lab (1)
- 020C – Cinnibar Lab (2)
- 030C – Cinnibar Lab (3)
- 040C – Cinnibar Lab (4)
- 050C – Cinnibar PC
- 060C – Cinnibar CC
- 070C – Cinnibar Mart
- 4F00 – Indigo Plateau Pokécenter/Mart
- 5000 – Loreli
- 5100 – Bruno
- 5200 – Agatha
- 5300 – Lance
- 5400 – Gary
- 5500 – Hall O Fame
- 000E – Copycats House (F1)
- 010E – Copycats House (F2)
- 020E – Fighting Dojo
- 030E – Saffron GYM
- 040E – Saffron House (1)
- 050E – Saffron Mart
- 060E – Saffron PC
- 070E – Saffron CC
- 080E – Saffron House (2)
- 090E – Saffron House (3)
- 00 – Viridian Forest Entrance
- 01 – Route 2 House
- 02 – Route 2 Gate
- 03 – Viridna Forest Exit
- 0010 – Route 4/Mt. Moon Pokécenter
- 0110 – Route 4/Mt. Moon CC
- 0011- Day Care Man
- 0012 – Route 6 Gate
- 0112 – Route 6 Unused House
- 0013 – Route 7 Gate
- 0014 – Route 8 Gate
- 0015 – Route 10/Rock Tunnel Pokécenter
- 0115 – Route 10/Rock Tunnel CC
- 0016 – Route 11 Gate F1
- 0116 – Route 11 Gate F2
- 0017 – Route 12 Gate F1
- 0117 – Route 12 Gate F2
- 0217 – Route 12 House
- 0018 – Route 15 Gate F1
- 0118 – Route 15 Gate F2
- 0019 – Route 16 House
- 0119 – Route 16 Gate F1
- 0219 – Route 16 Gate F2
- 001A – Route 18 Gate
- 011A – Route 18 Gate F2
- 001B – Route 19 Unused Home
- 001C – Route 22/23 Gate
- 001D – Route 23 Unused House
- 001E – Bill's Sea Cottage
Pokemon Teleport Legendary Locations
- Mt. Ember = 23ADAABA A9000BEB
- Seafoam Islands = BC4AFF82 6C4609A2
- Power Plant = EA5BB107 05E634BB
- One Island = A6A339F5 FC0ADC79
- Navel Rock = 82031DBC 2402
- Birth Island = 554D9257 D0472EF8
Unlimited Rare Candy
- 820258400044
Have 8 Badges
You have to fight someone and then enter a building for this to work for some reason!
- EFCE867D 5403D40D
Unlimited PP
- 42023C08 6363
- 00000002 0002
1 Hit KO
- 95EDFBBA A5A72A78
- C833D1A0 02FA7205
Wild Gender Changing Pokémon
Always a woman
- EB34F751 A96B854D
- 78DA95DF 44018CB4
Always a man
- EB34F751 A96B854D
- 141BB87C 83D7018F
Wild Pokémon always have max IV
- 33007CF1 001F
Shiny Pokémon In The Wild
- 1670047D 04815C68
- 18452A7D DDE55BCC
Also read:
So, that's the complete code for the Pokemon Fire Red cheat. Come on, top up your favorite games quickly and cheaply only at VCGamers Marketplace!