Definition of Playoffs
Hola Vicigers! Moonton as a game developer Mobile Legends: Bang Bang must look for alternative ways to keep holding routine Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) ID Season 8 tournaments, without violating the health protocols set by the government. As a result, playoffs tournaments are still being held offline.
As we know, the government is currently making decisions to suppress the spread of Covid-19. Even though it was not significantly affected by the Implementation of Restricting Community Activities (PPKM) which limited the space for everyone from various groups to carry out all kinds of activities directly, in fact the Covid-19 pandemic has also hit the Entertainment Industry sector. gaming and esports also.
As for playoffs offline means that each team plays matches from the headquarters or basecamp each of them or what we usually call WFH (War From Home). Indeed, nothing can match the excitement of online playoffs, However offline playoffs must be done for the safety and health of all.
Before the pandemic hit, playoffs The Professional League (MPL) will be held regularly on line. In this way, the support, excitement and excitement of the MPL event enveloped the atmosphere in the studio where the matches were held.
Apart from that, the fans' euphoria exploded when they could meet in person, chat, take pictures with their idols. Fans can also buy merchandise provided in venues.
There's nothing to do but pray and try to comply with health protocols, with the hope that the pandemic will end quickly and MPL can run as before. Until the pandemic is over, MPL will still be implemented regularly offline and the program can still be enjoyed by the audience through the screen gadget-each one.

Even so, the euphoria of the audience did not change one iota. They can still support their respective favorite teams through the column live chat on the MPL YouTube Channel or platforms officially belongs to another MPL ID.
held playoffs in a manner offline, considered not to reduce the essence of the match and still get a positive response from the audience. Given the main objective witnessed from playoffs This MPL ID S8 is a match in battlefield-his, no pro player-his.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Offline Playoffs
By holding playoffs in a manner offline from basecamp each, of course, has advantages in between, players will definitely feel more comfortable because the location where they play matches is of course in a place that is familiar or where the teams usually gather to practice every day that has beensettings according to the convenience of the players.
Player comfort is a psychic element that is rarely overlooked by the audience, but actually makes a major contribution to game performance.

On the contrary, playoffs in a manner offline also has the potential to encounter obstacles such as technical glitches that can be fatal to the course of the match. Even though all possible obstacles have been calculated and anticipated, it does not rule out the possibility that something undesirable may still occur.
A technical glitch occurred in MPL Season 5 Week 8, when matches between Bigetron Alpha vs Aura Fire. At that time a player experienced a technical problem or ingame bug so you can't get inside games, and ends AFK (Away From Keyboard).
Lucky because these problems arose before the pandemic and playoffs held regularly on line, so that IT assistance can be immediately given, then a rematch or rematch.
If a similar incident occurs in MPL Seasons 8 a.m playoffsis held separately offline In this case, IT assistance certainly cannot be provided quickly, as fast as time playoffs done by on line in the studio.
In addition to technical problems in the form of ingame bug, internet network interruption or lag even up to disconnect during the course of the match can occur.
When playoffs organized by on line where the two teams compete in the same place, meaning they use the same internet connection, so that if there is an automatic internet connection interruption, all players will experience lag or disconnect simultaneously.
It's different when it's held regularly offline where each team plays in a different place. This means that the internet connection that is used is also different, so when there is an interruption of the internet connection that only one team feels, of course this will be a big problem that is detrimental to that one team.
Despite all the risks involved playoffs in a manner offline, MPL organizers Seasons 8 managed to maintain audience interest as connoisseurs of this tournament. The enthusiasm of the audience did not diminish to give support to their favorite team.
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