Kamisato Ayato is a released Hydro Sword character Genshin Impact on patch updates 2.6 ago.
As one of the author's main DPS at this time, according to the author gameplay, skills, and how to play Ayato is one of the easiest characters to understand among other characters.
The head of the Kamisato family and Yashiro Commission also have one damage which is quite stable and frequent crit.
There are many cases of Genshin Impact characters among the author's DPS where attacks often don't hit crit. So that. produce damage which is not optimal.
Even with all the advantages, there are some things you can do to maximize Ayato's potential.
Vicigers who have Kamisato Ayato, here VCGamers will give some tips on playing Kamisato Ayato.
These tips the author himself got after several months of using Kamisato Ayato as Main DPS.
Also Read: Build Kamisato Ayato Genshin Impact, Substitute DPS Hydro for Childe?
Tips for Playing Kamisato Ayato Genshin Impact
Using ATK Artifacts As Stats in Sands of Eon

The first tip for playing Ayato Genshin Impact is to prioritize artifacts with stat ATK in slots artifact part of Sands of Eon.
As Vicigers knows, in the artifact section there are 5 parts such as Goblet of Enthothem, Plume of Death, Sands of Eon, Circlet of Logos, and Flower of Life.
Every slots it has a difference in which stats you can get.
For example, you can only get Crit DMG or Crit Rate at the Circle of Logos or Elemental DMG Bonus can only be found at Goblet of Enthothem.
Before the first time build Ayato, the author only relies on the Plume of Death part to increase the ATK and from stats sub stat just.
The author's Sands of Eon slot is filled with artifacts that have the main HP stat. This is what the author does because one of Ayato's mechanisms is the Namisen Stack.
Namisen Stack is damage buffer that Ayato could obtain when using Elemental Skills. The damage you get is based on maximum HP.
Even though, after experimenting with using artifacts ATK was much better for Ayato than HP.
The damage you get will be more stable and productive damage which is bigger than using the HP stat.
The difference is quite significant Vicigers. If using ATK sands, author Ayato could earn damage 11,000 – 12,000 each slash Elemental Skill without buff.
Whereas when using HP sands, Ayato could only give damage 7,000 – 8,000 only.
Also Read: Genshin Impact Artifact Guide You Need to Know!
Increase ATK Speed When Attacking

One of Ayato's strengths is that his attacks are very fast and has a high ATK Speed.
The next tip for playing Ayato Genshin Impact is to increase the percentage of ATK Speed that you have.
This ATK Speed will affect the amount slash which Kamisato Ayato did while using an Elemental Skill.
For example, when you only take advantage of Ayato's ATK Speed without buff you will only get 15 slash in one use of an Elemental Skill.
You can use various skills of these characters who can increase Ayato's ATK Speed such as Jean, Chongyun, and Yunjin.
The skills to increase Ayato's ATK Speed and his character are as follows:
- Jean: People's Aegis Jean Constellation 2
- Chongyun: Passive Talent Steady Breathing
- Yunjin: Decorative Harmony Yunjin Constellation 6
You can also combine these 3 characters to become support Ayato on the team. The author has seen players use this character combination and reach 23 Slashes.
However, getting a Constellation character is quite difficult because you have to do Gacha.
Personally, the author at the time this article was written only used Chongyun's Passive Talent to increase ATK Speed.
It is already very good because it adds slash Ayato became 16 Slash. The total damage dealt is even greater.
Using Support Character Shielder

For those of you who are good dodge, perhaps it felt like Shielder's character wasn't important enough for Ayato to party you.
Even though it may be true, according to the writer, Shielder's role is quite important for Ayato.
When you use an Elemental Skill, Ayato will step in state named Takimeguri Kanka.
In simple terms Takimeguri Kanka state this would make Ayato do slash or high-speed slashes.
On state this according to the author, Ayato should not be disturbed or even affected damage by the enemy.
If you get distracted, your Ayato will lose the opportunity to give damage more.
Tips for playing Ayato Genshin Impact, which is a way to prevent it, according to the author, by using Shielder.
Having a Shielder can prevent Ayato from being distracted or thrown when hit by an enemy attack.
Shielder that the author uses zhongli and sometimes replaced together Thomas like for exploring or Spiral Abyss.
You can use another Shielder like Diona or Beidou depending on your team's suitability or what elemental reactions you use for your Ayato team.
Also Read: Recommended Character Shielder Genshin Impact Besides Zhongli
Pair It With an Elemental Reaction Party

The next tip for playing Ayato Genshin Impact is to use party elemental reactions.
Although attacks especially Elemental Skills can't overridden with other elementals, but you can create high elemental reactions.
You can use which element you prefer and if it works damage tall one.
Fischl and Beidou will be very suitable if you use them as support if you prefer Taser Team with elemental reactions between Hydro and Electro.
You can also use Xiangling and Bennett if you like elemental Vaporize reactions.
This reaction also produces damage the biggest and you can optimize it even more by Swirl on Pyro using Anemo characters like Kazuha, Sucrose, or Jean.
Or you can also use the Freeze team by using Ayaka and Chongyun as support.