Not all heroes are often picked Mobile Legends. On this page there are 5 rarest and rarely picked heroes in Mobile Legends. Who are these heroes?
Mobile Legends has many heroes with different types of roles. Each of them is endowed with different skills and abilities.
As the game develops into MOBA, Mobile Legends is also continuously updated with the latest improvements. This means that several heroes who were once mainstays are now rarely seen in Mobile Legends picks.
Nerf in the Mobile Legends update sometimes considers not including the Hero in the Mobile Legends pick. This time we will present five heroes that you rarely see in Mobile Legends picks. Who are they?
Rarely Seen Heroes in Pick Mobile Legends
The following is a list of five Mobile Legends heroes who are rarely chosen or are not popular when playing in rating mode in Mobile Legends picks.

This is a hero that you rarely meet if you're still playing Mobile Legends. You see, this Hero setup is not part of the latest patch released by Moonton.
Zhask also loses in damage, compared to other mage heroes. It's no wonder that Zhask is no longer in great demand by Mobile Legends players, especially mage users.
This hero deals great damage, both at the beginning and at the end of the game. Zhask is a forgotten Mage hero, this hero is rarely seen when playing at high ranks. But that doesn't mean this hero isn't good, more precisely Zhask is still recommended for use.

Carmilla is one of the heroes who is always carried in her arms before the latest Moonton patch is released. This hero who is often used as a roamer is now rarely seen in the eyes of the players in the Mobile Legends pick.
The presence of meta tanks in this latest patch is the reason Carmilla is rarely chosen by Mobile Legends players. The reason could be in terms of the set up that doesn't go with the team, or because it doesn't support the skills and ultimate that were owned when in the land of down.
However, even though Carmila has a fighter role, she is also often chosen to fill tank positions because her durability and skills make this hero the choice when filling tanks.

Faramis is a Mobile Legends hero who is rarely picked up in Mobile Legends at number two. This Mage-type hero only has a pick rate of 0.08 percent which is very small when compared to other popular heroes.
Faramis is considered to have little effect on ganking, and his very small strength makes it easy to defeat enemy heroes.
Faramis is one of the mage heroes who has rarely met since Moonton released the last patch. The reason is, this is a change in the hero, but not the main choice for its users.
Another reason is that Faramis may have skills and is not part of the team formed for Mobile Legends. So that this hero gets very little attention from Mobile Legends players, especially wizard users.

The players now leave Vexana due to lack of damage to skill and ending. Not only in the league, these heroic mages are also rarely seen playing in rating and pick modes in Mobile Legends
In fact, this hero has skills and finally challenges the opponent. However, his presence was not big enough to fill the midfield role. This hero actually has skills that are a little annoying and the right order of things makes him a broom for skinny heroes like Assassin.
However, Vexana is considered a little influential and can be easily removed because the skill area of effect is not too wide and there is no escape ability.
Besides that, Vexana might also be a mage with a bad PCB. Skex 2 from Vexana has a fairly large Damage Multiplier, Vexana can then "entertain" enemies with skill 2, if Vexana has something with high Magic Power, Vexana's Poke must be very painful and the battle can change.
Also read: Vexana or Faramis? These are the 3 Amazing Skills of the Soul Resurrectionists!

Terizla is a Mobile Legends hero with a fighting role who can fill side lane positions, especially the EXP lane. This hero is not very popular because his skills and formations are very slow so that heroes with high speed and damage, such as Assassins, can easily get them.
This means that Terizla is less attractive to Mobile Legends players. Even though Terizla is a warrior, maintaining a hero should no longer be a problem. This is thanks to his passive skill called Body of Smith. With passive skills, you should be able to play very aggressively early in the game.
Many players also use Terizla as a Tank against Fighters. Because it is very difficult to get rid of it, especially if you use Terizla's strongest construction item. Then what are Terizla's passive skills? This will be explained in the skill set later.
Also read: Terizla's Strongest Counter Hero in Mobile Legends 2022
The loss of many Mobile Legends heroes on the ground below can be a reference for Moonton to add a little buff.
Hopefully they can come back to life with Mobile Legends by giving victory to their users. Above are heroes that are rarely chosen because they are not popular in Mobile Legends picks.