Elden Ring just released a few days ago. Behind all the praise and achievements, disappointment and criticism began to emerge from players, especially from Elden Ring PC players.
Various problems related to Elden Ring PC performance were expressed by players. This causes reviews for Elden Ring which was originally “Mostly Positive” on the community page (community page) Elden Ring changed to “Mixed”.
The most relevant input and comments soul-like games this is about frame rate and shuttering the error felt by players when playing Elden Ring PC.
Elden Ring PC problems are also getting worse with a similar problem in the console version of Elden Ring that just received updates patches to resolve the issue.
Elden Ring PC Performance Issues

The problems experienced by Elden Ring PC players are two main problems frame rate and shuttering.
Elden Ring PC using version 1.02 has a number of issues that will affect all hardware configurations (hardware).
This affects all preset graphics settings. Elden Ring PC is known to use low level APIs and games it uses DirectX 12.
This may be the main cause of the problem shuttering and frame rate the bad one.
Stuttering will occur for the duration of a few seconds. This occurs when new effects, enemies, and areas appear on the screen.
Effect shuttering this will lessen as the play experience progresses and enemies, areas, and effects are revisited by players, but will be more impactful as players load (loading) new areas.
When moving from one area to the next and when characters pass area there are also how many moments shuttering occur.
The frame rate is the second problem that occurs as a result shuttering earlier. The effect of being shuttering This results in a decrease in quality frame rate from 60 fps to 40 fps.
A complaint from Elden Ring PC players summed up the worst performance issues with four crashes in their first two hours with the game.
It also got worse because fps The one used for Elden Ring is limited to 60 fps and there is no tolerance for frame rates other than 60 fps. No support (support) for monitors ultrawide There are also complaints from players soul-like games these RPGs.
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Bandai Namco's Problem Clarification and Apology

Developer games Elden Ring's From Software and its release Bandai Namco are aware of the associated issues.
Apologies have been conveyed by both parties on the official Elden Ring Twitter social media account on February 25, 2022.
The official letter regarding the apology promises that From Software and Bandai Namco as the creator of Elden Ring will fix this bugs and Elden Ring PC performance felt by players.
Related developments games will continue to be carried out by both parties and suggestions from players are very welcome for Elden Ring.
The following are some of the issues clarified by Bandai Namco on its official website:
- Mouse oversensitivity problem on Elden Ring PC
- Will be fixed on patches next one in the near future
- Frame rate and performance related issues gameplay other
- There will be related information to update the player's graphics card driver to the latest version for significant performance later for games.
- Increase gameplay so it can be played comfortably on various consoles and Elden Ring PC
- Problem Easy Anti-Cheat which fails to launch when the Steam account name contains multi-byte characters (for example, kanji).
- Will be fixed in patches next one in the near future.
- Problem games which is not saved on the PlayStation 5
- PS5 console unexpectedly shuts down while gaming or in rest mode (break mode), stored data may not be saved correctly.
- The cause of the problem has been found and the developers are working on a patch to fix it. While waiting, players are welcome to save progress manually by exiting the game regularly.
- Game data will be correctly saved if the player exits the game by opening the system menu using the OPTION option and selecting “Quit Game,” (quit game). games), then press the HOME button to return to the PS5 home screen and exit the game app.
Those are various problems and confirmations related to Elden Ring's performance, especially Elden Ring PC. Players hope so patches then all existing problems can be quickly resolved.
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Even with all of its problems, Elden Ring still deserves credit regarding gamesits very good.
The latest news says more than 860,000 players have downloaded games this, exceeding the record of Elden Ring which was previously downloaded by 750,000 players after 2 days of its release.