Design turret Mobile Legends increasingly being updated by the Moonton party so that it is difficult to be penetrated by heroes and minions. turret in a team can be a troublesome thing if you and the opposing team have to fight until late game, however heroes your team has not got enough buff.
As a team defense system, turret actually can be easily destroyed by exploiting hero skills, minions or heroes specialist burstdamage or DPS to anticipate it minions whocover turret.
This article will discuss how it works turret which is often overlooked by the player, how to use turret to win the game and heroes suitable for crushing turret opponent.
Various turret Which Can Troublesome Formation of the Opposing Team
Outer Turrets (turret Outermost)

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Outer Turrets Mobile Legends is often used as turret which plays a role in dispelling the group minions and heroes trying opponents roaming to study your team strategy.
Outer turret in Mobile Legends it has base attacks which is quite okay to kill heroes who tried to break through, which is about 320 points and will turn into 404 points after the 12th minute.
What's special about outer turret this is the ability to dampen the opponent's attack with shields active for the first 5 minutes. Shields it is conditional, meaning that your opponent focuses on attacking outer turret it with minions, then effect shields will run out quickly.
Besides that, outer turret in games Mobile legends have the ability to absorb damage up to 4,500, reducing damage received by 50% in the first 3 minutes after shields destroyed. So, outer turret still safe enough to be abandoned at least until the 6th minute.
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If you want to keep outer turret when playing Mobile Legends, you can place heroes you around the circle turret your team to earn defense buffs of 15%. turret it also has the ability to absorb damage from ranged attacks and melee up to 30%.
At the same time, outer turret this be turret the most vulnerable to attack by opponents, especially if your opponent has heroes specialist early game like Selena or Pharsa. You must place heroes specialist outer lane in the tops, mids, nor bottom lanes.

You can also place roamers so that it can do a good rotation of mid to bottom, or from mid to top. However, you also have to play offensively to find gaps in your opponent's defense by advancing core heroes you to each outer turret they.
If you (or the opposing team) attack outer turret Mobile Legends, then you will get additional gold every 10 damage If there is minions who are also attacking turret.
For example, you attack outer turret fight with Miya and manage to hit her with damage maximum, then you will get an additional up to 300 gold.
Inner Turrets (turret coating Outer Turrets)

Inner Turrets Mobile Legends has attacks of 360 and will increase to 459 in the 12th minute. MOBILE PHONE which is owned inner turret increased by Moonton to 5,500.
skills special from turret this is an upgrade physical and magic defense by 60 points and subtract damage up to 40% when available outer turret destroyed in the first 8 minutes.
For example, the opposing Baxia managed to destroy outer turret in top lane your team, then inner turret in top lane you will activate skills the passive.
If you (or your opponent) destroys turret this, you (or your opponent) will get a gold bonus of 150 gold. If inner turret attacked, there will be an announcement with a sign on minimap.
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Base Turrets (turret Closest With Base)

Base Turrets Mobile Legends has skills passive equals inner turret, and placed near base as a secondary defense base.
The difference with inner turret, base turrets have basic attacks of 520 which will rise to 641 in the 12th minute. Sadly, mid and late game are crucial moments for heroes opponent to bombard your team's defense.
You can layer defenses base turrets by beating Turtles and call Lord, or if you're confident enough, you can block your opponent with skill heroes just your team.
If base turrets time has been breached early or midgame, then you also need to rotate your team quickly. Destruction base turrets will make base you are an easy target for the heroes opponent.
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Even if it's not included turret, Base also includes your team's last defense system which has the ability to defend and attack (before being destroyed). Base in Mobile Legends equipped with attacks of 539 and increased to 585 only.
Enhancement attacks Base it's not that big outer nor inner turret, so as much as possible avoid this situation if you don't want to be overwhelmed sharing defense and offense your team.

Is there any way out of this situation? Of course there is.
You have to stay calm and condition heroes the one that can bursts or AoE so that against and minionsit can be crushed quickly. However, you also have to try not to be in this situation, because the probability of success is less than 5%.
Supposing, this situation has put you in a position check and almost mat. Therefore, you have to really divide the portions heroes to attack and heroes to maintain lanes and support-his.
5 Heroes Meta Season 22 To Penetrate turret ter-GG VCGamers version

skills Granger can quickly penetrate turret Mobile Legends at least up to inner turret if not closely guarded.
Granger's advantage is rolesits as marksmen with a row skills which OP. Strategy Pokes you can also use it if you have one heroes opponents who try to chase you.
Take advantage skills 1 and 2 for Pokes, then continue with basic attacks to defeat minions around turret so you can use skills 1 to shoot turret from afar.
You have to be careful if there's Lesley or Beatrix because they also have long attacks that can make it difficult for Granger.
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In second place, there is Khufra who can dampen damage from turret Mobile Legends. In early game Of course, Khufra was able to threaten outer turret with MOBILE PHONE and skills passive. Plus with skills 2 that can slaughter minions around turret.
If you or your teammates use Khufra, at least accompany Khufra so you don't become a target heroes which has movement, attack range and critical attacks tall ones like Natalia, Saber, Kimmy or Granger.
If you are successful support Khufra, you can penetrate the defense turret even up to base turrets before the 12th minute. Khufra as tank have CC and buff which is good so it won't be safe from the opponent's siege for a few moments.

turret in Mobile Legends it will be unsafe if there is player who uses Benedetta especially on line EXP Lane or jungle. Benedetta has skills ultimate sick too skills 2 which can make himself invulnerable for 0.8 seconds and stun heroes or the target.
You can use skills passive for basic attack buffs Benedetta, then followed skills 1 to slash minions and attack turret with skills 1 or 2. You also have to be able to manage timings so that ultimate Benedetta can be used to hurt heroes against and turret at a time.
Like hero assassins or marksmen, Benedetta you can also use for poke and fend off the onslaught heroes opponents who are chasing you so they can attack turret freely.
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Minotaurs have burst skills steady to sweep clean minions and heroes around turret Mobile Legends. Minotaur users must be able to play like when using Khufra, namely usingcover teammates or minions.
Skillsets Minotaur you can use both to slaughter groups of opponents and minions or onslaught turret. Later, the Minotaur can also block heroes opponents that will kill your attacking teammates turret with skillset-his.
Unfortunately, Minotaur has a slow movement so it is vulnerable to debuff movement speed and stun then back slaughtered by the opponent. You should be able to ask support to your teammates if you are in that situation.

turret Mobile Legends can be an easy target for Lunox. Lunox is very popular for use in seasons 22 is good for support or kill the crowd heroes fight with skillsher, complete with turret-his.
skills 2nd and ultimate Lunox is useful for giving effects slow so Lunox can direct ultimatehis to turret. Your teammates can also help attack opponents whose movements have been slowed down so you can focus on cleaning the area turret.
Rotate Lunox when any of your teammates use Minotaur or Granger so they can spawn damage maximum crushing time turret.
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That's the explanation about turret in games Mobile Legends that you can use as a tactic for team victory. As for heroes You can use the above meta as an attacker option turret Core and secondary Mobile Legends.