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Solve the Problem of Micro Uzi Weapons!

micro Uzi

Micro Uzi – Aloha Vicigers! Games Player Unknown's Battleground (PUBG) Mobile facilitates various types of weapons, complete with attachment items which is useful for maximizing the work performance of the weapon.

Weapons are important items that must be owned by players battle royale game.

Usually those who have often played games it has a specific strategy for choosing which weapon to use during play games.

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Therefore, players must know the types of weapons to suit the conditions of the game.

At the beginning of the game, players will be dropped from the plane and determine which place to choose for looting. Players must choose what weapon they will use at the start of the game.

One weapon that is considered effective when starting the game is the Micro UZI. Micro UZI is a type weapon Sub Machine Guns (SMG) at PUBG.

Sub Machine Guns (SMG) is one type of weapon that is in games PUBG Mobile.

Micro UZI has the fastest on and off performance in games PUBG Mobile. This weapon is famous for firing rateits very high and fast.

So, if the player encounters an enemy at a close enough distance, this weapon will definitely kill the enemy very easily.

However, pay attention to the bullets that have come out. Don't let the shot go off because the bullets will run out quickly, the enemy will easily counterattack.

Micro UZI Weapon Specs

After PP-19 Bizon and M416, Micro UZI includes weapons with rate of fire which is very tall and fast on games PUBG Mobile.

Though damage produced is lower than other SMG type weapons, because rate of fire-its high, this weapon is very strong when used in close combat.

MicroUZI has ranke is low so it is difficult to reach targets with long distances. So that's the reason why Micro UZI is very effective to use at the start of the game.

Below are Micro UZO statistics in the PUBG Mobile game version 1.4

  • power : 25
  • Range : 22
  • Rate of Fire : 71
  • Stability : 67
  • capacity : 25
  • Ammo type : 9mm
  • Attachments : Muzzle, Sight, Magazine, and Stock.

Attachments Its Suitable For Micro UZI

Recommendation attachments best for Micro UZI guns are:

  • Compensator: Attachments it serves to reduce recoil vertical and horizontal.
  • Extended Quickdraw Mag: Serves to increase capacity magazines and also reload speed.
  • Stock: Used to stabilize the weapon, reducing recoil, and reduces the shock of the weapon.
  • Red Dot: Used according to the battle situation and playing style.

Location of MicroUZI

All folder what's inside games PUBG Mobile there are lots of these weapons. However folder Sanhok and Vikendi are places where Micro UZI weapons can be found.

The way to get it is diligent looting to get the best weapon. So, this weapon is one of the weapons that is easy to find inside games PUBG Mobile.

Tips for Using Micro UZI Weapons

  1. Make sure the shot doesn't miss

As discussed above, this weapon has Rate of Fire which is tall and fast of all weapons in PUBG Mobile.

However Rate of Fire This high makes the weapon lose bullets faster. Therefore, try not to miss when shooting enemies using this weapon. If the bullets run out before the enemy dies, they can easily counterattack.

  1. Always pay attention to the number of bullets

Because Rate of Fire This weapon is high and fast, so the bullets that are issued will quickly run out. Therefore, always pay attention to the bullets, whether they are still available or not.

Players can use Magazine Extended to add bullets and make sure it's always on reload bullets so you don't run out of bullets when fighting with enemies.

  1. Always use this weapon for close combat

The weakness of this weapon is that it cannot be used scope. To overcome this, players must utilize items iron

Sight already in the gun. So, use this weapon for close range and keep practicing using it Iron Sight so the shot doesn't miss.

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