Valorant is an FPS (First Point Shooter) game that you can play with players around the world. Certainly very competitive because this one FPS game can be quite difficult because each character has their own abilities. The Tips for Training AIM Valorant that you can use are as reviewed in this article.
The Tips for Training AIM Valorant are basically so you can directly practice the best way to do it. Of course you can use this so that you are better in terms of gameplay. Don't miss things you can master like AIM. AIM is one of the indicators that you have to master. The following is a review of tips on training aim valorant.
Master the Basics

The thing to note is how you can master the basic things in shooting. There are several things you need to note so you can improve the quality of your aim.
Cross Hair Placement
First is the cross hair placement. This attribute is your way to shoot your opponent. One of the most important things is that the placement of the cross hair can be used as a benchmark for shooting. So, you have to place your cross hair around your opponent.
So that the bullet will hit the opponent and cause significant damage. Cross Hair placement is very important so you have to be careful in handling this. Always improvise so you get better at it.
Pre AIM is a technique of shooting enemies at unpredictable obstacles and you shoot for the first time before the enemy. So, if you shoot first. You are one step ahead of your opponent.
Tips on training this one valorant aim are quite meaningful and you can repeat them so that you are smarter at doing Pre AIM.
Movement Error
All Valorant players may no longer deny that when we run AIM we will be weak or lack penetration. So you can shoot while still.
You can use this as an option to disable movement errors in settings. However, if your playing style is run and shoot. Certainly the movement error really needs to be activated.
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Tips for training the second valorant aim is that you have to be able to jiggle. Of course, you do this jiggle to avoid bullets from enemies. Jiggle can also use bait and give your team space to counter.
The tip for practicing jiggle is that you can use the keyboard by pressing A and D so that you can easily get used to it.
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Each player has a different sensitivity, so you have to adjust your own sensitivity. The thing to note is don't use other people's sensivity, of course your playing style will be difficult with other people.
Having your own sensitivity is a form of your seriousness in playing this FPS game. So, set your own sensitivity according to your own playing style.
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Understand the Spot and Angle of Each Map

Tips on training this one valorant aim are quite difficult. Because we have to memorize every existing map. Currently, Valorant has 7 maps and will definitely add more every year. To understand every existing map you have to always follow uranked and competitive so that you can be more measurable in the games presented.
Of course, memorizing existing maps and spots can be used as a strategy to fight your enemies well. This strategy can also be your mainstay weapon in the face of enemies.
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Play and practice often

When you often play and practice valorant, it feels like you can really evaluate the things that made your mistakes while playing. Tips on training this one aim valorant are part of your anxiety if you have to have high flying hours in every game.
This can be an option for you to practice often and also play with friends. So that you understand better and balance the portion of AIM that you want to increase.