Mobile Legends Patch 1.5.62
Hello Vicigers friends, do you know that? Patch 1.5.62 for Mobile Legends is here and brings some changes. Apart from featuring the new hero Beatrix, this patch also brings some adjustments to the battlefield and new existing heroes.
This new patch also changes the landscape of MPL Season 7 in week 4. There are heroes who are the new top picks, and there are also teams that have to change gameplay again because there are heroes that don't work anymore in their strategy. So what are the new changes in this Mobile Legends 1.5.62 patch?
New hero Beatrix

Beatrix will be a new hero who will be present in the Land of Dawn. He is a marksman who has a unique skillset and can bring new dynamics in battle.
He is equipped with four types of weapons: Renner, Bennett, Wesker, and Nibiru which can be changed as needed. The following are some of Beatrix's skills.
Passive – Mecha Genius: 4 different weapons from Beatrix have unique and different attack effects such as AoE to burst.
Skill 1 – Masterful Gunner: Beatrix changes the weapon from the one being used to the one stored on her back.
Skill 2 – Tactical Reposition: Beatrix jumps forward and reloads the weapon. The animation differs depending on the weapon used, and can be blocked with the Grounded effect.
Ultimate: Beatrix's Ultimate varies depending on the weapon she uses. Just like Mecha Genius, the effects vary from AoE, burst, to a combination of both.
Special – Need Backup: After running from the war, Beatrix can summon her maid Morgan to change weapons. Beatrix can only carry two weapons at the same time.

Adjustments on the battlefield
Battlefield gets some changes. Early game respawn time shortened and late game extended. Be careful with your picks! Then there's the addition of bushes in the blue buff area, as well as the return of Lithowanderer's vision. This is very useful for preventing ganking and supporting rotations. Lastly, there is a new Survival mode where 100 players have to fight until one person is left victorious. Like battle royale mode, huh!

Existing buff and nerf heroes
Lastly, there are regular buffs and nerfs for existing heroes. Buffs and nerfs are done to balance the gameplay.
Bane, Mathilda, Terizla, Barats, Alpha, Dyrroth, Moskov, and Popol and Kupa are buffed. Bane gets a big buff with a passive bonus to basic attack 150-200% and skill 2 which has 180-380 + 180% Magic Power. No wonder he is the top pick for MPL Season 7 week 4.
Meanwhile, the nerfed heroes are Benedetta, Wanwan, Yu Zhong, Lapu Lapu, Yi Sun-shin, Silvanna, and Esmeralda. Benedetta is one of the most severe with cooldown skill 1 and a longer ultimate. Just try asking Bigetron Alpha, whose Benedetta didn't work in week 4.
Meanwhile, revamps were given to Argus, Brody, Pacquito, Angela, Aurora, Johnson, and Vale. For more complete Mobile Legends 1.5.62 patch notes,
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