You should know Monk's guide Ragnarok Origins in order to maximize the character of this one. You must know the skill tree, equipment and pets that must be owned.
Ragnarok Origin made a major update. Thanks to this update, Gravity as the creator Ragnarok has added a new role that is Monk. After its recent launch, many people really want this new service.
This new role is known as damage dealer, and is typical of the melee attack type. Like other roles in Ragnarok, you must have a skill value of 40 when creating a Monk character for the first time.
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So, here is a Monk Ragnarok guide that you can use as a basic reference for using it.
Ragnarok Monk Guide
Below the author has made recommendations for skill trees, equipment and pets that you can use for him.

Like other jobs or roles in Ragnarok Origin, you also need to spend 40 skill points when you first create a Monk character.
In order for your character to be the best, you need to prioritize some skills.
- Heal
- Blessing
- Angelus
- increase
- Kyrie Eleison
The five skills above are skills that you should prioritize when creating a Monk character for the first time.
To complete the first mission, you must focus on using combo attacks. This is why attributes like stamina and attack speed are what you want to improve.
If you want to use Monk, learn how to control Spirit Spheres to attack. Later, this class will have access to skills Guillotine Fist, thanks to a special combo mechanic. Monk is a one player ahead of protecting your loved ones in the game.

Apart from finding the right skill, choosing the right equipment is also one of the keys to making your character OP.
Like other jobs, you can use a lot of equipment for characters, ranging from weapons, armor, weapons, armor, shoes, accessories.
- Zenga
- Fists II
- Tyr's Armor
- Vali's Cloak
- Vidar's Boots
- Nile Rose
Warriors who rely on melee attacks are actually the opposite of Acolytes who act as support. Monk is a damage dealer who focuses on the damage he can do using his top skills, such as Raging Trust or Guillotine Fist.
Later once you reach Job level 3, you will become a champion. Another significant difference between priests and monks is the use of weapons.
If Priest uses Mace and Shield, Monk uses Knuckles. Using this weapon will greatly affect the Monk Ragnarok Origin build. There is a skill level increase for this job when using Knuckles instead of Mace.
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The next guide for Monk Ragnarok is using pets. In this game, the presence of an animal on the card has a big impact.
Pets can be your companion while you cook and even help you on your way. Meanwhile, you can get cards after defeating some monsters in this game.
To choose a pet, you need to consider your progress in this game, for the first game samurai are good pets because they can provide DPS tall one.
As for the endgame, one of the pets that you can use is Children of Earth.
- Skeleton Warriors
- minor
- Hydras
- Vagabond Wolf
- Nightmare
To dominate the Monk house, you can use Dunell and Earth Lord as the two best pets. When using a pet, it's good to choose the right weapon.
The reason is, the selection of weapons will have a big impact in the battle with the two best pets.
Also read: How to Get Eden Coins in Ragnarok Origin, Let's Farm!
So, above is a brief explanation about Monk as a new role in the game Ragnarok Origin.
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