Cetoddle is one of the ice type Pokemon that was first introduced in the IX generation game.
Based on the data in Pokedex, this Pokemon is registered with the number 0974 with a height of 1.2 meters and a weight of 45 kg.
Unlike other Pokemon, Cetoddle can evolve into Cetitan without having to reach a certain minimum level.
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Pokemon Cetoddle Profile

Cetoddle is a white cetacean Pokemon with a round body, has a large curved mouth, flipper-like forelegs, stubby lower legs, and a large tail.
This Pokemon has pink accents around its eyes, hands and bottom of its feet. When Cetoddle opens its mouth, a single round tooth will be visible in its lower jaw.
This ice-type Pokemon is thought to have a close kinship with Wailmer, a whale-shaped water-type Pokemon with a round body shape.

However, unlike the Wailmer, which had lived on land before becoming a marine species, the cetoddle first lived for a long time in the ocean before migrating to land.
Cetoddles live in cold areas, in groups and usually consist of five individuals. They love minerals that can only be found in snow and ice.
This Pokemon is the first form of Cetitan. Both are known to be the only Pokemon that have the ability to learn the move Ice Spinner by increasing their level.
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Location, Basic Statistics and Effectiveness of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Cetoddle

This Pokemon was first introduced in generation IX, namely in the game Pokemon Scarlet and Violet in 2022.
If you are interested in catching it, you can find it in the locations below:
- Western Province – Area 3
- Northern Province – Dalizapa Passage and Glaseado Mountain
- Tera Raid Battle – 3 Star Pokemon
The first time you manage to get this Pokemon, Cetoddle will get the following basic statistics:
- HP – 108
- Attack – 68
- Defenses – 45
- Special Attacks – 30
- Special Defenses – 40
- Speed – 43
This ice type Pokemon has a total of 334 stats with the highest number being on HP.
These statistics can be increased by doing regular leveling such as participating in battles or providing food.
In normal battle conditions, Pokemon Cetoddle can reduce the effectiveness of fire and ice types by using the Thick Fat item. The following is the combat effectiveness data from Cetoddle:
- Can deal normal damage from Normal, Flying, Poison, Ground, Ghost, Bug, Electric, Water, Grass, Psychic, Fairy, Dark, and Dragon type Pokemon.
- Weak against Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel type Pokemon
- Immune to other Ice-type Pokemon
Besides Thick Fat, which can reduce the attacks of fire and ice type Pokemon by 50%, this Pokemon also has two other abilities, namely Snow Cloak and Sheer Force.
Snow Cloak can increase this Pokemon's chances of avoiding attacks during a blizzard by one level.
Lastly is Sheer Force which is a hidden ability, where attack power with secondary effects will be increased by 30% but will lose its attack effect.
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List of Moves Learned Through Leveling

Cetoddle has a total of 15 moves or attacks that can be learned through leveling. The following is a list of moves and the levels required to learn them.
- Tackles – Level 0
- Powder Snow – Level 0
- Growl – Level 6
- Echoed Voices – Level 9
- Ice Shards – Level 12
- rest – Levels 15
- take Down – Level 19
- Flail – Level 25
- Avalanche – Level 27
- Bounce – Level 31
- Body Slam – Levels 36
- Amnesia – Level 40
- Ice Spinners – Level 44
- Double Edge – Level 49
- Blizzard – Level 53
So, that's a guide to everything you need to know about Pokemon Cetoddle. Are you interested in getting this Pokemon?
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