In the world of esports Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB), the name ONIC Kiboy is no longer foreign. This talented young player has stolen attention with his brilliant play, brought his team to various prestigious wins, and made proud individual achievements.
For those of you who are new to the figure, this article will thoroughly examine the profile and interesting facts about ONIC Kiboy.
Come see the discussion below!
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The following is ONIC Kiboy's biodata for you:
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Kiboy's love of mobile games It started when he was a teenager. His interest in MLBB grew when he was in high school. Armed with a dream of becoming pro player, he continues to hone his skills and participates in various tournaments.
In 2019, Kiboy officially joined the team ONIC Esports. Initially, he did not immediately become the main player.
However, Kiboy's hard work and dedication brought him to the peak of performance. In MPL Season 8, he was one of the keys to ONIC Esports' victory in winning the title.
His achievements don't stop there. He continues to show brilliant performance in various tournaments, both local and international. The peak, at MSC 2023, he succeeded in bringing ONIC Esports to become champion and was named MVP of the Grand Final.
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As one of the best pro players in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) in Indonesia and the world, ONIC Kiboy has made various brilliant achievements throughout his career. Here are some of his noteworthy achievements:
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Here are interesting facts about Kiboy:
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ONIC Kiboy is one of the best MLBB pro players in Indonesia and the world. With talent, hard work and dedication, he has achieved many proud achievements and is an inspiration for young gamers.
Not surprisingly, he was nicknamed "The MVP MSC 2023". For those of you who want to become a pro player, ONIC Kiboy can be an example and motivation to continue pursuing your dreams.
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