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Tips for Becoming a Dota 2 Offlaner When Ranked

Dota 2 has various roles, one of which is the offlaner role. Here are tips on using offlane heroes.
How to make a DOTA 2 team

Dota 2 has various roles that you can play and one of those roles is offlaner or position 3. This time, VCGamers will discuss how to be a good offlaner for the team.

Keep in mind that this article only contains tips based on the author's playing experience. You can develop these tips and practice them directly in the game.

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Tips for Becoming a Dota 2 Offlaner

For those of you who often use heroes with offlane roles, this article is perfect, you know. The tips below can help you win a match using an offlane hero.

However, you also have to work with the team in order to get victory. In the end, teamwork is the main factor in winning the Dota 2 game.

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Manage Lane Well

Dota 2 Laning Offlaner Tips
ATF Gameplay during Laning, Enemy Safelane Zoning. Source: YouTube/Dota 2 Pro Gameplay [Watch & Learn]
You have to manage the lane properly so that the enemy safelane heroes have difficulty getting the last hit and getting gold. You also have to communicate with soft support to distract enemies when laning.

Besides that, when your soft support is roaming, stacking, or taking bounties, you have to adjust the lane by pulling or holding creeps so you don't get pushed too much.

So, your job as an offlaner in the laning phase is to disturb the enemy's farming safelane.

When the enemy wants to gank the lane, you have to be on standby. The way to deal with the gank is by doing warding in the lane area.

A very strong hero to stay on the lane and hinder the farming of enemy heroes is Bristlebacks and Centaur Warrunner.

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Don't Forget Roaming

Dota 2 Roaming Offlaner Tips
Gameplay Ceb Offlaner. Source: YouTube/DOTA Empire

During the mid-game phase, you can help friends on other lanes by ganking.

Usually, offlane heroes have great power even though they don't have luxury items or late game items.

So, during the mid-game phase, you can gank and kill enemies with the help of your friends.

The ganking process can be easier if you use named items Smoke of Deceit. SoD can provide invisibility to nearby friends and the invisibility will break if an enemy hero is close.

You can do roaming depending on the hero you are using. One good offlane hero for roaming is Nightstalker and Legion Commander.

Roaming has something to do with giving space to one team's safelane heroes. Come on, see the explanation of tips on giving space below!

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Create Space for the Team As a Dota 2 Offlaner

Dota 2 Space Offlaner Tips
ATF Gameplay As Oflaner. Source: YouTube/Dota 2 Pro Gameplay [Watch & Learn]
Creating space is crucial for teammates. For example safelane can't be farming, then you can force the enemy to war in an area far from where safelane farming is, for example the primary jungle.

So, you have to distract enemies from the safelane who are farming. However, you also have to be careful not to lose the teamfight when creating space.

Not only teamfight, you can do push lanes and take towers to distract enemies.

If you win various teamfights and destroy towers while giving space, then your team will get more gold and experience.

Not only that, safelane will also get more peaceful farming.

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Watch Pro Player Play Offlaner

Dota 2 Pro Player Offlaner Tips
Game Ceb. Source: YouTube/Dota 2 Pro

The last tip is to watch pro players use offlane heroes so you can adopt the way of playing and the mechanics of pro players.

You can watch pro player offlaner gameplay when playing solo ranked. The famous offlane streamer is Khezu, ATF, Collapse, Fbz, and others.

Thus the discussion regarding tips for becoming a Dota 2 offlaner.

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