Several terms such as NF, AFK, NM, TB, and NR are terms in Mobile Legends that you must understand, because these terms are often used in games.
If you are new to playing this game, of course you need to know some of the following terms in Mobile Legends!
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10 Terms in Mobile Legends
Mobile Legends is a very popular game in Indonesia. It's no wonder that many new players are popping up every day.
In this game, there are several terms that are often used by other players, therefore, you should know that if you are still a beginner in Mobile Legends.
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AFK stands for Away From Keyboard. AFK means that there are players who leave the game while the match is in progress.
Because players who do AFK are detrimental to the team, those who do AFK will get punished.

META stands for Most Effective Tactics Available. It can be concluded that META has the meaning as the most effective strategy or tactic to be able to win a match.
Usually the META of Mobile Legends often changes, it all depends on the latest patch of the game.
Buffs and Nerfs
Buff is a condition in which the hero gets increased abilities from before. While Nerf is the opposite of Buff, Nerf means a decrease in the ability of the hero.
Usually the heroes that are dinerf are heroes that were very OP before. So, the ability is lowered to maintain the excitement in the game.
Usually Buff and Nerf on a hero will be informed when there is a new patch.
Broadly speaking, Roaming means rotating from one lane to another, the goal is to help teammates.
Generally the Roamer role is filled by heroes who have the ability to rotate quickly.
The task of a Roamer is not only to help teammates in other lanes. But it is also in charge of opening the map, so that it can provide information about the whereabouts of the opponent.
Feeder means a team member who is often killed by opponents.
Surely conditions like that will be bad for the team, because a Feeder will give the enemy the opportunity to develop through the Gold scores from the Kills or Assists they get.
Early, Mid, and Late Games

In Mobile Legends, there are several game phases, namely Early, Mid, and Late Game.
Minutes 1-5 are the phases of the Early Game, what players should do is do farming to collect items.
Then 5-12 minutes is the Mid Game phase. In this phase there will often be teamfights, the outermost turret is usually destroyed.
And finally, minutes 12 and above which is the Late Game phase. Usually in this phase the items needed have begun to complete. So it really needs the right strategy to minimize mistakes so you don't experience defeat.
NF, NM, and NR
NF stands for No Flicker, NM stands for No Mana, and NR stands for No Retry.
NF, NM, and NR are terms usually used to provide information to teammates.
OP stands for Overpower. The term OP is usually given to heroes who have very strong abilities and have killed many opponents in the game.

GG stands for Good Game. GG is usually used in games to let teammates know that the match was really fun.
When banning and picking heroes, usually a player in the top position says the phrase "Req".
Req itself stands for Request, which means he orders other teammates to ask to use the hero they want to use.
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So, those are some of the terms in Mobile Legends that you should know.
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