Who likes to use marksman heroes this one? Hero marksman this has been present and become a favorite for some player MLBB. Heroes You can buy Popol Kupa with battle points or even use diamonds.
Heroes who is always alone with his wolf has a petite body. However, if asked about his skills and abilities, there is no doubt because he has skills enough no doubt.
This pet has a duty to attack heroes opponent when going to kill or attack heroes this one. It can also be very deceptive heroes opponent so you have to be careful when attacking heroes this one.
Reasons Why Popol Kupa Is More Suitable To Be Hyper In Season 22

In a match heroes Popol Kupa always brings his pet, Kupa. Kupa is not just a pet, he also has one damage which is big and will increase even more as Popol Kupa's level increases.
Kupa will be the main striker against the enemy. Besides damage Even what Kupa gave him had an effect stun and also damage from skills passive.
In addition Popol Kupa has damage which is great when given to heroes opponent. damage given from skills her first had a big impact and hurt. Popol will throw a spear at him heroes both the opponent and Kupa will attack him.
form of heroes This can also be changed to Alpha mode. If activated, the wolf will turn bigger and bigger damage it will get even bigger. Addition damage owned by 30% attack speed and movement speed of 15%.
Hero marksman this one has an attack type range. Where when fighting heroes This alone has to be carefully calculated because when we attack Kupa Popol will give it damage to us so we need a mature strategy.
Popol will set a trap using an effect stun and also create Frozen Zone for 4 seconds which is skills Popol's Surprise. skills this cause heroes the opponent will find it difficult to escape.
If marksman heroes others must be accompanied by tank heroes or support but different with heroes this one. He could be in lanes even though alone. Because he can run away easily because he has shields from the wolf.
skills one thing that Popol has is his wolf attack on the enemy, namely by biting continuously. On skills both Kupa will try to protect Popol by giving effect airborne so the enemy will get damage the big one.
For skills the three are no less painful Popol can set a trap at the location to be determined so that it will explode when an opponent gets close to the target. The effect is immobilized and freezing field thus giving effect slow against opponents.
Recommendation Build Items for Revamped Popol Kupa

Given that there are adjustments, there are several items that fits to use include: items owned by heroes This Popol Kupa usually relies on windtalker which is the only one damage items. Besides that, he can farm quickly because it has Cursed Helmet that will have an effect burn areas.
And also have items other ie Thunder Belt and Dominance Ice who can take care heroes it becomes invincible. Items it has cooldown reduction of 20%. For ultimate skills his heroes it has movement speed and attack speed which can increase HP as well as strengthen skills other.
Apart from that, adjustments to lanes when using heroes this lanes suitable for hyper this one is midlane. Because heroes one is able to be in solitude then if is in midlane then it will add to the victory in a match.
Therefore let's use Clint who has gone through this adjustment in the Road to Mythic mission. It must be very fun to play hyper heroes don't miss this one.
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