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HP Potato But Want to Play ML? Try This 3 Hero Test!

main ml pake hp kentang

Nowadays, even with a potato cell phone, anyone can play now video games, whatever games-his. Especially games on this one, starting from small children, teenagers, to adults, they must know or have heard of games Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB).

Games This MOBA designed for mobile phones is perfectly designed to be played with two teams. These two teams will continue to struggle to achieve destroying the enemy base and destroying it while defending their own base, to control this the two teams will go through three paths namely top, middle, and bottom.

Each team is reinforced by 5 players who use it heroes their mainstay. This game has been around for a long time and is growing rapidly. For now, there is already a league esports for athletes or game players this.

With the rapid development of this game, sometimes there are new terms used for players, especially now that there is a professional league. One of which is Hero Mechanics Mobile Legends.

Besides mechanics, there are also terms macro and micro that we usually hear from athletes professional players or youtubers mobile legends. For those who have professional of course not foreign. Whereas for ordinary people it will certainly be confusing.

Mechanic in this game is a term related to micro skills. Because mechanic is part of micro which is related to mastery player to heroes what they use.

Mechanic also is the way of work heroes and the players. There are heroes in need mechanic high which means fast and agile. skills this usually consists of finger speed, understanding hero skills, and knowledge of using combos.

for pro players positions cores like mid laners, and sidelaner this is what is usually placed for those who have high mechanical skills.

Vice versa with macro, macro here an aspect is described as broad as foresight player in paying attention to maps, time management, strategy, etc. This ability is useful for planning what strategies are suitable for use.

Usually players with macro skills like this use tank and support heroes. Therefore, to support micro/macro skills or to have a fast mechanic is also needed device adequate.

Because basically though games this is not a games which takes up quite a lot of storage space. But, still games it must have good specifications in order for the player can feel the sensation and play it to the fullest.

This is where other terms emerge, maybe not only in Mobile Legend but in general in the world esports the term HP Potatoes appears. This term is used for cellphones or gadgets that are used by inadequate players. Inadequate means this is like frequent lag.

When there is an incident like this, of course the players are not optimal in playing the hero they are using.

So, when viewed from micro and macro terms, the hero that is suitable for gadgets that are not very good in specifications is tank and support heroes where heroes it doesn't need hand speed or micro skills.

What are these heroes? Let's listen!


This hero is a support hero and is the best support hero in the next Season 15 which is suitable to be played on your potato cellphone. This hero was released in early January. Capabilities owned by heroes This will greatly affect teamwork.

Reason heroes in suitable for HP potatoes is due heroes it does not have skills which is too complicated. really fit, right? Hero Support it has capabilities mobility height for ease of use heroes This is to move from one lane to another.

For skills first will improve movement speedit is 25%. The second skill will also give 60%.

Addition movement speed a high one will allow this hero to be able to quickly run away from the opponent's hero and get information regarding the enemy's position. So, this hero is suitable for those of you who have inadequate potato HP.


Pas Nana

Nana here is Mage/Support heroes. Ability possessed heroes this is give damage to the enemy continuously. Therefore, Nana became one heroes which is easy to use by players who have low spec HP potatoes.  

Passive skills from this hero will be immune to all damage and Movement Speed-it will increase. Apart from that, this support hero can also spam skills by aiming the weapon in the form of a boomerang and it will have an impact on the enemy.

Another ability that this hero has is that this hero will place small raccoons which if the enemy passes through the area will transform into raccoons and reduce the damage. movement speed enemy.


Pas Hylos

Tank heroes it's also very easy to play because mechanic skills to play heroes this is very low. Player which uses heroes it's just a matter of attaching the body, and other players using it core heroes will kill enemy heroes. Never mind, Vicigers fits perfectly with your potato phone!

Those are some heroes that are recommended for those of you who have potato HP with low specifications.

Don't give up and good luck!

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