Ningguang Genshin Impact is a 4-star character who is so strong that he is called more suitable to be a 5-star.
One of the leaders of Liyue Qixing with the position of Tianquan, you really have to try it build while waiting for new characters to appear in Genshin Impact or accompany your fasting time.
There are new enemies such as the Golden Wolflord which was released in updates Genshin Impact 2.3 last November, you needed DPS Geo to fight this enemy.
Even though Genshin Impact was released from the start, you could say Ningguang is still a very good Geo DPS with damage sick'.
Ningguang Genshin Impact Build Recommendations
This article will cover all the recommendations build starting with priority skills, artifacts, to team recommendations that are suitable for build Ningguang Genshin Impact.
Recommended artifacts are aligned with already released artifacts, where new artifacts will be added along the way updates Genshin Impact.
Skill Priority for Ningguang Genshin Impact Build
Ningguang is a 4 star character that was released by HoYoVerse at the start games Genshin Impact was released alongside Beidou from Liyue.
As a Main DPS character who uses the Geo element with a catalyst weapon, this is included as an easy DPS character build and F2P friendly.
Normal Attack Ningguang will be shaped like a gem that gives Geo damage to the enemy where when you do a Plunge Attack it will create AoE Geo Damage.
When you have got passive skills Backup Plan, you will get an ability called Star Jade which can be activated when Ningguang uses it Normal Attack.
This Star Jade has the advantage that every Charged Attack used will not drain stamina.

Elemental Skills from the Ningguang Jade Screen, Ningguang will produce a curtain that can block damage from enemies and deals Geo DMG the area.
The duration power of this Jade Screen is calculated from the maximum percentage of Ningguang's HP.
An active Jade Screen will increase the number of gems issued when Ningguang Genshin Impact uses Elemental Burst.
Another function of the Jade Screen is that it can act as a Geo Construct. Geo constructs can resonate with other Geo constructs such as Zhongli pillars or Albedo flowers which produce AoE Geo DMG.
In addition, if you have activated passive skills Strategic Reserve, every Ningguang Genshin Impact or other Geo character will add 12% Geo DMG bonus.

Elemental Burst from Ningguang namely Starward Sword where the attack will form a gem that gives Geo DMG to the enemy.
The amount issued is a total of 6 gems so each DMG generated will be multiplied by 6.
Burst from Ningguang will be more optimal if you activate Elemental Skill first.
When the Jade Screen is active, you will get a total of 6 additional gems resulting in 12x DMG from just using Elemental Burst.
For build Ningguang Genshin Impact you can prioritize skills Elemental Burst > Normal Attack > Elemental Skills.
Also Read: Genshin Impact Tier List April 2022
Artifacts Suitable for Ningguang Genshin Impact Builds

Stats what you should prioritize for Ningguang Genshin Impact are Crit Rate/DMG, ATK or ATK%, and Geo DMG Bonus.
Ningguang including DPS who have energy cost which is low compared to other DPS.
Ningguang only needed 40 energy cost to use Elemental Burst so you don't need artifacts with the Energy Recharge stat.
An artifact suitable for build Ningguang Genshin Impact is very much. This is Ningguang's strength because you can combine them assorted set of artifacts all you have to do is adjust the stats.
4 sets of Archaic Petra is the set of artifacts best suited for build Ningguang Genshin Impact.
This set will add all bonus Elemental DMG that generates Crystallize elemental reactions from Geo Ningguang's attacks in addition to adding bonus Geo DMG.
You can also use 4 sets of Retracing Bolides which can provide additional ATK bonuses for Normal ATK and Charged ATK.
Note that you must use characters using shields like Noelle or Zhongli.

You can also combine Archaic Petra with Gladiator Finale or Shimenawa's Reminiscence which gives additional ATK 18%.
The latest Genshin Impact artifact set in updates 2.6 from the domain of The Lost Valley ie Vermillion Hereafter and Echoes of an OfferingThe .2 set can also provide additional ATK 18% like the previous artifacts.
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Weapon Recommendations for Ningguang Genshin Impact Build

Recommended 5 star weapon for Ningguang Genshin Impact almost all the 5 star weapons released when this article was released were all good for Ningguang to use.
5 star weapon recommended for Ningguang are Skyward Atlas and Memory of Dust which can increase Ningguang's ATK.
Lost Prayer to The Sacred Winds is also very good for Ningguang as it will increase Ningguang's additional Crit Rate.

A 4 star weapon suitable for build Ningguang Genshin Impact There are also quite a lot of choices and can be adjusted according to the stats you need.
If you need additional Crit DMG/ Rate you can use The Widsith or Solar Pearl for the best choice of 4 star weapons.
The 4 star F2P weapon options that can also be used for Ningguang Genshin Impact are Dodoco Tales, Oatsworn Eyes, and Blackliff Agate which will be very suitable for Ningguang.
Recommended Team Composition (Party Setup) for Ningguang Genshin Impact Build

Ningguang Genshin Impact is a DPS character that doesn't really rely on other characters to produce damage the big one.
You can maximize the composition of the Ningguang team by Other character geos like Albedo, Zhongli, or MC Geo it would be great to support damage Ningguang.
You can also combine Ningguang with character healer or support like Jean or Bennett.
If you want to use mono elemental Geo in a team, it would be better if you use Gorou instead of Itto.
Ningguang isn't that good at being a Geo Support so he can't be on the same team as Arataki Itto.
Also you can run with off-field support others like Fischl or Xingqiu to take the place healer.