If you plan to use the Dendro bloom team, Nilou build is probably the first character you can have.
Nilou is a 5 star Hydro Sword Character in Genshin Impact. He will debut in Genshin Impact version 3.1, where the desert section of Sumeru is unlocked.
Overall, Nilou is a Hydro swordsman who can play the role of DPS and support on Bloom's team in particular, thanks to his unique Skills that allow for a variety of play styles.
Guide Nilou Build 2022
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In this article, VCGamers will present a complete guide on Nilou build Genshin Impact 2022.

With Dendro Elements being the new and trendy thing in Genshin, this character kit is specialized enough for teams that take advantage of Bloom's reactions. He needs a team with only Hydro and Dendro characters, because he doesn't benefit from other types of reactions.
When using the skill, he can then perform a 3-hit combo in any combination of Normal Attack and Skill button presses, all dealing Hydro damage based on Max HP. The final blow would determine the stance he took.
Normal Attack: Luminous Illusion continuously changes its Normal Attack into a Swords Dance move for 8 seconds. This is Nilou's DPS move, and should be used when you want him to spend as much time on the court as possible.
Skill: Water Wheel creates a circle around the active character constantly applying Wet to enemies. The ICD on the Wheel is 2 seconds, but will tick every half second to check for new enemies affected.
This is Nilou's support stance, and while it does no damage, it allows him to apply Hydro from off the court.
Nilou's Burst are just 2 simple examples of Hydro damage, which is equivalent to two more Hydro applications for Bloom Generation.
His passive talent, however, is what makes him stand out in comparison to other Hydro characters. This passive allows Bloom to deal massive damage and turn Dendro Cores into Bountiful Cores which explode immediately, and deals more damage in a bigger AoE.
The best constellations for Nilou are C1 and C2, which increase both his own damage and that of his teammates.
How to use Nilou

It is highly recommended to bring Nilou to level 90 to increase his base HP pool as high as possible, as well as allow his Blooms to have the highest possible level scaling for base damage.
Players should focus on Nilou's skills – his Burst can be completely ignored and his Normal Attack is the only talent that uses his ATK stat.
While Nilou's combos may seem complicated at first glance, they're pretty simple. Each type of attack when Nilou dances has a goal (range of application, number of enemies hit, and so on.) although it has a different multiplier.

Nilou's talent is pure scaled from pure HP and Bloom's reaction scale with Elemental Mastery. Therefore, Nilou only needs HP, Elemental Mastery, and sometimes Energy Recharge (if players want to use off-cooldown Burst).
Overall, players should stack as much HP as possible on Nilou, or HP% + ER% to hit 180 percent ER.
Focusing on HP% gear makes Nilou build very easy to farm and build (as you don't worry about crit) and gives him the highest possible team-wide boost for Bloom damage via his A4 passive.
Nilou build is quite flexible. In general, the best option is 2-PC Tenacity of the Milleleth for 20% HP, in one of the following 2 sets: 2-PC Gilded Dreams, 2-PC Heart of Depth, 2-PC Noblesse.
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Best Guns and Teams

The best weapon for Nilou is definitely his signature Khaj-Nisut Key from the gun banner. This provides a lot of HP and allows Nilou to turn his max HP into EM buffs for himself and the rest of the team.
Allows Nilou to double dip by getting high EM while building up full HP, both of which empower his Bloom.
As previously mentioned, Nilou is only effective on Bloom's team. Nilou's passive allows Blooms to explode immediately, dealing more damage, and extending the range of Bloom's explosion.
Since it requires a Nilou build to trigger Bloom and not other Hydro characters, it's best to run characters with very minimal Hydro applications like Barbara. Double resonance teams will basically be limited to Nilou, Dendro Traveler, Collei, and Kokomi or Barbara.
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Triple Dendro can ensure Nilou has full ownership of Blooms which he buffs. However, sacrificing the new Hydro's resonant HP increase is a huge drawback, so the Dendro's performance bar should be high enough to compensate.