Natalia is a very strong assassin capable of destroying slippery enemy targets with one or two attacks. However, you have to know Natalia's gameplay to get the most out of it.
The best thing about this amazing Natalia is that you won't even see her coming, this is a very unique trait that not many killers on the MLBB roster have.
In guide Mobile Legends Today, we will look at Natalia Mobile Legends' gameplay tips to dominate every game with her.

This hero has three active skills and one passive skill like most other in-game heroes. In this Mobile Legends guide, we will also discuss the skills to be used in certain scenarios as well as combo skills to be able to play them to the fullest.
Passive – Assassin Instinct
Gas Natalia 60 percent less Critical Damage but deals 15 percent additional damage when attacking from behind.
His basic attack on creeps always triggers this effect and deals 50 percent extra damage. After taking neither damage nor dealing damage to the bushes for 2 seconds. Natalia hides herself but can be detected when near enemies.
Skill 1 – Claw Dash
He can dash towards the target, dealing 210/225/240/255/270/285 (+40 percent Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in his path. He can issue this skill again in a short time if the enemy is hit.
Skill 2 – Smoke Bomb
Natalia detonates the smoke bomb on the spot, creating an envelope that lasts 4 seconds. While in the shroud, he gains an additional 25/30/35/40/45/50 percent Attack Speed and Basic Attack Immunity, while enemies are slowed by 40 percent.
Ultimate Skill – The Hunt
Natalia triggers Assassin Instinct and hides herself, increasing her next Basic Attack while gaining an additional 20/35/50 Physical Attack for 3 seconds. He can issue this skill again within 5 seconds.
Natalia Mobile Legends Game Tips
As previously discussed, Natalia is a very strong assassin capable of destroying slippery enemy targets with one or two attacks. However, a player must have a good understanding of the map to bring out the best in any hero.
According to Natalia's gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Our Natalia Mobile Legends guide includes the perfect game plan for the early, mid and late game.
Early Game

In the early game, it is advisable to roam by rotating lanes while helping to deal burst down enemy targets. When playing Natalia's gameplay in the Early game, there are various things to do depending on the situation.
If the enemy's jungle is a weak hero during the early game laning phase or the hero relies on basic attack for a source of damage, it is advisable to gank the enemy's jungle as long as there is no support or tanks around.
However, if one doesn't want to attack then one should go down the lane to gank and ambush weak early game laners like some mages and marksman heroes.
To deal proper damage to Natalia, one must activate the passive/stealth mode of her passive which enhances her next Basic attack. Hence, one had to move through the undergrowth to avoid being spotted or noticed while planning ambushes on enemy targets.
On reaching lvl 2. and after unlocking Natalia's second skill, note that it grants basic attack immunity meaning all damage that is not from skill or real damage attacks will affect Natalia meaning it is very against most snipers during the laning phase, making it more it's easy to blow it up.
Mid Game

In this phase of the game, this hero begins to outperform other heroes in getting one or two damage items because he can easily destroy squishy targets with a basic burst attack thanks to his passive.
But to achieve this, one must be able to avoid detection while prioritizing heroes that depend on basic attacks or heroes with low mobility and also low burst abilities because they are easier targets to injure and kill.
Properly storing and using Natalia's ultimate helps in triggering enhanced Basic Attacks from her passive as well as in triggering a signature that silences enemies whenever they are hit by two enhanced Basic Attacks.
Effect Crowd Control this does help in preventing enemy targets from using skills making it a much easier ordeal for one shot enemy targets.
Also read: Natalia ML Receives Buff, Becomes More OP!
Late Game

In this Laning game, gameplay Natalia being a very dangerous assassin, he can mark and kill slippery targets with just two hits, even played well, he can destroy even the most tank enemy heroes with a few hits.
So to really excel in this phase of the game, one must mark and prioritize enemy targets while also maximizing one's passive state to clear and push lanes without being seen or caught.
Also read: 5 Advantages of Natalia's Hero in Mobile Legends 2022
An excellent choice for ranked play, Natalia is definitely a good choice for the current meta. Natalia's gameplay tips will definitely help to guide Natalia's easy win in Mobile Legends.