Nairi Vs Skyler are two of the most popular characters in Free Fire. Here we will take a look at Nairi vs Skyler to check who is the best character in Free Fire after the OB32 update.
Free Fire has an ever-expanding list of characters with unique abilities to help players on the battlefield. Here, we will take a look at Nairi vs Skyler to check who is the best character in Free Fire after the OB32 update.
The recently introduced OB32 patch update has introduced new reworked abilities for players to use them more effectively on the battlefield.
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Nairi is the newest addition to the list of Free Fire characters. Let's take a look at Nairi vs Skyler to check who is the best character in Free Fire after the OB32 update.
Comparison of Skills Nairi Vs Skyler
Nairi (Ice Iron)

Nairi is a storm chaser who enjoys researching the climate. He is still very young at 23 years old. This character comes with a passive skill called Ice Iron. This is important for learning how to play Nairi.
Nairi is also nicknamed Steel Gel. The reason is because he can restore the gloo wall's durability and cause extra retaliation when using Assault Rifles.
You also have to maintain a distance when using the Nairi character so that it works more optimally.
Nairi is the newest character introduced in the Free Fire OB31 update. He is a storm chaser researching climate technology. He has a special ability in the game called 'Ice Iron'.
This skill is a passive ability where after this ability is used, Gloo Wall recovers 20 percent of their current durability every 1 second for 20 seconds.
Once this ability is equipped, layers can deal an additional 25 percent damage on Gloo Walls using AR at base level (Level 1).
Nairi can also destroy enemy Gloowalls more quickly. Because, Nairi has the skill to increase damage when attacking Gloowall using an AR (Assault Rifle) weapon. Thus, Nairi becomes a very good character when fighting in the middle range.
Skyler (Riptide Rhythm)

In the real world, Skyler is described as a handsome 26-year-old young man who is a CEO of a music agency.
Skyler's active skill is known as 'Riptide Rhythm'. At its standard level, this ability emits sonic waves that can damage 5 gloo walls within 50 meters. Each gloo wall deployed will result in an increase in HP recovery, starting with 4 points.
However, the ability has a cooldown of sixty seconds. With improvements from the OB32 patch update, you can now hold down the skill button to precisely target a gloo wall behind a hiding enemy.
In terms of ability, Skyler has a skill called Riptide Rhythm. This skill allows Skyler to fling waves in an instant and can damage the Gloo Wall that the enemy throws out.
Also read: Skyler vs Xayne: Which is Better to Destroy the Gloo Wall in Free Fire?
Who is the best character in Free Fire after the OB32 update between Nairi vs Skyler?

After we saw the ability comparison in Nairi vs Skyler, both characters have impressive abilities on the battlefield related to Gloo Walls. However, the winner can only be one between Nairi vs Skyler on Free Fire after the OB32 update.
Nairi strengthens the gloo wall and deals increased damage to the gloo wall when using an AR. Meanwhile, Skyler's skill is one of the most powerful in the game and with the OB32 update patch, it becomes more lethal making Skyler a definite winner between Nairi vs Skyler.
All characters in Free Fire have their own functions and uses. Do not let you use the wrong character in battle.
Because, you can become a burden when you are careless in using characters. So, multiply to train yourself to find the best.
Also read: A124 vs Nairi: Who's the Best Character in Free Fire Right Now?
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