Mystery Shop FF June 2022 is back, and you really have to get it. The following is the schedule and prizes that can be obtained.
The players Free Fire currently looking forward to the event. This event that appears every two months is actually an event with lots of discounts. However, the discount presented can reach 90 percent. Of course, the players were very enthusiastic about the event.
Of the many Free Fire events, Mystery Shop FF is the one that players are most interested in. As the name suggests, the event doesn't know when it will take place each month. This is also what many players expect from the FF Mystery Shop event.
Cheapest Free Fire Products!

Mystery Shop FF is an event that offers lots of discounts for Free Fire players. To the extent that the discounts presented can be up to 90 percent.
This of course aroused the interest of many players in this event. The reason is, they can get good Free Fire items for a relatively short price. However, the discounts offered may not always be large. The discount you get will depend on the player's luck.
Apart from that, this event also presents many unique items that are rarely presented by Garena in other events. Therefore, do not waste time engaging in this activity.
So, in this discussion, VCGamers will discuss the leaks of the June 2022 Mystery Shop FF event. Are you curious about the leaks? Hurry up, let's take a look at the full review below.
Release Schedule

With this event, apart from improving player skills, you also need exclusive items to make the characters we use more attractive and stronger so you can play games with fire for free.
You probably already know that free fire players are usually Garena, when you publish an event, you actually issue prices for free items and packages.
However, this is different from the FF Mystery Shop event in June 2022. This is because players can save diamonds in this event, because there aren't many diamonds needed to spin.
The presence of the FF Mystery Shop event is indeed quite mysterious, according to its name. It's very difficult to predict when this event will return to Free Fire. However, if you look at some of the previous Mystery Shop events, this event is held every two months.
This event was last launched in May. The May Mystery Shop event is the Mystery Shop Part 2 event. The first part takes place in April 2022.
Even though the last time was in June, we are still sure that Garena will return to the event this month. Meanwhile, the forecast for the June 2022 Mystery Shop FF event will most likely occur in the third or fourth week.
One thing we must emphasize here is that the information we provide is only predictive. So we still have to wait for official information from Garena.

Garena has confirmed that there will be a number of prizes available to players. By completing each mission in the FF Mystery Shop event, there are several free prizes that can be won. The following is a list of prizes available for the Mystery Shop FF June 2022 event:
- Vengeance Skin Bundle
- Free Fire Soulless Avenger Pack Bundle
- Soulles Avenger Pack Skin
- Azura Annihilation Bundle
- Bundle Free Fire Soulless Conqueror Pack
- Skin Soulless Package
- Soulles Conqueror
- Zapudo Dreamy Club Skin
- Azura Annihilation Bundle
- Soulless Taco Skin
- Diamond Royale Vouchers
- Wasteland Roamer Bundle
- Bundle Zapudo Dreamy Club Mystery Shop Free Fire
Apart from the prizes above, there are many other prices that we have not discussed one by one. You don't have to worry about getting prizes. We guarantee that the price offered by Garena is sufficient for all players.
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How to Participate

For those who are new, they may not know how to attend events Mystery Shop FF June 2022. The process is very easy. Following are the steps to take part in the Mystery Shop FF event:
- First, create Top Up Diamonds according to budget. The items offered cannot be purchased without diamonds.
- Open Free Fire and go to Event > Select Mystery Shop > Click Host. You immediately enter the event menu, you have to do gacha on that menu. Use this gacho to determine the discount amount to receive.
- You can then buy different items according to the discounted amount you received previously via gacha.
- At the end, collect as many points as possible and win the grand prize.
Free Fire has a wide collection of interesting items, including bundles, characters and cosmetics. There are many ways for players to get these items.
Free Fire developers often introduce in-game events that give players the opportunity to buy exclusive items at low prices.
The 12th edition event, an event that promises discounts on items, was recently added to certain Free Fire servers. Several regions, including Europe and Pakistan, currently have access to it.
Since the event is not yet available on the Indonesian server, players in the region must be patient and wait for their chance to get items at the event.
Also read: How to get Moo Zoo Bundle FF and Arctic Blue Bundle
That was the leak about the June 2022 FF Mystery Shop. What do you think? Don't forget to comment below. Keep visiting VCGamers so you don't miss other interesting information about Free Fire tips and other games.