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MPL SEASON 8 WEEK 8 : High and Bottle are Cloudy Again


MPL Season 8 Week 8 returned to show extraordinary performances from the competing esports teams Upper and Lower Bracket Tickets. Several pro players from several top esports teams who competed in their skills in MPL Season 8 Week 8 managed to get their name on the MVP of the Match.

For you guys player Mobile Legends must be familiar with this term. MVP or Most Valuable Player is a term given as a title to a person player best in one matches.

In other words, the player who gets the MVP title is the player who has made the biggest contribution in winning a certain event matches.

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The contribution is in the form of the final amount of KDA or Kill, Death and Assists owned by one player after matches. The total percentage of KDA must be in an ideal state and have a balance between scores given damage with score damage taken, among other players.

The MVP title is not easy for players to get, it depends on various things, starting from heroes used by the players, playing performance and also team cohesiveness. This also applies to pro players competing in the MPL Season 8 Week 8 tournament.

MVP of The Match Winners in MPL Season 8 Week 8 Day 1 Match 1

In MPL Season 8 Week 8 Day 1 Match 1, several players managed to get the title of MVP of The Match. Come on, let's see who these great players are. 

  1. high

Aura Fire is one of the teams that has surprised esports fans again in the MPL Season 8 Week 8 event. This is because in that team there is a very talented player, namely High. In this MLBB game, he often uses heroes which most people think is ridiculous. 

High or who has the full name Jehuda Jordan Sumual is one of them jungler which is owned by the Aura team in MPL Season 8 Week 8 this time. However, previously this High had not joined the Aura main team or commonly called Aura Fire.

Previously High played for a divisional team Mobile Legends Development League (MDL) since seasons 1 held. Since he played in this MDL, High has often played using heroes Uranus as jungler. However, High is also reliable to play heroes others like Karina or Lancelot.

Jehuda or usually called High, just got a promotion in the middle of the MPL seasons 6 held. He was appointed to the first team or Aura Fire and replaced Vanss as jungler on the team.

Even so, the player who was born on July 31, 2001 did not immediately make a significant change in the team, as evidenced by the failure of Aura Fire to penetrate the first round. play-offs on seasons the.

However, in the end, High and his colleagues succeeded in presenting an exciting game at the MPL Season 8 Week 8 this time, one of which was the choice heroes which he uses in the game.

Currently, the Aura Fire team is ranked fifth in the standings Regular Season. The road to the next round is still very wide open for this team and this is what it will be play off first for them.

This made High the mainstay of the Aura team. The revival of High's enthusiasm cannot be separated from the support of his parents. The support of his parents is one of the factors that really helps to awaken the spirit and mentality of a High.

  1. bottles

BTR or Bigetron Alpha again shows the ability to adapt from meta jungler tank and also marksmen in goldlane very well. One of jungler the best is Bottle.

This bottle has a real name, namely Agung, the name of this bottle comes from the habit he used to play with one when he was little brand well known soap. 

The name comes from his older brother's joke that his friends played it as "bottle", and finally he was inspired by an incident from his childhood, and used it as a nickname.

Bottle itself has often featured Baxia's actions junglerhis. Although previously he was known as a player assassins, but it turns out he is very confident to use heroes which have skill "roll" the.

Bottle itself feels more comfortable to play as jungler tank for the current meta. This is because if he plays as hyper tanks not demanding to play with high mechanics.

Before he joined the BTR team, Bottle had joined the Genflix Aerowolf team. When he played in this team, he showed very good performance. Like in MPL matches Seasons 7 then, he has a pattern of play that is quite aggressive, agile and also clever.

He is also listed as daily MVP as well weekly MVP throughout MPL Indonesia Seasons 7 held. The points earned by Bottle are increasing.

They both deserve the MVP title of The Match for winning the match in MPL Season 8 Week 8 Day 1. High from the Aura Fire team won the match after defeating Alter Ego with a score of 2-1 on 1 October 2021 at 15:00 WIB. 

High itself uses heroes Karina to help her team win the match and get the title. High uses Karina with build tanks which of course makes him play very ferociously and also difficult to overthrow.

Meanwhile, Bottle from the BTR team was able to bring his team to victory after fighting EVOS Legend with a landslide victory with a score of 2-0 on October 1 2021 at 17:30 WIB.

Bottles use heroes Balmond as junglers, he was able to use Balmond very well and managed to defeat all the opponents in front of him. This makes Bottle entitled to get the title for the contribution he has made to his team to get a landslide victory. 

Based on the score that has been obtained by High and also Bottle on each matches this, makes them get the title or title as MVP Of The Week. 

Come on, Watch the excitement from MPL Season 8 Week 8 and also the Round Play Offs which will be held from 1 October to 3 October 2021 which can be watched via Youtube live stream MPL, Facebook, and also on Nimo TV.

Also Read: ONIC Drian's response to Floryn on Midlaner
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