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Must Purchase Golden Staff to Survive the Late Game!

golden staff

Hola Vicigers! In game MOBA games Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, items is one of the important things in bringing the team to victory, for example the Golden Staff.

In addition to tactics and strategy items also you have to adjust because every match heroes and game situations will vary.

Even though you guys are great at the game, but items which is used carelessly, it will not be optimal and might lose. So know and understand items important in the game MOBA games. Memorize items heroes which you often play alone is enough.

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In Mobile Legends items divided into 6 categories, viz attack, magic defense, movement, jungling, roaming. Each category has a different effect. This time we will discuss one attack items which you must buy in order to be safe at late game.

What are Golden Staff Items?

Items It is Golden Staff which are items attacks. Golden staff is items long been in Mobile Legends.

Golden Staff be one attack items which is quite important for some heroes. Why is it important? Because some heroes need attack speed high to give damage to the enemy in order to eliminate it.

For the status of items this i.e. can give +65 physical attacks and +15% attack speed. Besides that, items It has two passives viz swifts and endless strikes.

In the first passive ie swifts, can not upgrade critical chance. Any 1% from critical chance owned will be converted to attack speed for 1% which means if you have already bought items this then every attack that you feed will not appear critical damagebecause it has been changed to attack speed.

While in passive both viz endless strikes, after every 2 times non-critical basic attacks, attack speed from basic attacks the next one will increase by 100% and the effect will activate twice.

This means doing more basic attacks it will be faster too attack speed from basic attacks itself.

Golden Staff item very suitable heroes which basic attacksit has a special effect. Roles effective use items this is like marksmen and fighters like Claude, Karrie, Sun, Badang and Zilong. This makes you guys give damage big with fast time.

As we know if hero Claude need attack speed high and movement speed fast too. Items it fits very well ultimate skills Claude can give damage sick.

Besides that, Karrie also the same Claude basic attackshis will be very deadly when combined with Demon Hunter Sword items.

Hero Sun will also make him increasingly over power. Sun will be able to destroy turret in an instant. In late game will be very strong coupled with Corrosion Scythe items to reduce movement speed enemy.

For Badang skills the passive will come out more often because after spending four times basic attacks will cause an effect knock-back to the opponent. Golden Staff item this makes it easier for the agency to get skills passive and eliminate opponents quickly.

How much gold?

If you don't buy items this though attacks what you put out is big but it will take longer to be able to get it out. With items you can quickly remove this damage the big one to the opponent and eliminate it.

golden staff

You guys can buy items this with gold in the game for 2100 gold. You guys can make items this by buying two daggers and make one regular spear. Items it can also be used with Demon Hunter Sword, Feather of Heaven, and equipment other.

You better make items it's on early game because it will speed up basic attacks at the start of the game create heroes you guys are a bit stronger and quicker to do clear minions.

It doesn't matter if you buy items it's on late game but you might be able to quickly lose to your opponent and be eliminated first.

Those are some reasons and tips utility Golden Staff items in Mobile Legends.Hopefully this can add to your knowledge about items in Mobile Legends and Happy Trying!

Also Read: Use this Malefic Roar Item to Quickly Destroy Opponent Turrets!

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