Muscle Band Pokemon Unite until now still holding tier at the very top in terms of adding physical attacks for output physical damage the greater one.
Although how to work held items this one is pretty simple, i.e. just upgrade attack point pokemon only, there are several items which you can pair it with Muscle Band this. The reason is, there are several pokemon with mixed attacks between physical attacker and sp. attacker.
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On this occasion, the author will explain the details Muscle Band along with how to use it and which Pokemon are suitable for getting bonus effects from items the.
Muscle Band status details
Initial State

When you got Muscle Band Pokemon Unite, you will get it at the lowest level (level 1). Levels from Muscle Band You can add this using Enhancer Items.
If you don't level up from Muscle Band, so items this will only provide a bonus physical attacks only 1 point. However, if you raise the level items this, then the user's pokemon will get additional attacks by 3 points and attack speed of 1%.
You can still increase this effect up to level 30, but you have to be diligent in saving points Enhancer Items which you can get when you're done matches.
Items this you can get either by buying it from shop with Aeos for 1000 Aeos. Another option, you can get it for free with missions Challenge.
Muscle Band At Level 10, 20 And 30

At level 10, Muscle Band Pokemon Unite will give bonuses attacks and attack speed each of 5 points and 2.5%. At this level, it's good that trainers pair it with pokemon attacker who already have attack point high during the first state change.
At level 20, Muscle Band will add attack point by 10 and attack speed as much as 5%. You can start using items Muscle Band against pokemon with physical attack skillsets without having to sort out the pokemon first.
If you manage to increase the level Muscle Band up to level 30, the user's pokemon will produce more physical damage with attack speed which GG, that is, addition attacks by 15 points and attack speed up to 7.5%.
The advantage of leveling up items this up to the maximum is extra attack speed which increases every time the user's pokemon attacks the target.
For example, Talonflame has speed agile as well physical damage okay, so it's even more stable when paired with Muscle Band maximum level.
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Utilizing Muscle Bands When Match
Combine With Shell Bell

Shell Bell and Muscle Band Pokemon Unite will complement each other in terms of adding attacks and sp. attacks. This combination will only apply to pokemon with sp. attacks just.
With Shell Bell maximum level, the user's pokemon will get additional sp. attacks of 24 points. Items it also has a passive effect for heal MOBILE PHONE up to 75 points according to status sp. attacks user pokemon.
If you duet the second items this, then the user's pokemon will be strong offensively and defensively, especially if your pokemon is used as solo attacker.
However, it should be noted that in Pokemon Unite, when you defeat a pokemon, you must score a goal into the opponent's basket. Second duet items this at least can help you collect points faster with the right pokemon.
Combine With Choice Specs

Choice Specs little better than Shell Bell because the bonus effect can strengthen damage from sp. attacks bigger according to status sp. attacks user pokemon.
For example, the Venusaur you are using has sp. attacks by 500 points, then with the addition choice specs max level, sp. attacks Venusaur will be 539 (+39 points). With bonuses sp. attacks, Venusaur will get up to 599 (+60 points for sp. attacks-his).
Combination Muscle Band and Choice Specs will strengthen para solo attacker so that skillset they have damage which doubles to quickly defeat the opponent's pokemon.
Effective For Pokemon Physical Attacker

There's no doubt that Muscle Band Pokemon Unite is only exclusive to type pokemon attacker only, or a pokemon with default status physical attacks qualified.
When you use Muscle Band for a pokemon like Blissey, then Muscle Band would be useless since Blissey relied on it more sp. attacks and support.
uniquely, Muscle Band you can still use it for the pokemon that you have role support concurrently attacker, like Decidueye. Physical attacks You can increase Decidueye to strengthen assist attack remotely.
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5 Pokemon That Tune With Muscle Bands

Pokémon starter which is widely used by the trainers in Pokemon Unite it does have status attack point default is quite large, namely 160 points.
These points increased when Lucario leveled up to 15, which was 429 points. If you add Muscle Band as held items for this versatile pokemon, then you will get a bonus of up to 444 points.
Not to mention if Lucario was given items another kind Scope Lens, surely every attack Lucario will have the potential to create critical damage.
skillsits like Bone Rush and Extreme Speed it will be even better if you do a duet Muscle Band and Scope Lens because Lucario can quickly beat his targets through blink attack and his consecutive attacks.

Just like Lucario, Muscle Band Pokemon Unite will also be very compatible with Garchomp who has attack point high from the start.
Garchomp has attack point of 145 and will experience an increase of up to 496 points at the maximum level. The difference with Lucario, Garchomp is slower and difficult to escape from traps or blink skills other pokemon.
However, Garchomp has physical defense which is high enough so it will be difficult to beat if the opponent's pokemon is not using skills or items right.
ultimate skill Garchomp and Earthquakeits to watch out for as it will yield damage severe enough to have an effect stun and slow. If the two attacks are coupled with the use Muscle Band and Scope Lens, it is certain that the target is directly topsy-turvy.
As a teammate, you can make Garchomp as cover and attacker, but as an opposing Pokemon, you should always beat it every chance you get.
Also read: Garchomp Pokemon Unite's Most Sadistic Builds: Best Moves, Items, Strategies & More

Snorlax has style of play which equals Garchomp in both offensive and defensive terms. If you often face Snorlax, surely he will always be used as cover and feeders aggressive inside matches.
This Pokemon is really strong in early game, but at its maximum level, it has attack point which is smaller than Garchomp and Lucario.
Role Muscle Band here is making sure Snorlax could be cover aggressive to accompany attacker team jungling or levelling. In mid until late game, usually Snorlax always focus on defense and a lot of annoying opponent pokemon tactics.
Attack Heavy Slamsit can even have an effect stun for 1 second, and usually the follow-up attack will be carried out by the pokemon attacker. With effect Muscle Band, this attack can instantly create MOBILE PHONE opponent pokemon becomes thin.
The rest, you can use Unite Move Snorlax to deliver shields and makes him immune to enemy attacks while blocking their path.
skills this can also be used to trick opposing pokemon by squeezing Unite Moveagain so that Snorlax wakes up and attacks its target suddenly.
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This agile bird will be even more ferocious when paired with Muscle Band Pokemon Unite. Among the three pokemon above, Talonflame has more attack point from early game.
Talonflame has attack point by 170 and experienced a rapid increase to 623 at its maximum level. However, Talonflame didn't have any defense tall ones like Garchomp and Snorlax so he could easily becounters with the opponent's consecutive attacks.
So that Talonflame is not easilycounters, you can complete items Muscle Band with Buddy Barriers so he can survive with bonuses MOBILE PHONE and Shields from items the.
Skillsets Talonflame like Flame Charge and Fly you can use it either to attack or run away from your opponent. Flame Charge can increase the speed of Talonflame, temporarily Fly can help him escape from the pursuit of opponents quickly.

Statistically, Tsareena has a resemblance to Lucario. Both of these pokemon also have gameplay which is almost similar and can be placed in lanes anywhere.
The difference is, if you use Lucario, you will be more able to go up to the opponent's arena alone. Meanwhile, Tsareena still has to be "carried" in a number of situations, for example when facing an opposing Pokemon that has long-range attacks and burstdamage.
Even though, Muscle Band can increase the power of Tsareena so skills Stomp and Triple Axelhis can give damage more.
If you also use Scope Lens, then Tsareena will create a lot of attacks critical streak. This is the strength of Tsareena that Lucario doesn't have.
In short, use Lucario if you want solo attacks lanes fight, and use Tsareena to gameplay which is more dynamic.
Also read: Listen! This Tsareena Pokemon Unite Build Can Kick Your Opponent!
Muscle Band Pokemon Unite has no other match when it comes to adding attack point user pokemon. Combine items this with items adder sp. attacks or critical damage so the pokemon attacker so more GG yes Vicigers!