MPL Indonesia has finally officially announced that the prestigious MPL competition is open to the public.
In other words, MPL is organized offline with spectators who can watch live matches from their favorite team.
As you know, the prestigious competition of the scene Mobile Legends Indonesia started rolling on 18 February and will end on 24 April 2022.
This competition has been rolling for a long time on line without an audience. In fact, it's been almost 5 seasons MPL ID S9 never rolling offline which of course this pandemic is the reason.
Now, in the 9th season which has entered the final round regular season, MPL Indonesia has officially decided to hold MPL open to the public. This means that spectators can directly attend the MPL arena to watch the match.
The organizers conveyed the news directly by uploading it to their Instagram account MPL Indonesia some time ago.
This news is of course very encouraging news as well as giving an answer when MPL opens to the public.
That's because Mobile Legends fans have certainly been waiting quite a while when they can come directly to the MPL arena to watch.
With the opening of the MPL to the public, the enthusiasm from the audience also seems to be increasing.
Even so, the organizers still provide terms & conditions and regulations, especially strict health protocols because this pandemic is still endemic.
Because MPL is open to the public, visitors who are going to watch MPL must comply with these rules to avoid an increase in Covid-19 cases.
So, for Vicigers who want to directly support your favorite team in the arena but are still confused about the requirements, don't worry, just take a look at the full review below.
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MPL Terms and Conditions that You Must Pay Attention to

As explained at the beginning, at the end regular season The organizers finally decided to hold MPL open to the public.
MPL Indonesia as the organizer has also released several terms and conditions that visitors must comply with if they are going to watch live in the arena.
This of course aims to support the smooth running of the match and not cause obstacles and disturbances to the match.
For clarity, here are the full terms and conditions.
Tickets that have been purchased are only valid for one person and this ticket is refundable.
In addition, spectators must fill out a confirmation form and upload antigen results the day before the match on link Existing drive after purchasing tickets.
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How to Exchange MPL Tickets at the Arena

If you have already purchased the ticket, then you need to exchange the ticket to gain access to the match arena.
To exchange tickets is not too difficult and only need to do a few steps.
Spectators only need to prepare a QR code on e-mail sent from after buying a ticket.
After that, the audience must perform scans QR code at the entrance to the counter for further exchange with a wristband to enter the MPL arena.
Seat selection by system first come first serve. In other words, players who arrive first can choose the available seats according to their wishes.
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MPL Rules in Arena

After exchanging tickets and gaining access to the MPL arena in the form of a wristband, you must also comply with the rules that apply in the arena.
There are quite a lot of rules and of course you have to understand them well so that your favorite team can compete optimally. Here are some of the rules that apply in the arena.
Spectators are required to go through a body temperature check and perform check in through the PeduliLindungi application.
The organizers will not allow spectators who have a body temperature of more than 37.5 degrees to enter the MPL arena.
Spectators with vaccines requiring 2 doses must have completed 14 days from the date of the second dose.
In addition, all spectators of all ages must wear masks at all times.
Then, spectators must pay attention and maintain social distance of around one to two meters while in the MPL arena.
Visitors can also take advantage hand sanitizers available in various places in the MPL arena.
Officers do not allow spectators to bring food or drinks to the MPL arena.
Spectators under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a companion such as a parent or adult who must have done the full dose of the vaccine.
Officers do not allow spectators to bring instruments that can cause noise in the MPL arena. In this case, the organizer will provide exclusive balloons that the audience can use.
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Finally, the organizers will open the gate for the MPL arena 20 minutes before the game starts.
So, that's a complete discussion of the terms and conditions as well as some rules that you need to obey if you want to watch in the MPL arena.
Make sure the Vicigers meet the requirements, so they can directly support their favorite team.