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Moonton Bans the MPL Team from Creating Another MOBA Game Division?

Moonton new rules

Aloha Vicigers! Some time ago, games The world of Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) Indonesia is currently enlivened by the issue of the new MPL rules issued by Moonton regarding the monopoly policy which prohibits Esports Teams from forming other divisions.

Hah, so how what does that mean?

So, it is said that the candidate for this new rule contains what kind of prohibition for MOBA teams participating in MPL not to have other divisions apart from Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) just in the team.

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In fact, even though this policy is still just an issue, this has caused several esports teams to go out of business from several of their divisions.

Wow! Because it is increasingly being discussed in the public media space, yes do not want finally Moonton spoke up to provide clarification. What did he say? Curious? Let's check this out!


Indirectly, Moonton expressed his clarification through the official Instagram page @wtmtoday as an official Instagram social media account from Malaysia which posted some of the hottest news about Esports on 15 July 2021.

Moonton has never prevented any e-sports organization from forming an e-sports squad apart from its games.

The rules and regulations of the Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) have never prevented any e-sports organization from participating in any Wild Rift or other e-sports tournaments.

The MPL police have never asked e-sports organizations to be exclusive.

said a source who worked closely with MPL, to WTM Today recently, for example, if organization A has troops to play in MPL Indonesia, that organization can also compete in Wild Rift championships,

Obviously, any team or organization may play or participate in Wild Rift tournaments during the MPL league season.

According to another source, even if you have any kind of contract, any organization has the right and choice to refuse.

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In this post, What's The Meta Today restricts the comment column from being filled in by other Instagram users who see the post. Hmmm, like looks very serious, huh!

In conclusion What?

Please understand well friends, with this clarification we can draw the conclusion that MPL ga never banned any Esports team from opening other MOBA divisions. Why is that? Because if that happens, all teams have the right to refuse it.

The Real Facts of What Happened

It's nothing new in the esports business or any product if there is one brand ambassadors. In fact, presence brand ambassadors this is what becomes the icon to represent the company or product.

As we know, Moonton along with games pride, Mobile Legends, also has brand ambassadors. Here, they are the ones who have an exclusive contract not to play games other MOBA or games competitor.

This also symbolizes the existence of an official agreement between the two parties. If one party does not agree to the agreement, he has the right to refuse. When one of them or even both parties violates the contents of the contract, there will be consequences that apply.

Just like in the case that Moonton is facing now, Moonton doesn't allow anything brand ambassadors Esports team to play rival MOBA games. This is of course legal if there is already a valid contract.

In the world brand ambassadors, they actually have the right to play games whatever they want. However, as for matters relating to the publication of playing games other than Mobile Legends in one livestream or media publications in their social media accounts brand ambassadors itself, when you already have a contract it is definitely not allowed by Moonton.

So, this is what affects some Esports teams when they cannot play other MOBA games, especially if an Esports team is already very well known in playing in MPL.

The reason is, this will definitely invite a lot of big question marks if brand ambassadors from their team playing the rival MOBA game Mobile Legends.

Now,, so those are some facts regarding the issue of Moonton's monopoly policy which does not allow Esports teams to form other MOBA divisions.

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