
6 Characters to Get Lots of Kills in Free Fire BR Mode

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Getting lots of kills is a must to increase each player's KD ratio. So, you can use these 6 best characters in BR mode Free Fire.

Ranked matches in Free Fire are very different from the usual encounters in Free Fire's BR mode or Clash Squad. They test players' skills and force them to use critical thinking to win.

While strategy and planning go a long way, choosing the right character for the job is also very important. Without the proper abilities, the user will not be able to overcome difficulties during battle.

The in-game character system in Free Fire has been around since the beginning and because of this, the game has a lot of characters to offer.

Each character has its own pros and cons and choosing the right one for a given situation gives you an edge over the enemy. The active skills of each character help users play the game more efficiently.

These 6 characters will give you an edge in the Free Fire BR mode matches and get more kills.

List of Characters to Get Lots of Kills



Jota's skill is called Sustained Raids and it is a character passive skill based on healing abilities. This ability will restore the player's HP for every kill he does. Free Fire players must include this character in their combination.

When it comes to dealing damage and healing simultaneously, there's no better character than Jota. Continuous Attack allows him to heal by dealing damage to opponents. If Jota manages to kill or knock down an enemy, 10 percent of HP is restored, making him extremely durable in battle.

Jota's active skills help him restore HP when fighting his enemies. A single tap can recover 20 percent of lost HP, making it nearly invincible if used with the right aim. Use Jota to play aggressively without worrying about health.



Long distance shooting is an art, and Maro is an artist at Free Fire. Falcon Fervor allows him to deal bonus damage to distant targets. Damage is based on distance and scales from 1 percent to 5 percent. If the target is marked by another ability, an additional 1 percent damage will be dealt.

Every skill he has from level one to level six can increase damage, and with each level, the percentage increase in damage increases. For players who want to play outside, the Maro character will be a recommendation.

He deserves a role as a sniper to support his passive abilities and has the potential to compete in DJ Alok's number. Because they are so different and have conflicting skills, it is almost certain that the game will be more exciting when combined.



The next best character for the Free Fire BR mode is Miguel. In Free Fire, EP is a secondary source of life for all characters. They can use it to passively heal themselves, which saves them the trouble of finding medical supplies.

In terms of in-game farming EP, Miguel is one of the best for the Free Fire BR mode. For every enemy killed, the character gains 30 EP.



Next there Wolfrah as one of the best skills that can be used in the Free Fire BR mode to get more kills.

It was strange for a mercenary to seek fame and fortune, but that was exactly what Wolfrahh did. His ability, Limelight, kicks in as soon as a character gains an audience or secures a kill.

After receiving one of them, he gets a damage reduction of up to 25 percent and deals more damage to the enemy's limbs by up to 15 percent.



Dasha is also the character with the best skills for lots of kills in the Free Fire BR mode. Dasha may not have the best offensive skills in Free Fire, but she is very strong.

Party On gives characters lots of buffs and bonuses. Damage and fall recovery times are reduced by 30 percent and 60 percent, respectively. Also, recoil buildup and maximum recoil are down by 6 percent each, allowing players to get all kinds of tricks during combat.

In battle, Dasha deserves to be placed as a character to get lots of kills. He has a passive skill called Partying On.

One of the female characters released at the end of 2020 named Dasha in the Free Fire (FF) game claims to have defeated the troop (OP). This woman has a strange appearance with short hair, dry shoes, shaved pants and head covering.

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For users looking to land every shot on target, there's no better character than Laura. Sharp Shooter provides a 10 percent bonus to accuracy when scoped. This bonus applies to all weapons with scope attachments in Free Fire.

The higher the level the stronger Laurina's character, at level 4 her accuracy increases to 22 percent and at level five you get Agent's Windbreaker. Then again at level 6 it increases to 26 percent, the seventh level gets an agent banner and at level 8 accuracy increases 30 percent.

Laura's character has excellent accuracy when using binoculars. With this stance, the opponent can easily cover great distances.

The sharp shot which is Laura's main character, can instantly kill the enemy. Even if the team works well with each other, you will definitely have a better impact.

An important part about winning the game is understanding the mechanics and using them to your advantage.

Also read: The 5 Most Popular Best FF Characters in April 2022

Picking the perfect character is always the best way to start a match and you can choose the one that suits you best. Above are the top six Free Fire characters that can help get lots of kills in BR Free Fire mode.
